Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

Before you fix z-atk afkers, fix necromancer afk farming. Oh. Might as well get rid of Squire/Pardoner/Alchemist afk shops too. Gotta be gone with offline buy shops as well. Anything that doesn’t need player input should be gone.

The advantage they are gaining is that they gain more experience, items and silver without any real effort from their side. This is not something has to be in the game. If the “problem” is that the exp gain is too low (which, by the way is entirely subjective), then a better solution would be to implement some kind of rested system. So a player gains more experience after being absent for a while. Then there wouldn’t be any need to afk-farm for extra experience.

I think you are overcomplicating things. They basically just have to disallow unathorized third party program. This is in the terms of service for nearly every online game, for obvious reasons. There is no need for any “amazing detection program”, players who are using macros or bot programs are usually easily detected by other players and can be reported and banned.

Of course summoner classes shouldn’t be able to afk-farm either, but that is a much easier problem. First of all there arean’t too many classes that can do this as of now that I’m aware of. Sorcerer’s grimoire for example, drain sp and therefore can’t be used forever.

The issue is easily solved by either adding a maximum duration to every summon, or even better by adding a simple afk-timer that kicks player that stay online without input for x amount of time. This is used in a lot of mmo’s to, among other things, reduce the server load.

Then just take a flippin break. Since when has it become a standard to be able to progress even when you are not playing? Right now it sounds like you are promoting botting. Because this is excacty what botting is about.

If they are actually building for it then they need to make it a more refined mechanic. There is absolutely no reason for requiring a button to be pressed down using a weight. In that case auto attack should instead be toggleable. Nor is there any reason to prevent the user from using the computer for other tasks while afk-farming, by not allowing afk-farming while the game is minimized.

That isn’t the problem here. The problem is the use of bot-like behavior. If you think Z-farming should be allowed, then why shouldn’t straight up bot programs be allowed as well?

I think that auto-attack afking will be become a thing for only low level characters. One you start to get into to high-level dungeons the mobs do too much damage and take too long to kill, you need to use skills and be present to survive.

So what if from 1-100 people can make levels and gold off this, all of the players who actually play will be making tons more of both by actually playing the game.

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While it might be true that enemies get much more difficult later on it doesn’t stop the fact that, let’s say a level 600 character will not have any trouble farming enemies that is x levels lower. This is not a problem that will simply dissapear later on. Even at max level any player who wan’t to stay somewhat competitive is forced to keep his character online all day just to make items and money, not to mention that things like support classes who can’t afk-farm efficiently will get miles behind anyone else in terms of money and items. The market prices are based on how much money people are able to make, and a player who afk-farms will make millions more than anyone not doing it and therefore be the only once able to afford anything. That just doesn’t make any sense.

I’ve already discussed what I think of the “active players are more efficient”-argument so I’m not gonna bother repeating myself.

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Eliminate funds gain from enemies you are 20 levels higher than, and boom that problem is solved. Item drops are not always collected by the AFKer, in fact a good portion of them are collected by players walking by, so they can actually help real players.

Time to make a sorcerer class for afk farming to avoid all the Z-bots discussion.

Same thing happened in RO with alchemist/biochem and no one cared then.

That doesn’t solve anything. Afk-farmers are still getting lots of items, even if they don’t pick up all the loot. And the items are the main source of money. A single recipe sells for something like 25k~ at only level 120, and they drop frequently. Not to mention that monster gems can be worth anything from 200k to a couple of millions.

And how did that turn out? Ragnarok has one of the worst economies I have ever seen. But I guess that is what you want.

Pretty much this, archer isn’t even a problem. Archer afk auto attacking is so easy to kill and yet a necromancer is extremely hard.

And here we are everyone complaining about auto attackers… Necromancers doesnt even need to auto attack, so what can we do to fix necromancer? Just scrap the whole class? Ban everyone that plays it and afks in a bunch of mobs?

Stop complaining about auto attacking afkers, literally useless topic.
Most of the people here probably aren’t even 160+ to know that there are barely any place to auto attack afk farm anymore. Even if you do you’d find 1-5 mobs and they dont spawn there again. Also there are either range mobs or elites.

RO econ was not bad because of that, lol. Really discredits your argument if you think that is the case. RO still used Zeny as its main currency, that is the definition of a good MMO Econ. Once you stop using the currency of the game and move to barter, that is when you know an econ is bad.

I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Add a maximum duration to summons.

What? So you are saying that because this game uses silver as it’s main currency nothing can go wrong? I’m not following you.

And since you seem to have very insightful knowledge of why ragnaroks economy is broken (except you are claiming it’s not?), why don’t you tell me how it happened.

RO’s econ got broken when Lucky Boxes were introduced and people spammed RL money into the economy since you could sell a good portion of the items that came out of them. This happened very late in RO history, so for the most part RO had a fine Econ.

When you got in the God Item, MVP card market in RO that was when it was super broke since the value of those items were too much comparatively. You had to barter and do trades in the Billions but that is just how it works when an item is just too damn strong.

Ah yes of course, it’s all because of those damn lucky boxes. …Except where exactly did all that money come from in the first place? The boxes themselves didn’t give zeny or items selling for millions to a vendor. Sure, the items could be sold to other player for a huge sum; but they themselves didn’t cause the inflation. The way new zeny is introduced to the game is through item drops that are sold to a vendor. And where did a large part of those items come from? Yeah.

Also, this is getting out of topic and has little to do with the issue at hand.

The inflation in the current ToS CBT don’t come from auto attacker, but from the extreme high price drop in high level area though.

There was nothing wrong with the amount of zeny in the econ for RO it was fine. The supply got f’ed in the A the moment you could pour RL money into P2W items that could be freely traded.

TOS wont have that problem thanks to potential.

Yeah i dont know how and why you’d use a level 120 area as an example of auto attacking afkers. Do you have a level 200 yet?
I can literally make 2mil silver an hour without even trying or use the market… Of course that depends on what class you’re playing but going afk and getting 25k per recipe and monster gem (IF IT DROPS ON TOP OF YOU) is literally chump change…

Try telling me a viable afk auto attacking location 175+ I’d like to know and test it out with my archer. Also i must be able to get loot too because you’re worried that afkers can get those amazing lewt that dies a far distance that will inflate the economy.
I will personally afk for 24hours and come back with my results if you find me a good spot.

EDIT: It could be swordsman too, but if they’re swordsman they are even easier to kill then archers… O.o

The current beta isn’t even that inflated though? Of course you will get more currency at a higher level, if that wasn’t the case then everyone would just farm lvl 1 mobs.

@Remiri So you are saying that the economy will stay healthy forever as long as there is no way to purchase in-game items for real money? Let me kindly inform you that that is not the case. Inflation is caused when there is more currency generated than there is dissapearing from the game.

It is like you forget that economy is supply and demand. RL items boosted supply how could it not affect the econ?

The Econ was fine because there were plenty of Zeny dumps thanks to WoE, you needed slim whites to compete, and those required white potions which you bought from in game vendors. You could use fat whites if you wanted to, but those also were vended.

Equipment broke easily so that was also a zeny dump.

TOS also has zeny dumping in attributes, and potential prevents godlike items from being re-circulated multiple items. Auto-Attack AFK is going to be such a small aspect that past lvl 300 it will be laughable.

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The material price being 15x the initial price isn’t being inflated?

Honestly, the difference between money you earned between higher level and lower level is so huge that it’s laughable to even afk farm. I could probably earn what I could afk farm in a week, by farming at higher level for 1 hour.

As of current, afk farm only helped the lower level players to buy potion, if they don’t have anyone to support them.

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Why are you all arguing over this?

People are going to burn out and leave this game anyway lmao. At least this gives an excuse for a few more to stay, be logged in and have stuff for sell on the AH.

Your only rank are achievements (nerd points) so you can No Life this game all day, Z botters, hell regular botters, won’t harm the game at all lmao.

This is a non issue. Hell there will be maybe 500 people a server after 6 months - so relax, this isn’t a huge MMO launch that is going to retain 1000’s of players lol.

And so you know, when the user base shrinks, cosmetic items won’t allow these folks to achieve ROI, so they will discontinue the game or stop supporting it, or they will have to sell progress / power … that is if they aren’t planning on doing this already.

So be more concerned about p2w and less concerned about some dickweeds holding Z on a low level Map lmao!