Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

its a vulnerability in the design that allows players to take a unfair advantage.

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it’s very relative, by vulnerability i think they mean security vulnerability

and even if you take it the way you took, ppl can counter argument by saying everyone can do it, so no advantages, and therefore no exploits

my point in all of this is that we cannot blame players for doing that, it’s the developers fault, they need to come up with something to stop it, instead of punishing ppl that are doing it

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its a design vulnerability because it can bring in-game issues, like inflate economy. the results are pretty much the same as botting, thats why i believe IMC will deal with that issue.

but i agree with you, its a dev problem, as moogles says players will always(some of them actually) try to be the most efficient as they can even if they need to use unfair methods.

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OK, I want to know…
How did they handle this on Granado Espada?
I remember you could AFK when you use “Auto Attack Mode”
I think this and that are similar…

I agree there’s nothing illegal about it but if you’re AFK farming you’re still doing something that’s largely perceived as ‘wrong’.

You’ll very well be on the receiving end of people who use high level monster gems and exploits to kill players though

Oh, the pain. I don’t think this would be a nice change for ppl who are playing legit auto-attacking builds. At least, it should be possible to hold the attack button for 10 to 20 consecutive attacks.

Absolutely right, something needs to be done here. I think it needs to be a server-sided solution, though.

They are by definition not even illegal. It may not be nice of them, but it is not forbidden right now.

… and that’s why it is not an exploit. Beeing able to hold Z down is a feature, and by no means “unintended behavior on computer software”.

The problem is not the Z key, its the set spawn points for mobs. Remember there was this game called RO where you could do the exact same thing with or without a homunculus in some areas like Hidden temple because of how small the spawn range was for certain things.

Yeah, I agree with you. Hence why I wrote “the most simple solution would be”. But it would still be a hundred times better than the current system. It would be nice to be able to auto attack for a short while or something, but my point is that I think the current auto attack system is a definite no-go.

@chilly0123 Fixed spawn points has very little to do with this issue in my opinion, read my previous reply:

Well, thb I find it quite good that the monsters have designated spawn areas. And yes, it is about the feature to hold down “z”, too, because you can abuse that mechanic not only with bosses, but also with normal agressive mobs. I’ve tested it in different spots with agressive mobs and it works really good.

So punish the real players instead of solving the problem? Nah.

Also keyboard macro to spam the Z key when you hold down Z key is childs play to do, so you would really only be punishing real players.

My solution is bring back dead branches in an easy to get manner.

EDIT: Another solution would be to be able to right-click someone and vote them ‘AFK farming’. After 10-20 unique vote for the same person they get kicked off/temp banned.

They exist already. Just spawn a monster from a core and log out, your lil friend will take care of the rest then.

Arent those as rare as all hell though? Is it consumable?

Umm I had 3 in my inventory from my 150 lvls quest so well… kinda rare. And yes, they are consumeable.

Yeah see I need something spammable like DBs, or the voting option =P

I don’t like the idea of giving players the ability to ban/kick a player, since it can be abused.

I’d go with the current orbs but increased chance of the drop since its very rare at the moment.

It could be abused but it would tough to do so. Limit AFK farming votes to 1 per hour or even 1 per day. As long as the community cares enough it will help resolve the issue.

The only way I could see it abused is if a group of 20 jerks get together and vote ban 1 person, and then the GMs would need to get involved and put infractions on the jerks.

Any solution can be abused, same with orbs. I could spam them in a noob area, it happened all the time in RO.

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Your “dead branches” solution isn’t solving anything.

  1. First of all, it requires the person you are using it on to be low enough level to actually die; using it on a max level player will be pretty much completely useless.

  2. Secondly, the world is huge and every map is most likely going to have multiple channels once the game is released. I doubt many, if any, players are going to bother walking around all over the world, constantly switching channel, just so they maybe find a player auto attacking that they can kill. And even if they do, it is much easier for the guy you killed to just ress and continue with whatever he was doing than it is for you to keep him dead.

  3. You are wasting items on something completely pointless.

  4. Dead branches didn’t solve a single problem in RO, why would it do so here? RO is one of the most bot infested games I’ve played. And its market is absolutely terrible because of it.

This method doesn’t even attempt to stop people from auto attack farming, it’s basically saying that it’s completely fine to do. Getting killed once in a while isn’t going to discourage anyone.

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Nice point, but still I do not like the idea of allowing players to have restriction/penalizing players upfront.

Since you have to go through waiting game to be cleared and we know GM’s does not take action immediately.

DB’s can be corrected by some highbie clearing it, and making it drop not on a very high chance “may” discourage people from using it on low level maps.

Well… If that system does not immediately ban/block/restrict a player until a GM checks the reporsts then maybe that would be an okay suggestion. It would sound like a report button or something.

Offering an easy way for the community to dispose of bots worked for a long time before the GMs in RO ruined it.

You used to be able to put a warp portal underneath players, and this would cause botters to be ported to somewhere that they would get rekt. GMs removed that, so the next best thing was dead branching.

I am just thinking out loud. DB is a bad solution but at least it gets people thinking. If the game was to force me to tap the button every time I auto-attacked I would quit today.

Unless there is some change to the auto attacking system the issue is going to stay. It’s not feasible to report/kill players doing this because there are way too many people doing it because of how easy it is. I’m not claiming that pressing the button with each attack is the best solution, but I think it will greatly reduce the number of player doing this. And any players that keep doing it using macros/auto clickers will be much fewer and hence easier to ban.

As i talked about earlier, something like being able to auto attack for x number of attacks, or y number of seconds will have the same effect, but you will still be able to auto attack. This is not “punishing” any real players.