→→→ Discord URL: https://discord.gg/0uohAmp6uL7n4E7D ←←←
Hey everyone! I just wanted to extend an invitation to anyone who is looking for ToS related discords. We currently have around 700-800 total members, with around 250-280 online on average with very active voice channels. Most of our members are on Klaipeda / Orsha, but we also have a smaller population from Telsiai/Silute/Fediman. We also have the two only streamers that have completed Earth tower in here as well!!
Benefits of joining our community:
-We actually track boss timers, our boss timer channels are actually active
-Plethora of high level/kToS players to bounce builds/ideas off of
-Well moderated and mature conversations, easy to read chat flow, without image/video spam
-NSFW area for funsies :3
-VERY active market place and party finder channels
-Image/Video dumping grounds for those links you want to share
-Several bots based off of Open Source code, to help manage different aspects of the server
-Easy to read roles and special roles for long time/active members
-ToS Gurus with earth tower experience/demon lord experience
Want to join? Click the URL below
Discord URL: https://discord.gg/0uohAmp6uL7n4E7D
People will say what they want about us, but we let our members/channels do the talking for us. Our overall community mentality of “for the players, by the players” has proven to help our community become a haven where players actively contribute to help others find the answers they want, and help them get things done in game. You can find some screenshots of various channels within our community below.
You can view a screenshot of our average population below:
I’ve been on a large amount of discords in the past and I’ve found that they either aren’t active enough, or they’re too active. Having memes and images spammed every 1-2 seconds makes having a real conversation quite difficult. So I’ve set out to create a Discord where people can have general conversations that are moderated to prevent spam and what not.
Our community actively contributes world boss timers for both Klaipeda and Orsha, something that not too many other discords have on lockdown. We also have a very active and organized marketplace for both servers, as well as a compendium of useful information.
I didn’t bother to create a gorgeous post and super fancy images because I don’t believe that fluff is necessary to run a great community. We keep it simple and to the point, and I believe the current non-cancerous / organized / well-moderated chat reflects that.
I will also not be replying to any attempts to start drama within this thread, if you have an issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via PM or through one of the members of our admin team within our community!
Link to discord again found here: → https://discord.gg/0uohAmp6uL7n4E7D ←