Tree of Savior Forum

[Discord Community] The TOS Discord (All Servers)

Big things poppin, little things stoppin. We’re pretty busy tonight!

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday morning and a great rest of the day!

Is anyone planning to go see xmen this weekend?!

One of our very own community leaders is currently streaming / commentating one of the largest smash tourneys in the US! Tune in at :

By mature you mean is full of “politically correct” maggots and SJWeasels etc?


No, by mature I mean mature of course. :slight_smile:

I hope so, because this maggots like to call themselves mature, but in reality are worst than children.


Agreed. We can all agree that Jack n the box tacos are great though :slight_smile:

3 day weekend! Anyone doing anything exciting tomorrow?

I’m confused. Why do you have 3 first names? Mindy/Christina/Melanie. None of these are a nickname for the other either.


Just IGNs from other games. I like using single word first names if they’re available!

Happy memorial day everyone!

Back to work tomorrow! Anyone planning on going to A-Kon and want to meet up?

Good morning! Back at work and the start of another week! Come join us in discord and stay entertained!

Great community to spend some time with. :slight_smile:


Wish I could experience what it’s like to try to talk on a mic with 250-280 active people online all being active on voice chat. But, my sanity requires me to abstain from such fun and my doctor told me to stay away from things that give me a headache.

Oh well.

Haha not all 250-280 people are online on voice chat at once. Most people just use chat, with an assortment of personalities on voice chat C:

Glad to have you here too DK! <3

Welcome all new members! <3

I would’ve supported this , but all I’m seeing, in most of your pictures, are just “ideal” snapshots of a “moment”, where you can make claims that your discord is what it is.

But if your trying to build a community, why are you blatantly advertising yourself as a guild leader, and with your entire guild on the right tab.

I’ve been to a lot of discords myself, including most of the reddit officials, but , while not all of them are as focused in ToS, at least it doesn’t feel like a self-advertising front.

^ you have just utterly contradicted yourself , : /

I’ve been hearing in-game that people from your discord, tend to troll several other discords as well. Whether that is true or not, I cannot say. But consider this a little constructive criticism on handling the people in your community better.
