Tree of Savior Forum

Direct P2W in Korea. Will you stay if it comes here?

kToS has new gacha cubes that include items like silver anvils, high level gem abrasive or Practionium. Would this cause you to leave if these new cubes became part of iTos?

  • I would definitely stay
  • I will wait to see what happens but probably stay
  • I will wait to see what happens but probably leave
  • I would definitely leave
  • I already left

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IMO something only becomes purely P2W if it has ALL of the following properties:

  1. Provides an advantage over other players, especially in PVP
  2. Can acquire indefinite amount of it as long as you have the $$$
  3. Can NOT be traded with other players, especially to freeloaders, nor can be put in the auction house

#2 being not always a case, but #3 being the most important factor.


I go by when people start using the word… “Fund” when referring to gearing characters. Kind of think that may happen with something like this.

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I think we do react poorly to things like this (North America). Not so sure about the EU though.

There maybe differences between generations of gamers at this point though.

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a problem is… those 4k ppl in all server. need to split between asia/eu/na .
I’m pretty sure no way asia’s player wanna go to eu/na server again.
and i think eu/na don’t want to play in asia server either. Because it pretty lag.

and maybe you need to split between ppl and bot too lol. so do you think how many ppl left?

I doubt this new generation you speak has the funds to pay for these expensive golden turds.

huh, why split? its a merge~

its a casual game anyway~ not like 300ping stop u from getting cubes~

pvp/gvg, just buy cheap vpn~ not like class is balance anyway…

imagine anytime u can queue for any mission/dun anytime any day~
imagine u can find grind/quest party anytime~
imagine u can find any material in the market~

imagine world peace n free of hunger~

imagination is a powerful tool~

sorry, i jus imagining things…
this is korea mmo


South Americans already hate the fact that their server was relocated to North America, and it’s even worse for other regions that would have an even higher ping. We could definitely merge Orsha and Klaipeda, though, not sure why that hasn’t happened already.

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hate but still 1k pop in silute~

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Locate the server in Russia lol
Its near to us West Cost near to eu and nearto sea just Sa would have a bad time q.q


africa cape town so everyone can lag together


bottomline is, no matter what happen, people still gonna play tos~

tos gonna live on, with or without u

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Serious i think NA/SA/Eu server can get merged together.
But the server should stay on the east coast.

Sea Servers have enough ppl but who knows what happen if the mobile game comes?

im from sea, believe me…

u can hardly find dun/mission outside 6pm12midnight…

dota2 500k population, sea server 4am i can still find mmr match in 5min

and dota2, people still play on 300ping n its more competitive than tos

tos seriously need queue-anywhere n more people playing…


Did you guy know when you are on queue. You will merge with other server right?

for ex i’m in server Verena. But when I’m queue to play mission 100. I will got a party with Telsiai+Varena.

When I try to create new team in Telsiai if I use a team name same as the one in Varena. I found out it’s can not do that. Because it already exists.

So I pretty sure Varena & Telsiai are in same database.
And maybe Klaipeda & Orsha are in same database too.
But Fedimian & Silute is split and not use same database with other.

yes, even so, 3pm or 3am, u still hardly able to find queue…

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Put Class Reset and Stat reset potion in TP shop instead of this bullscrap gatcha …this P2W plus the need to reroll a character everytime the classes changes are gonna make western players leave even more. be smart IMC, as someone who loves and hopes for the best to Tos, don’t f*ck this up !


I can deal with p2w to an extent. After all, I played maplestory and did quite well in the game for quite some time.

However, this is the last straw for me in ToS. I was already thinking about quitting heavily due to other changes/additions/state of iTOS but this is way too much