Tree of Savior Forum

Did I mess up my wiz build (suggestions)

Soooo being the person who didnt really research in the beginning for classes realized that maybe i messed up my build by going Linker…

My build so far is Wiz 3> Linker 1 > Ele 1

Would it be better to pursue up to Ele 3 or go for Ele 2 then warlock? Heard that warlock would scale better damage wise for PVE…

Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thanks!!

I’ve seen much worse, but linker isn’t really that great (to say the least) in this build. If you dont mind it would be easier to just roll over.

As for warlock - neither r7 wiz classes are overwhelming atm - much depends on what future circles will bring - but warlock looks more promising imo. For now Pole of Agony is great at bosses - though it have terribly long cd ;/

I dont think rolling over is an option for me being how much time I put into this character… Hitting level 125 took me a long time :frowning:

Don’t worry, it’s not like you need to follow the most popular way to be successful. Just play and have fun.

So I would probably go for ele3 instead of war if i were you. Frost cloud is great!!!

Your right its really fun playing as a Wiz just needed some suggestions so that I can have better time with the class :smiley:

Thanks for your quick reply :smile: l probably stick with Elementalist for now who knows maybe ill change my mind later on!

Honestly, Link works badly with Elementalist, you should reroll your char while you still have time and no such a high level.

Wiz 3> Link > ele 3 wouldn’t be bad linker has some synergy with ele

One question though (or probably more xP): As far as I know the Worldwide release is on 28th of April - so does Open Beta Chars transfered to the final product or something? I thought that when main release takes place, the progression is wiped and everyone is starting from the beginning - so why would anyone be bothered by bad build and rerolling? Am i wrong? Am i missing something? How does it work?

lol nope. That is not happening.

I see - thanks for the clear up :wink: Well now at least it will be easier to lvl with all those pardoners and alchemists just w8ing for clients :wink:

I think link works with electrocute.
Since each of electrocute hits enemies once and then bumps to the next target it should work with link.
If you link 5 targets each of these targets should recieve the full 9 hits from electrocute 15.
I haven’t tested it, though.

Even if that’s not the case, linker is also useful for dragging multiuple enemies to the same spot (hangmans knot), which is useful for Elementalists aoe skills. Especially archer enemies can be a pain to get in aoe range without link>hangmans knot

Also, i think link works with magic missile.

I may be mistaken but i think that it was patched so Electrocute with link will just hit twice (once from electrocute and one from link) - so if we use electrocute on lets say 9 mobs and link 5 of them - then those 5 will die sooner, but we will still have to finish the rest off - so the same amount of time spend on the mob group - it isn’t efficient.

Yes - link works well with MM - but well its low rank spell - it wont do much dmg late lvls. Probably the best spell for link would be pole of agony - though imo its unwise to take link in this build - better to take proper linker to your party anyway.

Pole of agony works with link? It’s just a ground spell, like Flame Ground and Fire Pillar, which don’t do amplified damage with link
Why would Pole of Agony benefit from link?

Doesnt Fire Pillar work with link? If no then sorry for misleading - I was mislead ealier xP

rate my build please

Reflect shield is really bad atm, i think 0 points there. You could go lethargy3 for attribute or for e bolt.

Joint penalty5 and physical link4

Probably maxed ice wall instead of ice pike/subzero shield

Rune of Destruction (almost as good as eles meteor) instead of Rune of Giants (which prevents the skill usage).

Kino 2 for stunlock may be a bit better than linker though.

I’ve argument

Reflect Shield is fantastic spell that applies to ur party, the stagger remove is a must have for wiz class

Ebolt is retard, so I don’t want to talk about it

Penalty 4 and 5 is not huge so go whatever here

Rune of Des is trash since this build don’t have wiz3 to compensate and RoG to support your Party is a must

kino2 >>>> bad
If I really want to do kino2 things. I will go for kino3 instead of cryo3 but that makes a huge different in gameplay since linker1 still in this build

the next question is which one should I choose to optimize this build
cryo3 <-> kino3
warlock <-> RC

If you choose cryo3 go for RC.
If you choose kino3 go for warlock

Imo cryo3kino1 is More PvE oriented while kino3cryo1 PvP.

Reflect Shield only prevents stagger early lvls due to dmg reduction - at higher lvls when dmg you receive increases it only prevents knockbacks sometimes.