Tree of Savior Forum

Design Breakdown - Alchemist

WARNING - This thread isn’t made for new players or those that seek guidance on how to use said class, please look for proper threads regarding it such as class overviews and build guides. Design Breakdown is a design discussion thread only and has no purpose to help players on practical aspects of the game.

Starting another Design Breakdown with a controversial class that always finds it way on any single game, be that as a class or a profession, the one that doesn’t spare family nor pets - Alchemist. In case this is your first time on a Design Breakdown topic go to this link for some basic information. All threads were updated to the new format and you can check the new score explanation here as well.

Alchemist - RANK 6 - CRAFTING

“Alchemists use alchemy to enhance gems and synthesize or craft items.”

To summarize in a single word, “items”. Everything it does is based on items, may that be making something new, enhancing an existing item or destroying it. What Alchemist wants is to make profit through items.

Alchemy comes from arabic language, which can be translated to ‘chemistry’, and in its heart was science, technology wasn’t as developed it had to dealt with a lot of experimentation in order to find more about the world we live, the reason it became an individual word may be due the mystical elements were attributed to it through time as their practices could be questionable even at their time.

As main goal they wanted to know the composition of matter as at explanations varied and the most accepted ones said natural essences were responsible for the material things, along with that they carried the desire to manipulate essences and change any material into a more valuable one and that’s how the legend of the philosopher’s stone/elixir came to be as the physical manifestation of this concept.

Combustion (D) - Midground

Starting up with a chemical phenomenon, as they had limited tools it was essential to experiment and not all results would end up safely. Fire had an important role and heating certain combinations could result in explosions, thus it is a natural theme fit.

Combustion takes advantage on the game drop mechanics to deal damage as it targets loot on ground, the issue tho is that it will target all of it which isn’t reliable nor practical. For it to work there should be some way to sort what kind of item will or not be destroyed but that would demand too much effort to make it happen.

The silver attribute does help the skill but it can only triggers if the user don’t have any drops around, thus it won’t protect them in case you need the skill and want to preserve the loot.

Dig (F) - Gimmick

So far there’s no one in particular that wouldn’t be capable of digging, it could be arguable that some ingredients were found only underground but that may be a stretch.

The whole purpose of Dig is to setup Combustion combo and nothing else, without a floor this skill is as good as dead, it’s no use to have it at lower level as each level corresponds to the amount of dug items, that’s aggravated by the instant pick up for each item that spawns near the caster. It would be better for it to be removed completely but adding a brief delay before dug items are collected could be enough to make it usable.

Tincturing (C) - Lead

As medieval medicine was underdeveloped Alchemists also experimented with new medications, they believed some potions would grant you special abilities and that contributed to its mysticism.

Ticturing has a conceptual flaw that could be seen miles away, it only improves potion efficiency as leveled. If we take two Alchemists, one with Tincturing 5 and the other one with 15 they both will use the same amount of materials and yet the second one will craft a potion considerably stronger, when it comes to business there’s no doubt on which one will sell their goods. Just to warp the business aspect, unlike shops there is no price rule for potions and the only way to make lower level potions viable to sell is by selling cheaper, yet that is up to the community as market is regulated by players in small affairs such as consumables.

It would be unfair to have same outcome for both and giving a new potion for each skill level won’t help much as it still gives a major advantage for c3 and won’t allow players to stop midway, a fairer way to address it is by changing the outcome quantity.

The way the skill is, each time the skill completes its cast you get an X amount of Z lvl potions, by removing potion level any Alchemist will make the same potion but higher circles will get more of it with the same materials.

Formula 5 + Skill Level

Skill Level 1 5 10 15 Crafted Potions per Use 6 10 15 20 Increase for Current Cost (%) 288% 342% 378% 400% Increase for Double Cost (%) 144% 121% 189% 200%

As such having it maxed would give twice the amount of a c1 Alchemist limit, even if doubles the material consumption it would still be more viable for players to compete on market or at least have good potions for personal use. Tincturing also has a hidden component that unlocks more potion recipes for higher circles so that can also balance this low circle push.

Item Awakening (F) - Counter Lead

Changing properties of things was in Alchemist’s goals so it would make sense, also this isn’t an enchantment as the effect is permanent.

It’s bad and boring. The only time this skill was interesting was before the game release as it really awakened hidden stats that items possessed as they were fixed for every single equipment, the current version is nothing more than a lucky game where you try your best to get something not as bad.

One interesting element of Item Awakening was the dungeon that had to be completed in order to achieve the extra stat but it was poorly implemented and was flat boring as any moderate gear Alchemist could clear it before the next wave spawn, most of the time inside the dungeon was waiting and anyone that didn’t knew how to glitch mobs couldn’t even AFK till boss spawn. It would be different if the dungeon had some dynamic elements, if it had rooms that affected the outcome players would be engaged by it and also have control over the progression but it seems like that won’t come back so soon if ever again.

What i see as the ultimate form this skill could have is a short selection system for stats based on each weapon, may that be done through their category, grade, level or a combination of all them. The amount of substat lines would be determined by the equipment grade and the skill level allows multiple lines to be opened in a single use, it could be the only shop that gives customers a fun experience along with some quality service but that would require a lot of work to be implemented.

Easily one of the worst circles to take by itself, not only the point distribution is horrible but all skills are straight bad, Tincturing is useless aside for personal use and yet it doesn’t match higher level potions, Combustion is decent damage wise but has troublesome execution to be bothered and Dig is a straight up joke. The only decent skill is here is Item Awakening as it has a single level only yet it isn’t enough to make the class desirable.

Gem Roasting (D) - High Lead

Taking impurities out is something that even the chemical industry does today, take that along with another basic principle of Alchemists to reach pure material and you have a theme connection that fits like a gauntlet.

Gem Roasting is another of those skills that won’t allow any mid level to exist, even if players don’t have lvl 10 gems they won’t use a lower level service. There might be a way to address that but it won’t be as easy as any of the changes i listed so far, even on other threads.

Magnum Opus (C) - High Lead

The translation of Magnum Opus is ‘masterpiece’ and that is indeed present in the skill as with the right combination can create an Alchemist’s (Philosopher) Stone which is indeed the masterpiece of alchemy, and that item enables Alchemists to have an homunculus. Both things weren’t available when the game was released so it’s up to us to interpret it.

Magnum Opus has many issues that i’ll have to ask for your patience to get into it. For starters the execution of it is done through a grid that can accommodate items, if a specific items are placed in a specific shape it can select them to generate a single unit of a different item, at this point you may see the issue with it. That means each time you want to transmute an item or try a new combination you have to drag every single material unit from your inventory to the grid, and if you do get a result you’ll have to repeat the process again, and again, and again.

Following that we have to know which items can be combined and how. The amount of materials (and consumables) in the game surpasses a thousand yet for the skill to work you need to know the ‘recipe’ of items and shape, few combinations requires more than a single item to be inputed but in any case their quantity vary from 3 to 10 per conversion, the amount of available combinations is countless for something that can only be achieved by trial and error. So far the list of recipes was seldom updated and even when it had few new entries, yet it’s near to impossible for a new player to use the skill on its own and even veterans have to look for guides. The only thing the skill does right is to organize shapes in item families which helps players to discover combinations once they know the logic behind it, yet each try is another drag session that may or not result in an item.

If you think that was bad be ready for the next part, multiple combinations. As the grid as big as 8x8 it would be natural for players to try take advantage of that space and fit as many combinations possible, yet that bug the skill and waste your time and patience. It might have been fixed at this point as it used to allow it back then, but at a certain patch it wasn’t possible anymore.

Lasty this skill has a pitiful input to output ratio and just to point out real quick, we can connect this property to the principle of energy storage and transmission that states that any energy transference will always waste some energy due resistances, that can also be applied to ingredients and their quantities as it’s impossible to use 100% of every single thing put on a cake. Back to the skill, since each combination only provides one unit conversions can vary from 1:3 to 1:10 efficiency, that if the output is indeed the desired material else that will be transformed again and may turn into 1:9 to 1:100, and the worst part is that some materials have such low drop rates that it justify using Magnum Opus for conversions such as 1:36.

Also this skill has 6 levels only to prevent access to homunculi at c2. To top it off the homunculus itself has the worst AI in game, uses only a limited range of its master skills and will cast skills whenever it wants, it can be as reliable as a companion yet it will be gone after a week.

Despise all that it is possible to address every single problem the skill has, the grid itself isn’t a bad idea if it allows players to save the last combination used, it would be even better if players had the option to queue it for multiple conversions.

One thing that only Magnum Opus and few other features can do for the game is to have notes (book like item) with combination ‘recipes’ spread through game content, those may be obtained as monster drops, quest rewards, fishing, special interactions with environment, etc. By adding an exploration element that appeals to a single class in a way, yet not required for it, players may interact more with each other, they may sell those notes on market but as they are just instructions they won’t have real value, they may give them out for free to Alchemist friends, those can even exchange information on their notes so both can have access to it. It would be perfect if it came with a tool, maybe as a book, that allows searching and sorting of those said notes.

That may be the best way to keep the exploration/discovery aspect of Magnum Opus and also add a fun minigame for the community to engage on, in fact it can also be a easy way to add small batches of new content to the game by having more notes to hunt as combinations are added to the list.

To wrap it up the ratio of conversion can be changed into 20~50% based on item outcome rarity as some items aren’t rare nor useful enough to require massive conversions, at least do it for the lower level drops that compose 275- equipment.

Most of the issues within the class are still present here, Tincturing is slightly improved but not enough to be allow players to compete in Market, Gem Roasting scaling also prevents it to be of any use and Magnum Opus is just too annoying to deal with for the average player, it can be useful but isn’t nearly enough to support the whole circle.

As the usual crafting class this is the circle where it lacks combat power, the only advantage Alchemist has is that it already owns a strong damage skill yet the execution doesn’t help it at all, that will only be addressed at the next circle.

Alchemistic Missile (F) - Relief

Nope. This skill is disgusting, it’s too late in the class, it doesn’t have the minimal thematic connection and is a flat straightforward boring skill that have been reused for the third time.

It feels like they didn’t bothered to do anything for c3 so i won’t make it different.


There are two skills that sustain the class, Tincturing and Gem Roasting, and everything else is pure sprinkles, so is the fact that Alchemist is horrible aside for its last rank. Back then when it had Briquetting the class had something else to offer, it wasn’t a great skill but it had some niche uses and unique value. Magnum Opus may be a mess but i’ll acknowledge it has value and also a small player base that can make use of it but that won’t change the fact it is the most annoying skill to deal with and relies completely on outside sources or addons to be used.

Just rework the whole class from ground, no small fix will handle it and one or two new skills also can’t do the job. The community is asking for a throwing potion skill since the game beta and i would fit perfectly, just add a menu to equip potions similar to Wugushi’s and let it have some support value, heck it can even use to throw special offensive potions.

C 1 C 2 C 3
Identity C A E
Theme C A F
Gameplay E D E
Cohesion D D E
Point Distribution F E E
Dropout F F C

And concludes this depressive breakdown, next week things will be different as we have a twin release that was planned to be on this week. It would be way easier to take one by time but due the classes circumstances they must be done together, this also means their format will be different than usual and for better understanding of one both have to be read. In case i don’t manage to get them both in time i’ll do a light version on the winner hidden class and get the double release mid week. Also it may be interesting to recheck the older threads as they were slightly updated to fit this new thematic analysis.

If you feel like leave a comment with some suggestions on what could be done to Alchemist or crazy ideas that may fit it (don’t forget it isn’t supposed to be an offensive class), hit the like to show your appreciation for design breakdowns and even requests for the next class to be taken.


uff so hard to keep it cool with this one… mainly cause am falling asleep again :relieved:

will edit more…

wanted to say some items of magnum opus req Dig

EDIT TIME V1.0.Cookies:

You are almost perfectly on point, only thing I would disagree is with throwing potions…

instead I would like for alchemist to be able to select what they drop on the floor like you mentioned for combustion and it be almost all items allowed…

I always found it rare you cant actually drop items like other games in ToS the vanish and that can be great and suck at times…

So letting alchemist put stuff on the ground could be great…

I bet some might be sick of me saying this, but Alchemist hit a very big spot on my feels string…
When I first came to this game back in close beta, my dream and the reason I started as a Wizard main was because I wanted to be alchemist…

But I never could, beta ended before I could reach alchemist and hen I got seduced by other (better) ranks and then other classes and all I heard about alchemist constantly was how awful and non fun it was, but then on a not so long reset I said ENOUGH!

and became finally a C3 Alchemist… and know what, I LOVED IT… it was trash, but it was a kind of peaceful trash…

I liked it so much that I changed from my always on badass Psycho costume (which would be a master kino costume if I wasn’t forced to pay for the kidnapped characters after the merge), to the more casual alchemist costume :3

and becoming an alchemist was the start of a nightmare as the skills/things that people complain about get completely strip off the class in the hopes of it getting put in better…

is like going to the hospital complaining about your kidney and they just remove it in hope they can get you a better one later MAYBE…

and that’s where my first edit/post ends…


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Alchemist is currently the worst class in the game. They should give it the Sage treatment and make it actually useful outside of its crafting utility or remaking it as a Rank 7 “hidden” class (simple unlocking quest like Chaplain’s) with:

  • Tincturing (as a sit function and no more lvl 1-15 pots since pots of lower level serve no purpose)
  • Magnum Opus (as a sit function, unlocked and upgraded via an attribute)
  • Item Awakening (lvl 1 skill)
  • Gem Roasting (lvl 1-5 skill with a lvl 1-5 attribute to roast gems of higher levels, requiring Gem Roasting lvl 5)
  • Dig (lvl 1-5 skill with an attribute to make items explode after a few seconds)
  • Alchemistic Missile (lvl 1-5 skill with an attribute to apply a debuff to increase elemental property damage against the debuffed enemy for a few seconds)
  • A new skill called Throw Potion (lvl 1-5 skill)
  • Homunculus (with an expanded skillset and an improved AI, maybe make it always target the same enemies as you?)

Throw Potion would be the new signature skill as it would resemble what the various Alchemist NPCs do in many quests throughout the game. Give Alchemist a function called “Potion Pouch” where you’d store potions that would be used as ammo with different secondary effects (poison, confusion, taunt, sleep, freeze, burn, slow, mana burn, etc.).


Now after all the time that this class was implemented it Just look like a bait class for olders RO players since the costumbre with flask atatched and the dummy homunculus promise its look Just like a bunch melancholia with a lot of dirt and bad mechanic

Being realistic any class who can make potions and a basic chemistry must think on thos a flask/rock and make it explote with combustión. Its Just a realistic thing. Even time ago that skill can explode some deploys and summs like the fireball or the souls of wl but with the time its Just be forget for the developers Even when tons of players ask for some love for this class

Rly shame for this and for the New bard class. Its look like they make class Just to fill the ranks and they are out of ideas

Violent reaction/rejection right here. ANYTHING with AI + player is bad. Anything. That said, I like the idea of alchemist being a pet class (just no AI).

If IMC is open to a full rework, here’s my list.

  • Consolidate the class identity: vendor, homunculus, potions
  • No AI

Passive attributes

  • Increase weight limit
  • tincture as an attribute to craft potions via crafting UI (just like dispeller crafting). Potions created have no lv but are as potent as current lv15 pots.

New interface
Potion pot resource (just like poison pot for wugushi)
Convert any plant items into potion reagents (just like converting insect items to poison resource)

C1 = vendors (capped at lv5), potions
C2 = slime skills
C3 = more slime skills

Vendors (gem roasting and magnum opus)

  • Gem roasting needs to add an effect that allows you to remove gems without losing a gem lv. This effect would disappear on gem removal (so you need to re-roast to be able to remove a gem). This makes roasting have continuous demand promoting more (infinite) roasts which will happen to sink more silver (won’t make a dent though given how much silver is created by just farming). This gives alchemists steady vendor demand.
  • Magnum opus needs to be a shop. Do it.

Potion skills

  • Red Puddle
    Throw an HP potion and some potion reagents at a targeted area to create a red puddle for 30 sec. HP potions used in that area grant a substantial increase in HP recovered.
    Additional HP potion effect + 5% * skill lv
    0 SP cost (costs 1 HP potion + x potion reagents)
    0 CD
    ! Attribute: increase area - spend 1 more HP potion to double the radius of the puddle
    !! This is very similar to how chortasmata works. You create an area where something can happen.
    !! Neop cards already have this effect (boosting HP potion effects)

  • Blue Puddle
    Throw an HP potion mixed with some SP and some potion reagents at a targeted area to create a blue puddle for 30 sec. SP potions used in that area grant a substantial increase in SP recovered.
    Additional SP potion effect + 5% * skill lv
    x SP cost (costs 1 HP potion + x potion reagents)
    x CD
    ! Attribute: increase area - spend 1 more HP potion to double the radius of the puddle
    !! This is very similar to how chortasmata works. You create an area where something can happen.
    !! SP version of Neop (forgot which 1) cards already have this effect.

Slime skills

  • Red Slime
    Throw potion reagents mix with your blood at a red puddle to turn it into an immobile red slime (can use experimental slime model). This slime hell breath in front of it (faces away from you on creation) while alive. This slime lasts until killed.
    Slime HP = spent HP + (skill lv * spent hp / 10)
    0 SP cost (cost x potion reagents + 10% mHP)
    0 CD
    ! Attribute: blood slime - spend 5% more HP when creating a red slime
    ! Attribute: solid slime - reduce the damage take by the slime by x%
    ! Attribute: hell breath - increase this slime’s damage by x% if at least lv 5 hell breath is learned
    !! This is the same as carve owl except this will take regular damage instead of just 1 per hit and casts hell breath instead of that green stuff.

  • Blue Slime
    Throw potion reagents mix with your blood at a blue puddle to turn it into an immobile blue slime (can use blue slime model). This slime casts hail on to of it while alive. This slime lasts until killed.
    Slime HP = spent HP + (skill lv * spent hp / 10)
    0 SP cost (cost x potion reagents + 10% mHP)
    0 CD
    ! Attribute: blood slime - spend 5% more HP when creating a blued slime
    ! Attribute: solid slime- reduce the damage take by the slime by x%
    ! Attribute: hail - increase this slime’s damage by x% if at least lv 5 hail is learned
    !! This is the same as carve world tree except this will take regular damage instead of just 1 per hit and casts hail instead of silence.

  • Black slime
    Throw potion reagents mix with your blood at a targeted area to create an immobile black slime (can use black slime model). This slime casts dark theurge while alive. This slime lasts until killed.
    Slime HP = spent HP + (skill lv * spent hp / 10)
    0 SP cost (cost x potion reagents + 10% mHP)
    0 CD
    ! Attribute: blood slime - spend 5% more HP when creating a black slime
    ! Attribute: solid slime- reduce the damage take by the slime by x%
    ! Attribute: dark theurge - increase this slime’s damage by x% if at least lv 5 dark theurge is learned
    !! This is the same as carve world tree except this will take regular damage instead of just 1 per hit and casts dark theurge instead of silence.

Obviously the slime skills will need some form of limit (like slimes can only be created when at full HP … idk) to prevent unli slimes.


The only thing I need is permanent homonculus for that booty.

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This isn’t a bad idea but the downside is that it will diminish some of the class thematic value, the only way to display progression is by adding more potions and it may also prevent Alchesmist to get 5x per use as it is now.

Since ToS doen’t have any direct targeting to allies it may work to throw at ground and create some form of cloud for a duration, in fact that can be the leveling factor as one extra second per level if a c1 skill. The potion pouch is nice and allows support or offensive use and even enables outsoucing in case they don’t want to bother with Tincturing. Another possible interaction is to allow combustion to explode those clouds and apply elemental damage based on them (Ex: ice damage for SP potion).


I think slimes are interesting but they shouldn’t be a damage source, it could be an interesting way to have them as dummies that trigger some minor effect when hit. If they have any skill ties or use AI it’s quite likely for them to harm other classes.

No one mention that but they can also make an elemental transmutation skill that consume minor debuffs applied to enemies to change their element (freeze - ice, burn - fire, shock - lightining, curse - dark, etc).

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I like the idea of throwing potions into the ground for a puddle/cloud, and also, like it was mentioned on the last post previous to this one, the idea to activate said puddle/cloud for extra effects is nifty. Maybe it would be complicated but I would prefer be able to activate effects based on combination of chemicals, like if you throw a a blue potion into a red puddle it might produce an AoE heal cloud that lasts a few seconds and like it was coined already, generate different effects like elemental dmg.

In order to not make this a spam fest, Combustion can be changed to a skill that only works to activate said chemicals with an overhead, so you might be able to activate something like 3 different chemical puddles before it goes into CD.

Edit: I feel throwing potions over potions and then activating them might be kinda redundant now that I think about it, the activation would need to be the instant the second potion touches ground for it to not be as annoying. If it needs combustion for activation in the end, better to have the mix ready before hand, so a single chemical mix throw + combustion to activate it might be better.


No AI. They just keep casting at fixed intervals forever (like how owls keep firing in 1 direction while they are up). In addition I made them learnable skills so that they don’t need to make new skills and they could synergize with other classes (that cost only 1 rank) so that alche wouldn’t be complete dead weight if you go alche3.

  • hell breath in 1 direction forever until killed
  • hail in place forever until killed
  • dark theurge in place forever until killed

All doing increased damage (maybe x1.5? x2?) if you have the skill learned.

I wanted that at 1st, but given skill slots (4 - 2 - 1) per rank there wouldn’t be enough. If we bring vendors down to 1 then maybe.
c1 - 1 vendor + 3 puddles?
c2 - 2 more puddles?
c3 - combustion?

Another problem is I don’t know if IMC can actually code this. They can do 1 puddle 1 effect because they can do chortasmata + carnivory or flame ground + meteor, but I don’t know if they can do more than 1 puddle for 1 spell. For example:

  • combust 1 red and 1 blue puddle for an ice spell so cold it burns
  • combust 2 red for a strong fire spell

I only ever suggest things that IMC has already coded for in the past.

Hmm I was thinking more along the lines of letting alchemist create their own throwing potions, each one with their own CD, and only alchemist would be able to directly use these items with a Throwing Potion attribute. But item based potions would give alchemist too many options, unless we use the already mentioned potion pouch idea and limit the amount of potions that can be used (setting 3 potion types in the pouch would enable them for use).

I liked the multiple puddles idea so if more than one alchemist were on party they could mix and match or in TBL one alchemist could activate others puddle and “steal” it, but you’re right that I’m probably over complicating stuffs and just using one puddle and combustion is enough and something IMC could code.

just let alchemist make offensive potion through magnum opus.
but have simple skill to target any position, like sorcerer’s hold/attack ground.

and then give attribute to use which category/rank of potions, like randomize throw or rank 3 potions only.

while at it, give homunculus a skill to buff alchemist like Sorcerer’s cat.
maybe chance to not consume consumable/offensive potions.

edit: this reminds me of Enchant Round!..

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Tincturing should increase variety of potions you can create. Not the actual levels. A better alchemist has more products to sell, but a c1 alchemist can sell the same quality of goods they do have access to.

I don’t see why the crafting classes don’t get some more party based attributes to make them well…more then a gimmick.


Exactly. I told it in my alchemist topic too that I think tincturing is not good as it is now… like c1 and also c2 alchemist is just not worth it this way imo…

The issue with this approach is that it’s harder to balance out an interest curve and distribute potions per circle properly. If we have better potions with more levels the skill still keeps as a mandatory max for each circle, and as such it will still push players to max the class, or have it to get less improvement with skill level to the point it may even not be worth maxing in the first place, by taking this direction it would be better to have the peak at levels 5~8 and then fall back with more niche items.

As for the other issue, and knowing IMC it’s almost guaranteed it will be like that, is to communicate the level improvement as “More craftable potions/Craftable potions : X” doesn’t do it, even if they do a preview for the next potion on the skill tooltip you can only know the following one and not the full list. That’s why i didn’t even pointed that possibility

Level 1. SP
Level 2. Stamina.
Level 3. Crit attack
Level 4. Evasion
level 5. HP
Level 6. AOE def
Level 7. Accuracy
Level 8. Magic Amp
Level 9. Block Pen
Level 10. Movement speed
Level 11. Loot Chance
Level 12. Attack Speed
Level 13. Crit Rate
level 14. Physical/Magical Defense.
level 15. AoE ratio

Some attribute like “Proper Usage”. Where you increase party member’s potion effects 50% or something when you’re in a party or one where you can apply your potion useage to allies.

Anyways selling HP and SP potions is standard, selling aoe ratio and the like is a bonus. Profit at all ranks.

Lemme use your example to point out why arranging potions in levels can be a problem.

• 1-5 - HP and SP are basic all need pots and are fitting, Stamina is a niche resource but isn’t that impactful and also falls in, Evasion is often overlooked so it won’t engage and Critical Attack is a medium range stat so it has value. That makes 3 out of 5 to be of real interest, yet it’s forcing players to take all in to make the most use of it.
• 6-10 - Aside for Movement Speed as a convenience and Block Pen that can be helpful in some specific scenarios the remaining stats don’t hold up, ADR is niche, Accuracy is seldom needed and Magic Amp is a clunky stat. Here it would be either 0 or max to get use of the skill.
• 11-15 - The only stat that is dismissible is Attack Speed as even Looting Chance can be useful most of time, Critical Rate is huge booster for all physical classes and AAR and Defenses are always welcome. It’s almost impossible to skip a level here and anyone with some understanding of the game would go all circles to reach this point.

If Tincturing has to give room for players to take other skills it can’t have the best non-niche potions in the later circles, else it will still be end not that different from what we have today. My personal distribution for a list like that would something about that.

1 - HP
2 - Stamina
3 - SP
4 - PAtk/CAtk/MAtk*
5 - “Cure” (cure basic damage over time debuffs)

7 - PDef/MDef*
8 - Healing
9 - Max HP/SP*
10 - Looting Chance

11 - Block Pen/Accuracy/Evasion*
12 - Min Attack
13 - Critical Resistance
14 - Attack Speed
15 - Movement Speed

*only one can be used on same level/group

This distribution concentrates a basic set at c1, an expansion for all sorts at c2 and a niche utility package at c3 which won’t push players to get all of it. However if stat potions were added as a real leveling factor it would be interesting to have them with a set of stats.and limited to one per use (overwriting).

Honestly I would go simpler. 3 or 6 pots (1 or 2 per circle via attribute) with lvs increasing potency.

I believe that is a valid alternative.
From my train of thought.
An Alchemist as a “merchant” can have a heavy C3 load of potions if granted there is still profit in the previous ranks.
As it is now, a level 5 potion isn’t worth it.
However if potion values are standardized in Tincture but you get different options then while a C3 Alchemist may have coveted potions to sell, People still need HP and SP potions so a C1 Alchemist is not unable to profit. They just focus their profit on HP/SP/Stamina/ETC potions.

Granted I also think Alchemist has larger issues than just tincture, but whether your distribution, my own, or any other variation I think getting a variety of new potions at each rank makes Alchemist a lot more interesting thematically and in game-play.