Tree of Savior Forum

Deikan Hook 64 user. The great hooker

No offense but the function to pull a character info from anywhere is not from the cavity search. The cavity search’s only function is to forcefully obtain information on hidden slots that the hacker is exploiting.

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Thank you kind sir. The trash has been taken out…now please permanently ban it.

Why are people able to hide equipment instead? Super-intended


bunch of idiot calling another idiot idiot

im the smartest here coz I QUIT TOS!



Negative. No. No Sir.

enjoy your buggy game

Read as: “Let me cheat alone.”

Read as: “I’ll cheat again.”


GM should look into shnjin’s account aswell for RMT

Is this related to recent lagging out of dungeons and TBL?

not guilty until proven

not every guy with pen1s is rapist

bash IMC to fix the loophole instead of focusing on the player…

you all looking at the wrong side of things


why ppl use hack and keep trying to defend themselves lol
taco :taco:

you’re not part of the hue knight faction
don’t impersonate us, you exploit/hook64/cheat/RMT knight



mov aux, 20
for (int c = 0; c < aux; ++c) {
Debug.Print “Hue hue”

Stop pretending you’re all big and mighty.
Your mustache ain’t that epic.

so edgy, let me try mine

屌你老母 你好

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wat about…仆街冚家鏟 你好



How is it possible for your GM team to not respond to this yet? Seriously. Submitting tickets are not working so players are reporting via the forum now. This is going to keep happening because you’re not doing your jobs.

Hello we have already banned the player permanently. Thank you guys!


So, degree of penalty is by popular demand now.

TOS is the online Popularity-Voting game now?

wow, just wow…

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