Tree of Savior Forum

Deikan Hook 64 user. The great hooker

At least you miss out on event rewards. Hope your cocky attitude gets you perma banned now. Youre like a child.

Yeah I’m really gonna miss the rewards on one of my alts that isn’t even max lvl. Huehuehue

The Hue Army does not endorse cheaters.



Bluehound came back under a different name. @GM_Francis for how many days was Bluehound banned? Those two guys were using same nature of cheat, don’t he also deserves a permanent block @STAFF_Max @GM_Francis?

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Sadly that may be true.

Endless cat and mouse until IMC gets rid of all client side exploits, reporting cheaters is a complete waste of time :sleepy: Hook64 can get them to Rank 7 in one day, they literally lose nothing


Confirm perma ban plz


Sorry kiddo. That’s where you’re wrong. Blue hound was screwing with people in pvp etc. I’m only playing pve by myself and instigating nobody until you and your synjin side kick decided to no life stalk me. Anyways if we’re talking about nature of gameplay then your cavitysearch addon is actually worse LOL.

Dont cheat it simple. If you cheat you deserve to get banned. Grow up kiddo.

@GM_Francis Permaban him please rather than a 14 day temp ban that he claims he got.

Alright y’all can just keep wasting your time on this thread. Make sure you keep linking the GMs too because we all know they need at least a dozen mentions before they visit a thread.

I’ll just use another hour to make another r7 alt in the mean time and keep one shotting truffles for 25m xp/hr :slight_smile:

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This post can be taken as a confession thus resulting in a permaban. Hope they do something about it.

Also there are harmless addons and wheel chair addons.
In your case Deikan, that’s a wheel chair to carry your sorry baddie ass around the game. Why don’t you just leave and go play something else instead of doing this ■■■■? Honestly man, how old are you? Twelve?

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-> Anti-hack addon to help people.
-> Actually worse.

Bluehound 2.0

Funny you should mention this. I treat this game as a single player game with some online elements. Minding my own business and logging on daily to do my dailies. Then comes along synjin and his butt buddies who decided they had nothing better to do. Now we’re here; you’ve been following this thread for over a day and wasting your breath following a witch hunt on a person who you had no idea even existed. He wasn’t bothering you and you know he doesn’t care about his alt.

Now you have the audacity to ask him if he has nothing better to do? Lol. Take a good look at yourself and this goes for everyone else here. Take a look at the bigger picture, I can make another alt and get to max lvl within a few days. I can farm a mil silver in under 20 mins. Meanwhile all you guys are patting yourself in the back for this ‘victory’ and IMC earns themselves a few days of praise without really doing anything.

Add-on that abuses the like function to forcefully pull character info from anywhere in the game? Yep sounds intended.

Confirm perma ban plz

20/ We cool now


edited before you replied huehuehuehue

Except cheating like this ruins the game for other people. You say you mind your own business, but in reality you just dont care about how it affects other people and the game. People are quitting over exploits like youre using and the game is being ruined.

Sitting here using exploits and complaining about an addon that can be used to catch you lol.

Nah, you’re right.
You should do it everywhere, heck you should start hacking competitive games like Lol and Dota 2.

While you’re at it, why stop there? You know what? You should start hacking into bank accounts and getting some money from people too! I mean, they’ll not miss a couple dolars from their account and if you hack millions of accounts you’ll be rich and they’ll just be missing 2 dolars. It’s not like you’re bothering anyone at all.

Well, since we’re at it. When you get robbed and maybe get your ass beat like a bitch, don’t mind going to the police, I mean you didn’t even know the guy that robbed you existed right? He wasn’t bothering you at all until that moment, you have no right to complain about it, right? Isn’t that your broken logic?

I’m really not celebrating this as “victory”. I’m just amused by your limited intelligence cause you know what?

You wouldn’t be able to do anything in other games without having to download other people’s work to do so. You probably can’t program something to hack into this game by yourself so stop taking praise on being able to do stuff faster with your wheel chair because you’re not even the one that made said wheel chair to begin with. You’re just another dumb ■■■■ who got busted.

If you’re playing the game solo then don’t join parties and play it solo. You got busted because you were in a party, I don’t know if you know that but playing in a party =/= solo.

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