Tree of Savior Forum

Deceiving " Your team name can be changed later on." IT WORKED!

So its my mistake that they didn’t put in that info box that theres a cost? If they didnt put it there and withheld that information from the infobox wouldnt you assume its free? Dont you think its deceiving to say the least?

No the OP has a pretty good point, it should of been made apparent ingame. It’s quite a facepalm moment when you realise your teamname is already taken…by you on another server.

Do you expect everyone who plays the game surf the forums/news in this website?

Its a steam release, dont you think that information should be found on steam?

In the beta you can change it for free. There is no info about it on steam whatsoever. So what do you think i shouldve expected?

Yes. I expect everyone who wants to try “early access” of any game to read at least pinned topics in announcement category. If they are there and pinned they are probably important.

“0 icoins” is still a price tag and it was there all the time, prices are subject to change, especially during transition from “closed beta” to “release”.

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It’s called “lying through omission”, it’s when you don’t include important information, presenting a false impression of the truth. I actually agree with the OP here, that isn’t clear at all and can be very deceptive. It’s not a good way to present that information accurately at all.


I agree, I conceded it is a good point, but blaming the company with statements like [quote=“rojasblues191, post:1, topic:157103”]
what the hell IMC?
and [quote=“rojasblues191, post:10, topic:157103, full:true”]
If you think what they did isnt a bad move by not stating that you have to pay tp right as you are making your team name makes me question your IQ.

isn’t quite right.

@rojasblues191 Judging that you joined these forums a week-and-a-half ago, I’d venture to say what I expected is that you would have been following at minimum the Moderator posts.

I’m coming off as salty and I apologize but claiming the information wasn’t made available, when you had access to it, is an oversight on your part, but is a very good suggestion for them to address in the future.

Go and open up steam, see all the news announcement they made, is there even one news mentioned about:

  1. the forum except encountering a problem/submit support ticket.
  2. the new player starting guide in the forum
  3. requirement of going to the forum for normal play

Because this post is so right that it should be quoted until everyone agree with it.


IMC might need better Communications employees. I might be willing to offer my services if they want them, because I wouldn’t let the amount of poor communication they’ve been vomiting at us slip by. :V

Its an oversight, yes. Its my fault for trusting imc and assuming it was free. Well forgive me for insulting him, its natural for people to get pissed when you come off with a know it all attitude.

My problem with what they did is. They informed you in that box right as you are making your team name that “Your team name can be changed later on” but why not just add that it costs tp? If the info that you are giving is incomplete, why put it there at all?

Doesn’t that make you think?


It’s called “lying through omission”, it’s when you don’t include important information, presenting a false impression of the truth. I actually agree with the OP here, that isn’t clear at all and can be very deceptive. It’s not a good way to present that information accurately at all.


I agree, it should be there, but I don’t think it was an intentional move by IMC to jerk around new users into spending their Founder TP. Not with their launch and reputation on the line. Scoring a few bucks from a handful of players probably wasn’t their goal.

Perhaps if you link this thread to @STAFF_Ethan in a PM he may find a way to fix your problem and get the text addressed in one motion. Until then you are more likely to be well-received by maintaining a positive attitude as anyone in the customer service field will tell you that exceptions can always be made if the person handling it wants to bend the rules and make it.

The thing is: there shouldn’t have to be an exception made. They should make it clear to everyone and fix the base problem so that it doesn’t happen again, not just cater to a single person who happened to speak up about it. I’ve already seen several people say the same thing at this point, so not only is he definitely not the only one with the issue, but he’s not wrong to feel deceived due to the lack of information/deceptive wording in the message during the creation of the team name.

tl;dr: They should change the message when creating your team name to reflect that it costs TP to change it later, or they shouldn’t say you can change it at all.

I agree. Offer free name changes for the rest of the day and make the text clearer about how the global name actually works and everyone is happy.


Thanks, I will pm that staff and hope that they can change that text so less people will make the mistake i did.

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Problem here is

  1. They did not mention you need to pay to change it,
  2. They did not mention the fact you can not delete it and recreate another one,
  3. They did mention it in the forum with a name containing “How to Redeem Your DLC Bonuses”,
  4. The game is released on steam while not one news announcement mentioned the above thread with a link in the forum and/or as a must read,
  5. Using the string “Team name” instead of a more commonly known “Family Name/ Sur Name/ Last name” within the western culture is a bad localization.

This really makes me think maybe we all needs to be a lawyer of some sort in order to play time due to the interpretation.


very good points. ill add this to the thread so a staff can read this! :smiley:

Like so… If I use Nyankoro on Klaipeda, it won’t be available in Orsha?

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_John

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