Tree of Savior Forum

Deceiving " Your team name can be changed later on." IT WORKED!

And buy another EA ?
(Assuming making a new Steam account is a small deal)

Sure :slight_smile: EA is per account, right?)

Well to be serious, you could try to mail them privately and ask to change it. But it will be a big favor from their side if they do.

If you think what they did isnt a bad move by not stating that you have to pay tp right as you are making your team name makes me question your IQ.

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The same here for typing random team name. It is not smart at all :wink:

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When they tell you that you can change it later on right as youre typing it is cleary them baiting you to make that mistake. Youre probably an imc staff arent you? or probably just a fanboy XD

Man, I sure do wish they would have said something about name changes costing TP…

Oh… wait… they did.



Sure :smiley:


Nothing about that is lying. You CAN change your team name in the future. That is a fact.
You messed up just because you were in a hurry.
Now own up to your mistake. Either pay for the change, or wait until F2P release and make a new account.

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surely its my fault that they didnt state in that menu that it costs tp :smiley: lmao


It’s no need to state it there. You just assumed it was free based on a BETA test, based on an incomplete product in testing. Where they test functions…functions like name changing…And you assume release will be the same?
That is your own fault.

No need? really? Because its that hard to put it there that it costs tp? If they tell you that you can change it in that menu why not add that it costs tp anyways?

I never said it wasn’t hard. Nor did I say that they shouldn’t add that it costs, they can and I am sure it would be appreciated.

But what I AM saying is that they have no reason to give you a name change for free for YOUR mistake.

I do agree it would be better if it was listed in-game, for sure, but the information was made available before-hand. I’ve never created a random name in any game with the intention to change it later, even more so would I not if it was a new game in which you have a chance to reserve a name you like. Changing it later just means you lose that benefit for logging in right at launch because you would be choosing a team name and have to check it against a massive pool of existing names.

It honestly puzzles me why you would choose a random name instead of taking the chance to reserve something you like. To each their own though; it would be nice if it were stated in game, 100%, but you can’t be ripping the company a new one because you wanted to skip a perk of getting in early without first using the search function prior to the game launching.

Hopefully if a staff reads this they take it as a viable suggestion and make changes when possible.


So its my mistake that they didn’t put in that info box that theres a cost? If they didnt put it there and withheld that information from the infobox wouldnt you assume its free? Dont you think its deceiving to say the least?

No the OP has a pretty good point, it should of been made apparent ingame. It’s quite a facepalm moment when you realise your teamname is already taken…by you on another server.

Do you expect everyone who plays the game surf the forums/news in this website?

Its a steam release, dont you think that information should be found on steam?

In the beta you can change it for free. There is no info about it on steam whatsoever. So what do you think i shouldve expected?

Yes. I expect everyone who wants to try “early access” of any game to read at least pinned topics in announcement category. If they are there and pinned they are probably important.

“0 icoins” is still a price tag and it was there all the time, prices are subject to change, especially during transition from “closed beta” to “release”.

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It’s called “lying through omission”, it’s when you don’t include important information, presenting a false impression of the truth. I actually agree with the OP here, that isn’t clear at all and can be very deceptive. It’s not a good way to present that information accurately at all.


I agree, I conceded it is a good point, but blaming the company with statements like [quote=“rojasblues191, post:1, topic:157103”]
what the hell IMC?
and [quote=“rojasblues191, post:10, topic:157103, full:true”]
If you think what they did isnt a bad move by not stating that you have to pay tp right as you are making your team name makes me question your IQ.

isn’t quite right.

@rojasblues191 Judging that you joined these forums a week-and-a-half ago, I’d venture to say what I expected is that you would have been following at minimum the Moderator posts.

I’m coming off as salty and I apologize but claiming the information wasn’t made available, when you had access to it, is an oversight on your part, but is a very good suggestion for them to address in the future.