I’m currently a Wiz3>Kino1 trying to decide between a few builds. I’m going for a hybrid PvP / PvE character, with a slight preference for PvE. I value futureproofing very highly; I don’t mind if the build is lacking right now and will likely be relying on ranks 8 through 10 for damage skills.
Anyway, the builds are as follows:
- Wiz3>Kino1>Sorc2>Warlock
Effectively a gimped version of this build: Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details
Sacrifices the extra DPS from linker for some very slight PvP utility. Swapping into raise also seems like a fun combo to pull off.
- Wiz3>Kino3>Warlock
Seems to be a semi-popular PvP build, though with the kTos kino nerfs I’m unsure if it’s still worth playing.
Also not sure if I should take PP here or just throw the points into the other skills and hope for more damage skills in later ranks.
- Wiz3>Kino3>RC
Might be weaker than the warlock variant but the RC skills seem like a lot of fun. Considering this because I’m taking Wiz3 anyway, which combos well with the long cast times. How viable is RC?
Other suggestions are welcome, but the options listed here are what personally appeal to me (e.g. I’m not especially interested in the ice wall combo).