Tree of Savior Forum

Dark Frost (PVE - PVP)

I just made a build based on Dark and Ice Damage, with a lot of CC and Utility but I need a second opinion. Not sure if it will work as good as I think it could, so please let me know what do you think about it.

First Build

Updated Build: Based on comments about Rune Caster I decided remove it and add Psychokino.

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I don’t like
C1 linker cuz i feel lv 5 JP is not enough.
Rune Caster cuz the cast time is too long for usable in pvp and cd is too long for pve
Warlock cuz you can’t create evil spirit if you are not land the last hit. You will don’t have enough damage to create evil spirit even with Isa(ice rune)+Ice skills.

If i start with Cryo C3 i would end with Crono C3 or Psyco C3

rc without w3? really?

I already tried Psyco3, not so usefull in pve, works fine for pvp but Psyco1 is more than enough since the only skill you actually want is Physic Pressure to use it over Ice Wall. And maybe Gravity Pole, I am not fan of this skin since you need to channel it and damage is not so good.

I also though about Linker2 but just 3 extra links doesn’t look good enough to sacrifice a whole rank… still not sure about it.

Now to create evil spirits I was thinking to use Pole of Agony + Link and Ice Pike + Link this should be enough with most of mobs. Also combine Snow Ball with Dark Surge to add extra damage while ridding.

I agree about the Rune Caster, Isa takes too long to cast, but I took it more for pve utility than for damage itself (Giant Rune) but probably you are right and I should change it for Psyco1 even when I don’t really like this class or maybe Linker2 not sure.

Chrono3 is an intresting option since you will add a lot of CC and some intresting buffs (Haste, Quicken, Stop, Slow, Pass) but do you think it will compensate the lack of damage? (Remmember you won’t be able to add linker to get Chrono3 or Psyco3, not yet at least)

For me going Cryomancer c3 mean already sacrifice to being a dps wiz
i would consider more of utility or unique way of game play.

Agree about that, Cryo is more about utility than damage but I think you also need some damage once you reach those maps where mobs have ice resist or can’t be frozen.

Honestly, I don’t understand the premise, “a build based on Dark and Ice Damage.” If this was your goal, and your goal only. The path wiz, cryo3, sorc2, warlock fits your theme. Obviously, since you want the build to actually be able to do something, you added linker, because wizards are nothing without linker. Then you added kino, because honestly, that class is the main reason people play cryo over pyro. To me this seems like too much ice and not enough dark.

Consider this. What if I showed you your class path like this: wiz > cryo > psy > link > cryo2 > cryo 3 > warlock. Do you notice the problem? You have too many low ranking classes in your class path. That’s means your skills will be significantly weaker than someone else at your level. Instead, you want to pick as many classes unlocked at the rank you become.

This is my personal build

Lets talk about the differences between our builds. Cryo2 offers rng contact freeze. Imo, you should be kiting enemies and not taking their hits. Cryo3 offers a vacuum effect and a mob gathering skill. Great cc but the long cds make it far too unappealing for me. In the end, your main ice damage still comes from your C1 skills.

Linker’s hangman knot already offers the vacuum effect at a much shorter cd, so you’re not losing out on any versatility. I’m trading rng contact freeze and mob gathering on a long cd plus 5 second cast time. For Sorc1 and 2. Sorc 1 and 2 offers you dark damage, strong summons that will attack and dish out damage regardless of cooldowns, convenient passives and buffs, and access to demon skills. Having access to more dark skills early on helps you actually fight ice enemies without suffering a damage penalty. It also offers far more versatility and power.

I already tried wizard>Cryo3>Sorc in the last beta and the synergy is not so good as it looks since the awful AI from summons, specially since Salamion and Summoning share the battle commands so you can’t drive your summon when Salamion is in the battle field… Also Sorc presents a lack of damage and control (even with TS), so I will sugest take linker 2 if you are taking Sorc as your main damage dealer. I will rather depends on Ice in this case, also the damage of Ice Peak at lvl 15 is one of the best instant burst damage in game right now (burst, no DoT). I understand your idea to add another Dark Class to the build, but Sorc is a specialized class that work fine just with a very limited set of skills. At this point I will rather to stick wit just warlock by now and then max it once more rank will be available.

Now the main reason to max Cryo is the huge CC you can get from it with passive atributes per skill level plus the extra skills to freeze. Cryo is utility more than just dps and I strongly disagree about the idea that low rank class represent a weak class since the rank improvement compensates that, remmember this game is about specilization no quantity (5 ranks 1 in your build make it look weak since you never release the real potention of any class, not even from Sorc that will be the main damage dealer in this build). Right now wizard>Cryo3>Psycho1>Filler2 (in the other hand you are right, I have seen some Cryos using Sorc to fill those ranks, but I don’t see any utility from it, the summon is most of time lost or attacking tramps and stuffs like that, the idea to use Pyromancer for Fire-Ice combo looks better) is one of the stongest pvp class from mage tree right now.

nice build but why did you put 1 point in energy bolt and in earthquake ?

EB for nice sparkle effect.
EQ for flashy over kill early level.

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I thought we buried this way of thinking already as linker c1 isn’t nearly as useful as it used to be. :unamused:


Yes, but wizard is nothing without linker c2 now which limits your class choices even more. Unless you plan to solo forever.

I don’t really see Linker2 like a need since you will be moving from 5 links to 8 links (maxed skill) and the cd is just 15 seconds, do you really feel 3 links are worth enough to sacrifice a whole rank since you won’t get anything else from it… specially since the AoE multiplier was removed.

That is so not true. Wizard has a lot of well working builds. It’s sad that you can’t understand it, but it’s not my loss.


Because you never use them after level 15. I mean, you can, but it’s a waste of sp whether its lv1 or lv5. The damage is just WAY too low for the sp cost. Against bosses, you would rather just basic attack or use a 2nd job skill. Ice bolt is basically a better Energy bolt and Ice Pike is basically a better EQ. Like yeah, you can use Ebolt when you need to push some mobs together to pull off a better Ice Pike, and you could use EQ and last ditch CC when Ice Pike is on cd. These moments are fairly rare and in both cases, you’re not using it for the damage.

Yes I know but exactly because of the fact that you will never use them after, why put a single point on it… back on icb2 I just went Lethargy 5, Reflect 5 Sleep 5 because there is no use for those skills

Because lethargy 4 and 5 do effectively nothing. 4 stat points off accuracy and evasion is unnoticeable unless you like to min/max. Compared to that, the rare, but occasional usefulness of eq and ebolt is worth it to me. Plus, it makes the early levels less of a chore. Lethargy 3 is worth getting because it unlocks the attribute, though unimportant early on, is an optional gold sink for when you’re more wealthy later. It would actually be better to get only 1 point at first to save sp for the occasional times you do use it to double strike damage. And add the last 2 points when you actually can dump gold into the attribute.

but why would I put 2 points in something that I will never ever use again after rank 2-3 ?..

You don’t have to follow my build.

And I won’t, I have my own. Just wanted to understand why people would put skill points in a skill you will only use for the current, and maybe, the next rank, that’s all. And… I still don’t understand :confused: I guess that EQ and Energy Bolt points will be somehow useful at late and endgame :confused: Silly me thinking lvl 5 lethargy is better than something you won’t use ever again :confused: