Tree of Savior Forum

Cyro-Chrono (Control CC Mage) Need Help :(


So I haven’t got the chance to play on CBT or in Korean server leaving me clueless of what I want to do. I have been researching for days in preparation to the OBT on the 29th and come up with a build (cryo3 chrono3) …

I have questions about how useful Backmasking is in dungeons and also if it’s working on PVP/GVG?

Is Gust worth to lvl up to 10? and how far it can push enemies? and can gust push frozen enemies? … Which is better; lvl 10 gust or lvl 10 ice wall. Should I consider putting Snow Rolling?

Also in game, I saw stats like STA INT STR… I wanna know what stats I need and preferably how many points each stats XD

I need comments and suggestions about my build. I would want to know if I spent my skillpoints into the correct skills. I intended this build for PVP/GVG/Dungeon Parties and I just wan to know if I’m on the right track

TIA :slight_smile:

Icewall is amazing, would definitely invest in it over gust. I’d get 1 point in gust. Snow Rolling is pretty great CC / grouping, wouldn’t skip on that either.

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ill take note of this. so should I lvl snow rolling to 5 and ice wall to 10?

Yeah, that’d be pretty good.

oh no, I only have 9 points extra since ill leave gust at level 1. in your opinion which is better, Icewall 10 Snow Rolling 4 or Icewall 9 Snow Rolling 5? … Sorry I ask too much questions T_T

Check this one out and tell me what you think.

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few qestions,

  • why Ice Pike lvl 15? … higher damage output?
  • according to my research it would not be practical to level stop more than 5 coz you can’t damage the enemies on the stop range. is it true? :open_mouth:
  • why not include slow? it’s useful in PVP/GVG’s as what I have read.

overall I think it’s an awesome build, but then I still have questions in mind that needs an answer <3

  • Yes, more damage.
  • You can’t hit but while they’re under Stop’s effects they can’t do anything either, so it’s good to regroup after a messy situation or to decrease a few seconds on your cooldowns.
  • I suppose you can drop a few levels on Quicken to get Slow.

Is backmasking really that great to invest in?
I’ve seen some build that lower points in backmasking/stop a bit just to have some slow. I haven’t played ktos myself though.

I’m curious what the stat build would be for this though, anyone have any ideas they think would be best?

(also if anyone needs a cyro3/chrono3 for their group hit me up. If I had a group I’d be willing to make one. Not a build I can solo!!)

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Backmasking is great to invest in, the range increase really makes a difference since the range is in a radius around you

is Backmasking working on pvp/gvg?

Does backmasking also bring things that died back…? I’d assume maybe not because there is the separate reincarnate…? but then it would only move things from one spot a little further back where they were before?

I guess I just haven’t watched enough chrono play to see how it’s usefully utilized.
(the videos I’ve seen mostly showed off haste, quicken, pass, & stop. I’d love more chrono footage, there are so many videos to sort through on youtube. @_@ — apologies for my ignorance!)


it does bring dead things back with 0hp as what i have read but i’m not sure either :frowning:

example of backmasking use :imp:


:smiling_imp: the time troll !!


See? Backmasking is the ■■■■! Hahahahaha

Time abuse. I love it.

I wish backmasking could unrevive players as well xD

but is backmasking working on PVP/GVG’s? XD … btw nice video @titipatt haha

No no no please don’t do that. Quicken and Haste should always be maxed because that’s what Chronomancers get into parties for.

Stop should be left at level 1 to make room for other skills. It is unlikely you’ll ever need that much of a breather (PvP is different though).[quote=“bagelworkshop123, post:11, topic:154850, full:true”]
Backmasking is great to invest in, the range increase really makes a difference since the range is in a radius around you

So far in my kToS experience Backmasking is only used to resurrect a healer or save a party from a wipe. In the former case, having a smaller range is actually beneficial since you won’t have to worry about affecting the rest of the party when you go for the healer, and the latter case becomes rare with experienced parties. Anyway most people leave it at 1 to max out the other skills.

IMO the best way to sort out Chrono skills is to max out Quicken, Haste and Pass, put 12 in Slow and 1 in everything else. If you want a higher level Stop take points out of Slow, though keep in mind that with level 12 Slow you’ve basically crippled your enemy since default movement speed is 30 and you’re reducing it by 26. As good as Stop for non-ranged mobs.