Tree of Savior Forum

cxAnywhere (add-on) and add-on legitimacy

Good shoot…
We made it, IMC made a official pronunciation about addons :+1:
Now… IF IMC will fix these and others security flows, who knows?

Last but not least, as a bottomline question:
Why don’t you used your real forum account to “announce” cxAnywhere release?

If was “cry me a river…”

Why don’t you leave me alone? What are you still trying to achieve? Seriously.

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Yay it’s over.

Maybe next time , keep private addons private. :wink:
Keep it to yourself. People can’t cry and report about it if they don’t know about it. :no_mouth:

I hope they will create TeleEverywhere <3

I think IMC is too amateur to let this coders ruin their game! At the moment they allowed addons to run over TOS=game over! they dont even release that this coders break in to the game, studied the game code and recode those existing game script!

I think the moment they decrypted that LUA file they already cross the boundaries.

where did fiote get his idea on getting those command to work? in this “/indun” which calls a specific function. you could also do this by putting some game function to a button:

startX = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, status, "warehouse", "warehouse", "sysmenu_guild", startX, offsetX, "");
startX = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, status, "shop", "shop", "sysmenu_guild", startX, offsetX, "");

for warehouse and shop

for market and repair add this code to a button function:

what im worried about is when this coders make that GM scripts to work, or maybe they already make it to work!

i dont have any bad intention against the game it is, i love this game ever since it was release, but this game breakers loses my appetite to play it,

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Rest assured I don’t have a single drop of interest in even THINKING about doing GM stuff.

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but you also saw it! that GM Lua script! not even tempted to make that alive?

Not even tempted. Really. I don’t even know what type of commands GM can do in this game (haven’t bothered to pay attention to that). But I hope nothing powerful works. People may be calling bullshit on me saying that, but while For most people think about if on a black-white scale (and I fully understand that). every dev usually have a gray-mode where he kinda draws line of what he think it’s acceptable as a exploit (like my cxanywhere) and what he thinks is simply plain hacking (like aoe, speed or range hacks, or duplicating/creating items, hacking the market, etc).

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LOL! the one you’ve already “accidentally” release was a powerful thing.


  1. Discriminated class - i forgot what class that offers repair in a far away distance area.
  2. Dungeon/map area sense of repair/weight - imagine if a weak party continuously dies their gear would go red, but with this your so “powerful” repairing inside dungeon. if your loots are full you are force to walk, but with this you could do things remotely.
  3. useless scrolls.

so this is not powerful?

it hacking dude, the moment you UNPACK that LUA, no matter how intense is the outcome of the modified, TAMPERING the original game script is considered HACKING.

ex: a simple web deface = tampering the source is an act of hacking

As I just said, that’s the way you (and most people) think. And I understand, so there’s no point arguing on that. I also already removed the addon and now IMC is fully aware of it.

Also, please do not use quotes on “accidentally”. If you have read my wall of text on this topic, either you believe me (so no quotes needed) or you don’t believe (so don’t use that word) (and I’m ok with that).

And if you really think that about unpacking lua, I hope you don’t use ANY addon AND DO NOT USE ANY DATABASE SITE, because the only way to get that info is from the game files.

Peace o/

IMC’s already stated that informational addons like tooltip helper are just fine.

If you want to argue about where to draw the line with respect to unfair advantage, go ahead, but the argument you just presented is obvious nonsense.

i understand what you feel bro, i loved the game few months back, but with this kinds of stuff a lot of players will quit those legit players feels cheated, but with those who loves paranormal activities this kind of stuff are blessing. i never tried using your addons or excrulon because i want to feel the game/ or play it normal. i do understand that you guys just want to help for the enhancement of some stuff of the game, but the cxanywhere is far beyond normal thing.

You’re right about it not being a normal thing, I agree with that.

What I told about features being powerful or not was related to what I would even being interested at. My curiosity drove me to see if I could open frames from afar. My curiosity would NEVER drive to for those kind of GM stuff (but again, I cant force anyone to believe me).

so modifying game script is nonsense?

come on! you enjoying this addons ha? what the use of it if the game is dead?

Terrible trolling. It doesn’t matter what I think or whether I use addons.

IMC has already made an official announcement on which kinds of addons are okay and which kinds aren’t.

I understand you’re probably freaking out, because your other posts on this forum make it obvious you don’t have an ounce of tech-savvy or programming knowledge whatsoever.

That doesn’t excuse ignoring the developers themselves explicitly okaying a subset of addons and posting garbage anyway.


this is irrelevant, because addons, as the name implies, ADD ON new functionality using existing code.

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now your judging me of my skills? whose trolling now? i guess your point is the irrelevant one! i could smell addon leecher in here!

zzzz! are you illiterate or some kinda dumb? you dont really know how things works? before they make an output of so called “ADDON” or before they gained knowledge about the code! what step they first do? did TOS dev or IMC give that unpacker tool? no!
the moment you unpack, recode! release! your hacking the game itself

then they ask permission to IMC, IMC agree without knowing they could go far from normal. thats the time ADDON was reborn! google your facts! learn how they did it! looks like your the one who dont have ounce of tech-savvy

Doesn’t help that you’re using the word “hacking” with the implication of it being done in an illicit way. If IMC endorses it then it doesn’t matter if it’s hacking or not now does it?

As far as the production of illicit add-ons is concerned, beating up fiote over it does nothing to help anything. The real add-on makers who are exploiting the game secretly that we don’t know about don’t really care how badly we are b*tching at fiote over his cxAnywhere add-on now do they?

No, the only thing that matters is IMC taking action to fix their security flaws before the game is ruined beyond recovery.

OH now i see! based on your post you hardly defending those on the dark side!