Tree of Savior Forum

Current Plans Regarding the Transition to F2P - UPDATED March 28th

Why can’t this game be Pay to Play via a montly fee.
We all Know that almos all Free to Play games turns into P2W.
Is it because all the s…m wants everything for FREE?

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And patch notes? :kissing_closed_eyes:

Any chance of server list before tomorrow, @Staff_Julie?


@Staff_Julie I also would like to request a list of server names if possible. Thanks


Need server list too. :open_mouth:

Wait so this means we can’t make our team name the same across multiple servers and we can only have the name once on a server and no one else can take it?

If so we really need a server list and tell us if these servers are open right away at the start, so we can go to the same server with friends and still have our names.

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I feel like at this point – since Team names are shared across servers – account progress should be shares acroas servers too, like how Runescape does it. In that game, you have your one account with which you can log in to any server, and you’ll be playing the same character with the same progress no matter what.

That way, IMC also doesn’t have to bother with server transfers anymore. Does this sound like a feasible idea, @Staff_Julie? What does everyone else think?


If the auction house is cross server, it would probably be a good idea. Otherwise they would never do something like this. Although moving between servers would be so freaking cool in terms of GvGs.

I don’t want to see the same crap going on like in GW2: shoving money down the publisher’s throat to transfer over and over again, just to fight against different guilds. :unamused:


This would make it harder for new players to hop on the new server race, if they are the competitive type.

Also, you wouldn’t be able to run away from some obnoxious player whose sole purpose of existence is to harass you in the game.

And serious boss-hunter item sellers would more easily ruin the fun for everyone as they could just time every spawn on every server and get on the spot to kill it on the second it spawns, or be there waiting if it’s randomized with certain minimum re-spawn time.

There’s also hopefully rather likely possibility of regional servers, which might make it more difficult as all the info of every player has to be updated on every server database really fast, before some schemer manages to change the server and sell the same rare item over and over again on different servers.

In other words, your idea is too difficult to implement and is very unlikely to happen.

But, does anyone have any idea how long it takes to transfer a character to another server? Will it be around 1 week processing time? Devs and Moderators? Anyone?

If they’re competitive, they’d purchase a founders pack to get a lead in the game. If they don’t have the cash, well…

“Beggars can’t be choosers”

I’ll just leave this idiom here.

Some of the staffs said there is three weeks delay for transfers on new servers, to allow the new players to settle in first.

I was replying to suggestion about sharing the account info on every server though…

Well, you’d have that problem without cross-server logins too. In fact, you’d have it more, since the person is pretty much tied to the one server and can’t run to others unless they care for completely starting over again[quote=“Nyyppa, post:151, topic:154509”]
And serious boss-hunter item sellers would more easily ruin the fun for everyone as they could just time every spawn on every server and get on the spot to kill it on the second it spawns, or be there waiting if it’s randomized with certain minimum re-spawn time.
Just make a cooldown time on switching servers like Runescape does it

Yet somehow at least Runescape manages

how does this work with the 3 weeks now?
can’t we play for 3 weeks?
if we can play, will we lose everything we did in the 3 weeks?

this is confusing as hell.

what it means (as far as I could understand) is that once you make a team name on one server, that team name is yours on all the servers and others cant use it…

or something like that… maybe :confused:

I’m not 100% sure of this. The way I interpreted it, it also means you yourself are locked out of using the same Team name on other servers

Edit: Answered by Julie in Patch Notes.

Team Name can’t be used on multiple servers. Its unique to the server you use it on and cannot be used in any other instance. pretty cool

I could buy the 10$ pack and wait for the sale and then buy the 50$ pack and spend less money (5$) … So I still get early access.

I think it means this. Lets say you make a team name “Bob”. Now noone else can make that team name on any server. You are the only one with that team name anywhere. If you decide to transfer, you will still have that team name.

I think they are doing this because the issue was brought up that if you transfer servers and if someone has the same name as you on that new server, who gets to keep the name? This solves that i guess.

I just reread your question and i didnt really answer it…might need an official answer on if you personally can use the same team name on 2 servers at the same time. I think thats a no though.