Tree of Savior Forum

Current Experience Rate

…I actually really like it! If anything it feels almost too fast in some regards, but I’m sure it’ll even out in later levels. Some people are complaining because they can’t get from level 1 to max level in a day but I feel that you could increase the experience rate continually and still get complaints. It’s better to have content to continually come back to and play with friends every day rather than blowing through an entire MMO in a week.

I’m really excited to play more with friends when the game launches! The game feels really smooth in UI design and play and I really enjoyed what I played.

Thank you for working on such a wonderful game!


May I ask what level you’re at now?

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Not very high at all. Fifteen or so. I restricted myself from playing much because I don’t want to know more than my friends on the official release, I’m mostly using the beta purely for studying mechanics, models, textures, and UI from a game development standpoint.

Regardless, MMO’s are meant to take a while at later levels. I played FFXIV which is a fairly forgiving MMO in terms of experience curves and it still eventually took 6 or so hours between each level at minimum. And you have stuff like PSO2 with hundreds of levels where the second last level to the last level took more experience than level 1 to the second last level.

I feel if people are reaching over level 100 in the beta by the end of day 1 then the EXP rate is seemingly off.

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They’re definitely low considering this game has a couple hundred levels as cap. I’m around level 27 and I am definitely struggling.

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Struggling after a day, though. If there was enough exp from quests to sail smoothly to every one then you wouldn’t spend much time in the game, I feel.

The exp is supposed to be a 100 exp boost in the International CBT. But people have been testing the exp rate from the Korean CBT and this CBT and in this CBT the exp is much much lower than the Korean version.

So I’m failry positive the exp boost is not active.

Exp cards
In our international server, it gives 2814 char EXP and 2166 class EXP.
In the KR server, it gives 8442 char EXP and 6500 class EXP.
EXP Rate lower than KR version

Level 15 is the easiest leveling, your character level and job level should be equal.

Around level 20 things slow down conisderably. At 25 most people have to grind to 30+ to get to the main quest again. Your job level will also start to lag behind.

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The grind gets much harder around level 25 and onwards.

In order to grind efficiently, you need to have a proper party and start hunting blues. A level 22 cleric joined us level 30s in a blue monster grind in Tennet Garden and he power levelled to 29 in about an hour n a half of effective grinding. The rest of the time we were lounging about lol.

If you attempt to grind alone, you’ll have to settle for much weaker mobs because otherwise potions usually are unable to keep up with the oncoming damage and it tends to be costly.

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You’re 15.

Keep leveling to 24ish and do your main quests, and you’ll hit a massive wall, and somehow be thrown into an area with mobs 15 lvls higher then you with bosses much higher than you.

1-15 is no grind, its fairly average.

No one is complaining about 1-15.

Also I don’t think anyone is asking to get 1-cap in a week. At this rate it’ll take a year.

If anyone wants to make the argument that this game is not for me if I don’t enjoy this exp rate, and it was intended, then explain to me why the KR version is different. It was intended differently for them? Even they complained about the grind. Something was done about it on their version, and something should be done about it on ours.


I agree, keep this exp rate for launch.

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That’s because everyone will always complain about grind. Yet games which have had their grind removed become way less popular. Remember Maplestory? Everyone said it had a ridiculous grind yet it was so popular. Yet once that grind was taken away, it dropped massively in population. Now everyone calls it a ded gaem and the only people who play it are those with nostalgia or deep pockets.

Of course a grind will feel pissy. Everybody wants to level faster and test out new skills. But when the grind is gone, you’ll realize there is little satisfaction in when you actually reach the cap.

Btw, I got from level 25 to 34 in roughly 2+ hours with a proper party with people who knew what they were doing. The people who insist level 25 onwards is impossible are those who don’t know how to do it efficiently. Are you even hunting for blue mobs?

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@Sango I got to 37 on day 1 with 1 other person, and some of it alone, in fact the only reason I stopped was to report bugs, and the exp thing, and then I only got on every now and again to check things since then or I’d be grinding and be an even higher level albeit very very slowly.

I know grind, I enjoy grind. But this is not the level to grind at.

All classes have around 2-3 skills they use on average. This is one massive boring grindfest. You don’t even get to fight any of the fun mobs, instead you fight meat bags, some of which have multi shot.

Aside from that, it’s completely linear for most people, because they don’t experience the stages a little ahead of the game. Later on you have multiple areas to grind in, some are better for certain classes. Now it’s all fairly the same.

I’m all for grindfests, but at least put the wall at a different level range, like when people reach class rank 3, and can have a tiny taste of what’s to come as well as enjoy more aspects of their build like the KR version.

Aside from the grind, the whole quest/boss level ranges are completely off because of this. The exp curve on KR makes this sensible AND allows grind AND allows you to enjoy all aspects of your rank 3 class, making the game generally WAY more enjoyable WAY earlier on.

There is absolutely no reason to grind this early in the game.


Get to level 30 and tell me if you still think the pacing is perfect.

The leveling pace IS actually good into the teens. It does not stay that way.

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Yeah Fate I agree with you, the leveling is sluggish compared to KCBT. On the first or second day there I found 5 blue mobs in just one hour, and got about 20 levels in total. Here, one hour with one shiny mob got me about 1 level. Both happened in the level 35 zone with me being level 30.
The wall being this low doesn’t help either. The first three ranks are most diverse and interesting, we should be able to test as many as possible.

I believe IMC reduced the exp rate to get us interested in quests. Quest cards are definitely capped at 1x rate (my basis being the fact that tutorial has to get you to level 7 on cards alone, no matter exp rates), so the more viable they are, the more people will do quests, and more people will report translation errors and typos, which is the main goal of this test since it’s something korean testers can’t do, but also problems with quests, bosses, etc.

On that note, farming zones 3-5 levels higher than I and my party are, seems to be the most effective way. With no clerics, maybe stick to zones of your level. The exp difference isn’t really significant, and trying to brute-force your way through monsters 15 levels stronger just doesn’t pay off.

And this is a perfect example of what Beta Testing should be.

I wish they would stop being on the fence about questing. The way its set up and streamined through zones gives people the first impression that they might be leveling through questing, when in reality than ends shortly after. I’d rather we have less emphasis on quests altogether and save them only for larger story driven events. Also you can tell who hasn’t reached the 30s based on their complaints (or lack there of) regarding the rates. As it stands I think it is literally impossible to get level 500+ in the game’s lifespan if the EXP requires exponentially rises.

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KCBT doesn’t use the original experience rate.

Or did you really think they would release that game with that rate and everyone would level that fast?

I’m not going to be the one guy who says ToS is perfect and I have made a ToS feedback thread explaining many rooms for improvement.

But I’m going to argue against you for this.

The casual non-rush player will take anywhere between 4-6 hours to complete the initial main+side quest surge all the way till level 23~25. During this time, even a person who had never put in any research would understand the gist of the game. The necessity of pots, parties, classes and so on and so forth. When the game is released, a casual would probably take 1-2 full days to do this.

I don’t know why you say it’s too early but how is level 25 early especially after an extensive noob friendly period? When would you ever start the ‘grind’ then? Level 50? Or those type of games where it’s a rush forward with ez life ez exp till the last 10 levels where suddenly the grind multiplies tenfold?

Lol yeah I remember those type of MMO’s like Eden Eternal, Aura Kingdom or even games like Tera where players can play mostly solo on a railroad for days without ever having the need to understand why it’s necessary to at least get +5 equipment or choosing attributes accordingly that can speed up said grindfest.

And honestly, a vast majority of the people here complaining don’t even know what is a real grind. Complaining between levels 25 to like 32 when it takes you a good 2 hours at most? How is 18 minutes a level difficult? If you’re chatting with people like you should in an MMORPG that sort of time passes by in a zippy. I was laughing for hours straight because of the different company I kept having by partying up.

The EXP curve on KR has already been explained to be inflated because they wanted the beta testers to test further into the game not that the ICBT has a dickhead company behind it. Topkek. Besides, you’re not considering the business view of why they would make levelling like this. I have to type really long for that and I might just do so if you give some other weak argument again that is “but I don’t want to grind”

Saying that the grind should start at X circle is a horrible argument because people would still complain. “Hey, it was so straightforward to level and reach hoplite so why is the grind so extensive now?”

Grinding has to happen eventually and I think the concept of spacing out these grinds between the main quest line is ingenious because you get to experience the best of both worlds. Instead of quest all the way to X level and run out of quests then grind all the way to cap.


@Sango The reason we say rank 3 or beyond, is because in KR the real grinding starts at rank 3, and it makes sense because most classes have a solid build, and skills to grind with.

There’s no reason to go around bashing meat bags at level 25. Where is the fun in that?

Rank 3 and beyond, mobs have interesting skills, named mobs appear with dangerous skills like death sentence.

It just doesn’t make sense to start it so early. You have to keep in mind there are 200 levels, not 100.

You think you’ve past the noob friendly area, but really you haven’t till you’ve gotten past Gesti.

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Honestly, I’d rather have to grind for 3 months to get even close to max level than some boring themepark that just leads me from one quest to another until I’m max level after 1 week.

Grindy leveling encourages people to find ways to be the most efficient, it encourages people to explore new places and new spots where they can really use the strenghts of their classes in the best way.

I realize that the concept of just killing monsters without any quest or anything is repulsive to most gamers nowadays, but to me it’s a freedom with sweet suffering that makes reaching my goal even more rewarding