Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer is really dead for PvE?

The first and third build have some synergy since the onmyoji water skill will be buffed by the coming ice necklace too (but the earth necklace would be better for onmyoji in general). Not sure if rune of ice works with it though. Both ele and kino have some obvious synergies with cryo. Second build could be an okay buff/dps build I guess.

Personally I’m thinking of some Cryo3Ele3RC build with maybe Wiz2 or Kino1 at the end. I realize I liked the cc portion the most of my cryochrono character so I’d like to have some kind of dps/cc hybrid character. Wiz2 helps your damage more, kino gives the icewall combo and I guess you can swap enemies into your pillar too?

I did try rune of protection and it does work like surespell apparently, but it doesn’t have full uptime and takes points from your runecaster damage skills.

I know micro dimension doesn’t copy frost pillar anymore, but anyone tried the ultimate dimension attribute with it now? Even if the spell circle size increase is so small it’s barely worth it.

I’ve tried wizcryo3kino3enchanter2 yesterday and it’s quite fun. The new attribute changes PP and gravity pole to lightning, but you have to craft those damn enchant rounds for it :frowning:. But the combo Magnetic Field + Frost Pillar is devastating…

I’ve rolled it back to wizcryo3ele3enchanter2, the lightning AA is great when your skills are on cooldown… which almost never happens since you have so many to choose from. For those who think cryo3 is dead… it’s clearly not dead. Snow rolling is simply amazing… huge range, almost instant cast, and while everything is scattered on the ground you can follow with the pillar or even ice pike. Ice pike is amazing too, you want more than 1 circle to invest more than 5 points for sure…

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This might seem a bit weird but my problem with Cryo3 is Frost Pillar’s huge AoE. Me and my guild mates were testing Chrono builds and we’ve come to conclude that. Sure it controls the targets, but it holds them in further distances. I found Fire Pillar to perform better since it allows the monsters to move closer to each other

That and fire pillar is among the few wizard cc skills that work on big mobs.
As a wizard I like frost pillar, since I got some big aoe spells, but I can see how other classes, especially swordsmen, would get annoyed by it.

With the better ice spike and changes in snow rolling and frost pillar, what’s your skill points distribution like now?

I made ice spike 15, snow rolling 10 and 5 on frost pillar. Dunno how to distribute the remaining 15.

When I tried my Cryo3Ele3 I just went with 14 points in Ice Wall, 1 in Ice Bolt, same as you for the rest. Ice Wall is really useful as a pseudo-cc on some ET floors for example and has a funny Electrocute interaction. I guess Subzero Shield could be useful against fast melee mobs (belcoper?). If you’re a kino build you probably picked Ice Wall first :slight_smile:.

I would probably only pick Ice Blast if you have less skills to cast, it works well with Frost Pillar as a filler.

With a cryo3, my skill distribution is: ice pike 7, ice wall 10, ice blast 3, subzero shield 10, snow rolling 10, frost pillar 5. This gives 495% on both ice pike and ice blast, while keeping a big ice wall (11 tiles). Since now frost pillar is 100% freeze chance, ice blast is way more powerful (frost pillar freezes, cast ice blast for damage and unfreeze, frost pillar refreezes, repeat).

@Nalu1 I’ve tried pyro3ele3 but not with cryo3 yet. Although cryo3’s ice pike should work better with ele now. Might try this for next time. What did you do for the rest of your circles though? Did you go wiz3 or just wiz2 for surespell?

@draconis I didn’t take ice blast but how more powerful is it now? Significant noticeable damage?

5x matk like ice pike, so 25k all enemies if you’re matk is 5k. And since frost pillar is 100% freeze chance, it works 100% of the time while the pillar is active.

Wiz2Cryo3Ele3RC. RC can give Quick Cast lvl1, but it’s only lvl1 and not too reliable which hurts a bit. Rune of Ice is nice with skills like Hail and Snow Rolling. It’s possible to even skip Wiz2, but it makes you rely too much on Rune of Protection, which is annoying. Wiz2 gives the lethargy and sleep attributes too.

Ice Blast is a good skill with Pillar though, if I try this build again I will probably pick it, it has a fast cast time after all.

Changed my build into wiz3-cryo2-RC-WL3
The smaller snow ball works better for me because caught monsters will hit invocation spirits as soon as they appear (the road roller combo). Easier control, but shorter duration :confused:
Frost pillar felt skipable. I can just cast ice pike again to freeze mobs. Getting quick cast for rune caster skills in it’s place is a good trade.
Hydra cards can enhance damage by 30%, so cryo is a damage enhancer CC class in this build.
I’m using shield for the extra magic defense cryo offers. Too bad that ice shield doesn’t have full uptime if not cryo3.
WL3 is strong as always.

And an observation: mastema+rune of justice on dark demon monsters while on quick cast effect feels good

I tried Chrono with enchanter, don’t feel it doing a lot of damage. I think it is probably the best physical support .

A different propose build I was thinking that it might be viable is

You invest everything in const and use transpose to swap to get matk and still have huge HP from the rune of Giants