Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer - Freezing Changes and "Frostbite" for bossing

Hello IMC and all the players reading this!

Note that I feel Cryomancer is already a very decent class, but, as with all things, there are a few things lacking to make the class really shine.

  1. Freezing

The frozen state is an absolutely wonderful method of CCing enemies, letting you deal damage without them being able to move. However, that’s all it does. There is no benefits to freezing other than the movement / skill lock it provides, and the one attribute Cryomancers get that affect the damage on frozen targets only applies to Lightning-based attacks, which there is only two skills of in the entire game, neither of which exist for Cryomancer itself (The skills in question are Zaibas (Krivis) and Electrocute (Elementalist))

My suggestion is to create an attribute that causes frozen enemies to lose 5% of their defense per Attribute level, going up to level 5, for a total of 25% defense reduced. A frozen enemy cant defend itself, you know?
In addition to this, all Strike attacks should automatically gain a bonus when hitting frozen enemies. Hitting ice with a hammer would shatter it, after all. This doesn’t need to be an attribute, but that would be okay too.

  1. Frostbite

As you know, bosses are immune to freezing, for good reason. Else you could just lock them in place when they’d cast a really powerful attack and prevent your party from ever being damaged. That is not something I want either. However, Ice should still do something to bosses, and here’s where frostbite comes in. All ice attacks have the same chance of inflicting Frostbite on a boss as they do to Freeze a normal enemy. Ice Bolt’s attribute would increase Frostbite chance as well by extension. A boss inflicted with frostbite is slowed by 10% (yes, only 10%. It doenst need to be much to be effective!) in both movement and attack speed, and everything that applies to frozen enemies will apply to a frostbiten boss as well.

However, not at full effectiveness.
For example, with Cryomancer’s and Electrocute’s attribute, a normal frozen enemy would take 50% extra lightning damage and then Electrocute would deal another 100% extra damage on top of that.
On a frostbitten boss however, the effectiveness of this would be cut in half. They would take 25% extra lightning damage and Electorcute would only deal another 50% extra damage.
The same applies to the defense decrease and strike attack attributes I suggested earlier. Perhaps the penalty could even be as much as 1/4th effectiveness, as long as it still helps.

While I don’t know how many suggestions the staff even reads or sends forward to KR, I still thought it’d be worth writing this out.

Thanks for taking your time to read this if you do, @STAFF_J, as well as any other players. Critiscism or issues with the post are always appreciated.


Im pretty sure this is already in place. I know all shield attacks get bonus on frozen enemies

That only applies to Rim Blow from Peltasta and Targe Smash (with the attribute) from Rodelero, as far as I can see.

Last time I played Cryomancer (KR server, before the wipe on 09/26), frozen enemies already had their defences reduced to 0. All of my skills/attacks and summons did more damage on them.

After some quick testing, while it does lower it, it doesn’t set defense to 0. And it varies per mob how much of their magic defense is reduced. So yes, it does exist already, but it should be more transparent. You should be able to know from a tooltip how much defense freezing is deducting, not have it be guesswork dependant on the monster.

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