Tree of Savior Forum

CryoKino or CryoNecro/CryoSorc

Currently a Wiz>Cry2>Kino1 with FULL CON (120 CON in total)

Due to some nerfs in kTOS, I’m rethinking if I should still go Kino3 all the way like i previously planned.

I’m still intending to go with Cryo3, problem is whether I should change my last 2 ranks to something else.

I was thinking along the lines of Sorc2 or Necro2. Would anyone be able to advise me on this? And if I do change, should i stop investing in CON and invest in INT instead?

Side question: Is subzero shield worth adding at all for PVE?

Cryo3Sorc2Warlock1 is pretty popular. I think it has some pvp capabilities with frost pillar + pole of agony.

Cryo3Sorc3 is more PVE oriented.

Necro is pretty meh overall but if you want go for it. Shoggoths are cute.

Hm… problem now is I’m already a Kino1, so after Cryo3 (rank 5) I will need to choose 2 more ranks. So the above ranks are not available for me.

That Cryo/Kino build is not good anymore lol.Right now your not screwed,you can salvage your build by going

Wiz C3 / Cry C2 / Kino C1 / Rune C1
Wiz C1 / Cry C3 / Kino C1 / Necro C2

I see I see.

Well Sorc2 is pretty cool since you /finally/ get to control your summoned boss card monster with hold and riding. This mitigates the really pisspoor AI and the bugs Sorc1 has. Also you can tank as a Sorc2 somewhat.

Necro2 has issues of pisspoor AI (skeleton army doesn’t want to engage in skeleton war at times, better than Bokor zombies though) and costly materials (corpse pots are 500 silver per use, need to buy them from the Necro master iirc).

Is necro2 really that expensive?

There are still ways to collect Corpse right? Or are we very dependant on the Corpse potion to be very effective.

With that being said, if necro2 skills are that good to be worth the 500 silver I think it’s alright?

Reason why I thought of necro2 is because kino3 doesn’t seem to be all that now. Going sorc might seem like a waste since there are other rank 6 or 7 classes to go.

If I go necro2, should I start investing in int or should I continue full con?

Why dont try build Cyro3, Elementalist3…

Since Frost pillar pull enemy for 10 sec enough time for elementalist cast any 2 skills …

For Missions and Dungeons you won’t spend much. You’ll spend more if you are doing party grind, spamming Flesh Cannon.

Reason being is that if you stock up to max corpses (300) before you start a mission/dungeon, after the run ends you’ll be back at 300. You can also just put 1 point into Gather Corpse and go farm for corpses at low level already (you should be able to one-shot low lvl mobs by that time).

Because I’m already making a Ele3>Warlock as my main. This cryo is my sub.

How many corpse do I get from Gather Corpse. Is it per monster?

I’m thinking since i have cryo I will somehow support my team more with CC and occasionally do damage.

If I go necro, should I invest in INT now?

Hi Icy.
I was like you going for the cry 3 kino 3 build until I start thinking bout the nerfs.

After quite a number of browsing through threads all over,

I’ve decided on this two builds

wiz > Cry 2 > Kino 3 > WL
Wiz > Cry 3 > Linker > WL ( I got inspired after seeing a video on ktos on this build).

Would Sorc2 or Necro2 be better?

  1. Wiz1>Cryo3>Kino1>Sorc2
  2. Wiz1>Cryo3>Kino1>Nec2

I’m thinking that if I take Sorc it would be quite a waste since I could have taken up something better at rank7, But then again when rank8 comes I can take the new rank 8 classes

For Nec2, I read that the AI is not that good but hoping that rank8 when Necro3 comes it will be better, or at least some reworked will be put in place for the necro class in future.

I would say Necro C2 but remember there is a new card system coming and new summons for the sorcerers.With that said who knows,we also don’t know what Necro C3 offers nor the new hidden or rank 8 classes.

would’ve suggested my build.

Yup, now i building a Wizard > Cryomancer > Cyromancer > Elementalist > Cyromancer > Elementalist > Elementalist.

By level 125, once rank 5, i will use up the skills point i keep direct for snowrolling and frost pillar.

kinda suggesting against building cryo3ele3.
First you sacrifice 1 rank of warlock, second ele3 performs pretty poorly without wiz3.

ET people wont be taking you since most teams cant afford support ele past 5F on dps checks, also not having warlock and wiz3 pretty much cuts your burst potential down to 1/3, which makes you really bad for bosses.
For pvp ele doesnt work at all again, without wiz3. At that point id rather go kino3.

World bossing youre definitely out cause of the 1/3 burst potential.

For PvE, youll find your ele3 skills really clumbsy to use without quick cast. Some skills dont cast even when you fell like they are ready. Its gonna be a pain to recast them.

Plz dont mention cryo-ele synergies. They are all pretty lackluster.

I dont know about Cryo 3 (I highly do not recommend backtracking in builds without very specific reason and understanding of the game).

But Cryo C2 gets bonus Lightning damage to frozen enemies, and Electrocute also has a bonus damage attribute against Frozen enemies.

From what I can see that’s a large emphasis on Electrocute as a damage skill.
Cryo C2, Ele C2, Runecaster into Feather Foot or Warlock would be somewhat interesting.

You get Ice Bolt, Freezing Sphere, Ice Pike and Ice Wall(?) Benefiting off of Rune of Frost. Electrocute with significant damage bonuses to Frozen enemies as well.

Link has much higher synergy with electrocute than freeze.
Electrocute itself is also a very very very very very weak skill. Say, if all enemies have perma frozen status, electrocute would only become an ok-skill.
Using it without quick cast is also pretty suicidal due to its long cast time and short range.

I somewhat encourage backtracking for Cryo3 only due to CC capablities with Frost Pillar and Snow Rolling. And I mean, come on, it’s a hella cute skill.

But even then they don’t add much CC and are surpassed by Cryo3s that took the circle at rank 4 as they would. Further surpassed by CryoChronos.

Freezing sphere = one of the weakest skills out there (doesnt freeze)
Ice pike = one of the weakest skills out there
Ice bolt = weakest skill out there
Ice wall = not practical outside of pvp/bossing.
Electrocute = about 10-15x weaker than frost cloud.

Elementalist are only meta for ET due to frost cloud.
Without that skill they are worse than your average costume build archer.
Compromise your cloud and youre pretty much forfeiting ET (amongst other things)