Tree of Savior Forum

CryoKino or CryoNecro/CryoSorc

same dilemma. currently wiz1->cryo3->kino1
planning to go rune caster. im still thinking on what should i get for rank 7 though

You’re missing a few steps.

These skills all get 200% added to them under Rune of Frost (which was entirely the purpose of stating them in relation to it, to begin with).
FS being 50% to begin with thats 250% on what 3 overheat during Rune of Frost.
Followed by Ice Pike which is 4 hits, 200% each thats equivalent to a 12 hit move. Two Overheat so thats 24 hits worth of damage.

Ice Bolt would also be 250% like Freezing Sphere under Rune of Frost.
Then Electrocute gets to benefit off of your various freezing tools (including Hail although Hail does not benefit from Rune of Frost), with extra damage.
This is while still getting Rune of Giants, possibly sub zero shield and access to R7 classes.
Obviously compromising frost ground for, electrocute, and the rune caster suite. Where the typical Ele 3 would forfeit a R7 for Rune caster, or Rune caster for a R7.

Runecaster could be nice, but wiz1cryo3ele3 doesnt have room for that?
Assuming another party member went wiz3ele3runecaster (pretty rare nowadays) then that would make the former build a bit more viable.

My emphasis tho is that the skills affected by isa are simply too weak to begin with. The # of hits you mentioned on single target is indeed decent, but the lack of multi target really hurts. Ice pike is not real aoe, lets be honest. FS even worse, electrocute not exactly good aoe either (and will probably get you killed trying to cast it).
Now lets pretend those skills have aoe actually equivalent of frost cloud. Frost cloud = 32 hirs + 16 from quick cast = 48 hits. 2 ice pike + 3 FS + 3 ice bolt = 24 + 12? + 8? = ~44whatevers. All those skills combined wouldnt even out dps frost cloud.

Isa is only truly powerful in combination with icewall + a proc skill, which unfortunately is very gimmiky.

I wasn’t saying Cryo3,ele 3.
Cryo C2, Ele C2, Rune Caster, then you have a Free R7 slot to put whatever you please including Ele C3.
You’ll get
50% more lightning damage to frozen enemies.
Electrocutes own 200% additional damage to frozen enemies (with Cryo providing the freeze).
Rune Casters 200% bonus to specific cryomancer moves + Freezing sphere.
Rune of Giants, etc.
A Slow to enemies killed by Ice moves (of which your kit has a lot of).
More ways of freezing an enemy then say Wiz C3, Ele C3.

The trade off is
50% faster casting, 50% increased damage to spells overall, Surespell, Magic Missile.

If you’re trying to get close to Wiz C3 Ele C3 damage without actually going Wiz C3, you’re going to go Pyro C2, Ele C3 so you can drop Flame Ground on top of Frost Ground.

However with Cryo C3.
Sorc, Chrono, Rune Caster, and Necro are Four more attractive paths to me then trying to fit Ele into that set up.

I think you are really overestimating electrocute here.
Casting that skill is seriously suicidal in ET even with quick cast.
Without quick cast you might as well disconnect :frowning:

Also since you mention Ele2->RC, why go elementalist at all? cryo3 benifits from Rune much more than ele ever will. Might as well go cryo3kino2rune.

Also if you go pyro c2 then your flame ground dmg probably cant out dps the dmg you gain from quick cast on frost cloud within a 10-15 sec time frame.

I’m playing cy3 psy1 necro2

I think it’s not really expensive because of "distinter"
You can get enough of corpse for using skill

1 problem just only except icewall+pp there are no good damage

How is the playstyle like though?

I don’t mind having a class that does not have extremely strong damage since I always main a Ele3Warlock, but I wanna have something different as my sub.

Just that I dont want to end up with something extremely weak and end up regretting.

For your concern over feeling too weak…

The only way any wiz build can still do decent damage without having wiz3 is to go sorc2, since TS only scales with int. Everything else falls into the support/pvp category IMO.

You are at Cryo2-Kino1, so right now you are limited to either cryo3-kino3 or some sort of ice wall-pp runecaster build. You can’t fit in sorc2 effectively since you really need to get cryo3 unless you don’t mind wasting rank 7 (Cryo3-kino1-sorc2). I would rather reroll for cryo3-sorc2-warlock.

Necro is not effective enough without wiz3, unless all you care about is 1v1 duels. Flesh Cannon is like 3-4s cast time without QC.

Hm…I dont really wanna play another warlock though since I’m already making one.

I would like to get Cryo3 as I think the Tree would help a lot in CC, and snow rolling is run as well.

Cryo3Kino3 doesnt seem to be in a good state now after the nerfs, thats why I’m considering either Sorc2 or Necro2 for my R6 and R7. Problem now is I’m not sure which would actually be better.

Sorc2 might actually seem like a waste since it is a R5+R6 class.f Necro2 isn’t as bad as what people say it is I would like try it out. Who knows Necro3 might turn out to be good?

Yea, but as I’ve mentioned, you kind of need Wiz3 for a necro build to be effective, because your main source of damage is from Flesh Cannon, which has a 3-4s cast time without Quick Cast.

If you are looking to do an effective Necro2 build, the only one I would suggest is Wiz3-Link1-Sorc1-Necro2.

What do you want to do with the build anyway? You are fullcon with your current cryo2-kino1, so you want a PVP build? Or just something different from ele3-warlock?

Currently I’m at 120 con because my intention was to go Cryo3Kino3. So if I were to change build I’ll probably add more int after that. And yeah I just want something different from Ele-Warlock for PVE

In that case, you can either continue on with your cryo by going Sorc2 and picking up cryo3 at rank 7 or reroll if you want a necro build.

Is Necro2 really inferior to Sorc2? I’m just afraid that Necro3 might offer something good (we never know) and regret going Sorc2.

Necro C2 itself is pretty meh since the summons you get (corpse tower and raise dead) do not have scaling (unlike shoggoth/templeshooter), and the skeletons from raise dead die quickly vs boss AOE. They are mostly good for AFK farming.

The main strength of Necromancer that lets them somewhat compete is Flesh Cannon, which has 3-4s cast time. Your current cryo build does not have Wiz3, so you will be spending 3-4s casting Flesh Cannon while also doing much less damage. If you really want a good-function Necro build, reroll. I mean, if you want to talk about Necro C3, what happens if their new skills all have cast times too?

If you want to continue on this Cryo, you are better off going Sorc2.

Cryo3Kino3 is still the best.

Just hope that they announce the new R8 classes (and Necro C3) soon since I won’t be reaching R6 that fast (as this is my sub, will be focusing on my main).

Sometimes I feel like i should just continue with my original Cryo3Kino3 plan.

Would it be wiser for me to stay at R5 first and wait for the new classes to be out before deciding on what path I should go then? (like level till 175 and stop there and continue focusing on my main)

Even if Necro C3 turns out to be very good, Necro(1-3) without Wiz3 is just very bad IMO. You lose too much damage on Flesh Cannon + you take much more time to actually cast the skill. You also don’t have surespell, so you are likely going to get interrupted often as well.

Cryo3 just does not suit Necros at all IMO. Its Wiz3 or bust.

At least with Cryo3-Sorc2, you can be a CC support for your group while your summon provides DPS.

the path you were talking about on necro, what other jobs can I sub for sorc? can I get a thaum?

Linker2. Thaum1 doesn’t do much.