Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo suggestions

I’m excited to build a cryo with these classes but i don’t know what is better for pve/pvp solo(more pve)


i just looking for some combinations(all the builds i’ve found are outdated)
(i wouldn’t go to cryo/chrono and i like thauma xD)
thanks for helping and suggestions <3

edit: rc without wizc3 is really bad?

Yes, if you intend to use RC skills for dealing dmg because RC skills have long casting time and easily interrupted but if you only want rune of ice that is fine.
RC dmg skills are not that strong to begin with and have long cd.

This build works but not optimal IMO.
I have cry3-psy3-RC and I think it is better.

Rune of ice only affect 1 skill of ele : freezing sphere which is not much strong.
Personally, I would choose sage instead RC.
Blink aggro mobs so you can cast cryo,ele skill without being interrupted and micro dimension can duplicate frost pillar.

Warlock2 has more dps but if you really want sage for utility then RC is good filler, fine build.(where is cryo though.)

Not familiar with this but looks support inclined. Cryo dmg alone is not amazing but still work.

Overall, I suggest cryo3-ele3-sage .


Opinions on:
Wiz c1 -> Cryo c3 -> Ele c 3 -> Enchanter c1 OR psycho c 1
Wiz c1 -> Cryo c3 -> Thaum c3 -> Enchanter OR wizard c2

EDIT: Was even contemplating like Cryo 3 -> Thaum 2 -> RC (just for rune of ice) -> Enchanter
(I would go pure INT for each one) I prefer bossing

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Currently my favorite build for Cryomancer is W1>Cryo3>Psycho3>RC.

RC’s casting time is indeed long, but now is now shorter than before so is not too much of a problem. Iam even rarely touch my RC’s skills and often use Cryo+Psycho skills, usually I use the Rune of Ice only for strong mobs (Boss/Elite) or in PvP.

For now I didn’t have a problem with PvE (especially using Pardoner boss), just be careful when hunting monsters.

Also Iam using Audra (Staff) for the weapon.

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If CryoChrono isn’t on your list of choices, then consider the below options


  • You won’t be the highest dps in your team but you are the best at CC with this build. Frost tree and gravity pole are extremely good at grouping and holding monsters in place. It is also good for solo since you will be damaging and controlling the mobs at the same time preventing yourself from getting injured. Raise can be used to help you gather time to cast your runes for instance if you are afraid of the long cast time. Lastly, PP+IW combo tgt with Rune of Ice helps you burst bosses down quickly.


  • This build does more dps since you get a lot more damage from Ele skills than Kino skills. Frost tree help you gather mobs and freezing them allowing you to use frost cloud on a bunch of grouped mobs, and electrocuted does good damage on frozen enemies. Meteor might be a bad option since you have no quick cast or surespell so you can invest in other skills such as prominence (some people don’t like this due to its randomness) or freezing sphere. Sage probably is the preferred choice since enchanter isn’t in a good spot now as a r8 class


  • Good summoner build, go spr for more damage from your summons. Frost tree helps to gather mobs for your summons to kill. If you prefer a more offensive and fun option, consider Sorc2 since you get riding.

Since the other guy didn’t answer any opinions on:
Wiz1 -> Cryo3 -> Ele3 -> Enchanter 1 OR psycho 1
Wiz1 -> Cryo3 -> Thaum3 -> Enchanter 1
Wiz1 -> Cryo3 -> Psycho 1 -> Thaum 2 -> Runecaster?

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  • Refer to my post above


  • I feel that this might be pretty hard to solo. There are people who tried Pyro3>Thauma3 and still have troubles due to Pyro’s skill being quite weak and it is hard to control the mobs. Cryo3 lack the offensive capability to really utilise the buffs from Thauma. Unless your main intention is to provide party buffs + additional support from frost tree. Still, CryoChrono would probably still be much better due to buff limits (3 buffs from Thauma and 1 buff from Enchanter).


  • Cryo3+Psycho1+Runecaster is a good combination for the IW+PP combo. But that is the only way you can pour out offensive capability. Thauma isn’t really going to help much tbh, as you don’t have powerful offensive skills to utilize the buffs. Casting Rune of Justice or Rune of Destruction is going to be hard without proper cc with mobs hitting you, or quick cast. Hence, it would be better to go for Psycho3 for raise, allowing you to lock mobs into place and gives you time to cast runes, plus additional skill to use from gravity pole. Or, you can also consider going Warlock 2 right after Runecaster. You can frost tree to gather mobs and use Masterma or PoA.

Maybe it would be better if you tell us what is your aim for the builds which you suggested so we can help you figure out what is the build that best fits your needs.

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Kino3 is a pvp choice, isnt it? It’s good for pve?

Hm, I’ve tested Cryo3>Elem3 (although I went for sage instead of RC). This build imo has the right combination of supportive and offensive utility.

  • Has satisfying synergies with frost pillar and ice + ligthning bonuses.

  • Although I haven’t played too much pvp. Having a circle with crowd control should give you an advantage and viability on pvp.

I’ve seen that you really like RC to be part of your builds. Maybe Go Cryo3>Psy3>RC?
The build focuses around CC while doing huge burst of damage (Making it somewhat viable in ET (Frost Pillar, Raise, Icewall-combo) and PVP (CC 24/7). The build no longer relies heavily on surespell as in kino 3, you’ll get a surespell effect on your main skills. (although runecaster might still need surespell to reliably use your skills offensively)

Kino3 won’t deal as much DPS as classes such as Ele or Warlock, but the reason why Kino3 is good is because it synergizes well with Cryo

  • Cryo3 with more ice wall + PP allows you to fire more shards. Kino3 gives you an attribute that causes PP + GP to be uncancellable from normal mob attacks
  • Cryo3 Frost tree + Kino3 Raise + Gravity Pole makes you extremely good at CC

If you want a more sustained DPS, then Ele3 would be better.
If you want an ok DPS + good CC + occasional burst, Kino3 would be better.

I don’t pvp much so I’m speaking from a PVE perspective. It mostly boils down to what you want. Do you want more DPS? Sub DPS + support CC? Boss Killer? Pure Support?

I prefer sage instead rc but sage is more utility now and rc(rune of ice) works well with cryo but its completely expendable for me :stuck_out_tongue: (maybe rank 9 help me lol)

It’s ok? Suggestions about cryo/ele/kino skill points?

sage build:

If you want cryo ele kino, i recommend going with wiz 2 cryo 1 kini 1 ele 3. I dont recommend this build compared to other cryo kino or ele builds.

Not a single build, are separate classes only

Skill points separately


  • Max Frost Tree and snow rolling
  • Ice Bolt 3 for quicker cast
  • Ice Wall higher the better if you are combining it with Kino, allowing you to setup more walls
  • Ice Blast can be maxed if you don’t up Ice Wall that much
  • Subzero Shield is subjective
  • Gust lvl 1 is good enough to hit ice walls


  • Max PP+GP+Raise
  • Rest is really up to you


  • Max Frost Cloud and Hail
  • Electrocute 14 at least to hit more mobs
  • Rain and Prominence is subjective, personally I didn’t get it
  • Rest of points goes to Meteor or Freezing Sphere. Meteor if you want more aoe (but make sure u have surespell or quick cast or else it will get easily cancelled) or freezing sphere for more single target damage.
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I’m back :D.
wizc1cryoc2elec3warlockc2 is viable or should I follow wizc1cryoc3elec3sage?

cryo c2 offers nothing good for an ele 3 build. Cryo’s main highlight is frost pillar in this case and so i would recommend the sage build over the warlock build.

I’m in the middle of creating a Wiz 2- Cryo 2- Linker 2 - Kino 1 - RC, and it has been fun.
Wiz 2 for surespell, kino for ice wall combo, RC for rune of ice and offensive runes (I hope that at least the justice one will get better in the next balance), and linker for some burst and grouping with hangman’s.
You can try drop one circle from linker and get cryo 3 instead, adding more cc and ice damage.

Also, just a tip if you’re going with the elementalist build. Frost pillar makes every target be considered as Frozen, even bosses that can’t actually be frozen. So it combos well with electrocute with both attributes on, and ice wall can be used to increase the number of targets electrocute will hit on a stand alone target, which is the case for almost every boss. It is very simple (and you probably already know about it), but I don’t see many people doing this, so just in case.

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its damn satisfying and fun to play once you able to reach lvl290+