Tree of Savior Forum

[Cryo] Silent Subzero Shield full nerf? #patchnotes 06/28


From the patchnotes 06/26

Subzero Shield:
This skill will no longer freeze characters using the skills Energy Blast or God Finger Flick.

I just had some duells with a Dragoon, Necro, Wugushi, Elementalist, QS and Fletcher.

Here is the result:

None of the Archer/Wizards got any dmg reflected of ANY skill they did to me while Subzero shield was active (Mace/Shield equipted). Nore did they got frozen of the skill regardless what skill they used.

Dragoon got reflect dmg and freeze mid skill.
The Fletcher was unable to remove SzS with Bodkin (used 50 arrows for testing)
QS used Caltrops. When they hit, the QS got frozen + reflect dmg.

So… full SzS nerf has somehow arrived, although patchnotes say something else. Can other cryos please confirm?

100% certain SzS still worked today’s prepatch, as I just duelled others yesterday and it still froze Wizards/Archer types.

I have the feeling IMC f0ck up with patching the full nerf instead of “only” excluding energy bolt & flicking finger.



As far as i can see on your testing, only melee skills are affected by SzS now.

On tosbase is lacking info also, and i am sure in-game too, there is nothing specified about what kind of damage is affected.

I would expect to at least, in ranged attacks case, would reflect the damage.

The case that only melee skills are affected is the full SzS nerf, which was not announced, hence the thread.

Yeah that is their problem, they do announcements but half assed as usual, and many skills have hidden triggers or the like that we aren’t aware and end up finding out by ourselves.

Well if it’s been nerfed fully I would like a free skill reset :expressionless:

I had another Cryo test it with duelling other classes. So… ye it got full nerf.

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Good nerf, pvp balance!!


for not having pvp on iTos at all yet… good comment!.. it affects pve pretty hard. Leveling without szs against archer/mage mobs. It’s a very hard nerf for PvE as well

Good. The skill needs to be nerfed even more to only work in PvE.

I thought everyone want the kToS changes?

Let’s hope for the 10 AoE attack ratio (or was it just 10 targets limit?) on Frost Cloud next.


gee… please calm your narrow minded head. This thread is not about op/not op discussion of the skill but why IMC is silent patching something which is not balanced but class breaking.

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It does not.

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Even though the change was coming sooner or later this is probably a fuckup by IMC

As far as I know none of the other changes from that particular patch have hit, so its weird to only have this one get through.

Also ■■■■ all SZS abusers

You already have a limit on frost cloud now, since the beginning of iToS.

What is the limit exactly? 15 aoe atk ratio or 15 targets?

Rather have it come sooner than later so the QQ will die out faster.

Thanks for testing and pointing it out. After your screenshot i tested it too and you are right. I have to reverse my previous statement.

Subzero still works in pve unchanged and freezes with the normal freezing chance of the skill describtion archer & mage type mobs. The change seems to only imply pvp-based content (duels)


could you tell me how much is Frost Cloud’s current AoE attack ratio?

It’s not stated, but there is definitely a limit (probably limited by number and not by aoe ratio though), because I can’t damage all mobs when there is too many mobs like in torch defense.