Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo/Chrono or Linker/Chrono?

  • Cyro/Chrono
  • Linker/Chrono

0 voters

I’m currently making CyroChrono. Having a hard time leveling. I just want to know at end game content: grinding / et / pvp - all-round.
In general which build would you rather have in your party? I want to be useful to my party/guild.

Stick to your Cryo/Chrono, if i knew before hand that Linker would be so heavily nerfed till one nerf coming) i would had changed.

To make things fair, if they removed only the hit count from JP, it would make it viable, but in a situation where the fight is intense and there is 3-5 chars hitting the linked mob and the linked mob have huge HP pool, JP fade out so fast that it is ridiculous.

And i am not even counting the bug, if it is one, in JP that make it fade before the 100 hits it supposed to hold till it fade.
I noticed that it fade in different hit counts (from 15-50).

Linker 1/2 is best suited for grinding and general purpose; it makes leveling and farming much easier comparatively. Cryo3 really shines when you can make the most of Frost Pillar’s unlimited target count. If we’re talking earth tower or uphill saalus then cryomancer wins.

To answer your question each excels in their own right. I find linker/chrono more fun to play as it focuses on offensive support rather than crowd control.

I really don’t like the combo Linker Chrono. I don’t think it is a good combo anyway. Linker is still a strong class, but if you wanna make a Linker you have many other ways to do it.

I have both cryo/Chrono 280 and linker/Chrono. Both build offers a lot as far as pvp and pve. In my opinion linker/Chrono is more useful in ET than a cryo/Chrono. Battle league cryo/Chrono is better. PvE leveling you will find it is easier to level a linker. And if people pays attention the so called link nerf is already implemented, best way to observe this is when a linker jps poata and mole in mission(link will end fast depending on your dps). If you want to pvp like battle league go cryo/chrono (cc: snow roll, ice tree, iw awesome in gvg). If you want to be part of a team like ET, GvG, questing, grinding, more “supportive” go linker/chrono. CC is awesome but why not kill them asap? Also, rank 8 you would have more choice as a linker/Chrono than a cryo/Chrono.

I thought for et people prefered Cyro over Linker. Isnt the link limited to 8 target? If thats the case cyro with unlimited target pulled works better for et.

It all depends on team composition really. A cryo can fall short due to lack of offensive support and less reliable CD to work with just as easily as a linker can fall short on linkage.

Cryo3 can definitely help you survive swarms, however with sage and missile hole this may soon be irrelevant.

Hm should I keep going with Cyro3? or reroll? I’m havign a lot of fun with Cyro just not sure if it will fall off late game.

im curious as well. would it be Linker c2 is enough or just 1?

I don’t find 8 maximum links useful at all at LV 10 :confused:

well, base on experience partying with linker 2 + chrono. i think its good for uphill, dungeons with many mobs. + spiritual chain is useful aswell.

Wouldn’t Cryo/Chrono be better for uphill?
17 secs wall with audra
buncha cc
Frost Pillar than group up unlimited enemies for 12 secs with audra
Snow Rolling
Ice Spike froze

Like I read with Linker LV 10 JP they can link only 8 enemies while end game there are usually 8+
I dont see many useful skill with Linker compare to Cyro3

well i cant really answer this. but i just based my answer on what i have seen. lets just wait for pro’s.

well in most cases the last meta was cryo3/chrono…

Yeah :confused: Im new to wizard too. Just reading Linker and all they have are 3 useful skills:
JP = best linker ability
Hangman’s Knot = 3 secs group up
Spiritual Chain = share buff is pretty good I think?
Physical Link = not even sure if this is any good tbh lol

I feel like Cryo offers more to the party :confused:

Physical link is the worst xD. especially if you link it with archers and wizards that has no con.

well if you have friends to play with cryo/chrono is okay. since it helps on the damage but then if you solo’ed with cryo that has pure con. i think you will have a hard time dealing with them.

that’s why if you dont like the meta before “cryo/chrono” IMO, you could always go for a linker. even if you have full con JP helps you + buffs from pardoner.

I don’t have any problem with leveling. I just went on grinding and just hit 150 tonight x.x It will be 1 full week on Sunday. After asking many people in the guild they said Cryo is better for end game. Grinding is better with Linker.

btw i just read this but im not sure if it was truth or not but enchanter class can create scrolls of your skills so if you look it that way (linker + chrono skills can be crafted) with that they dont even need to get support wizard at all in ET runs or some of the dungeon runs… but lets just hope its different type of crafting. ._.

Not all skills can be crafted, and crafting them costs 2500 per level

You can Linker at rank 8

Did the same poll some days ago; people preffered Cryo over Linker there