Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo c3 > Chrono c3

I took another 3 points out of Ice Pike and put them into Ice Bolt (4).

Ice Bolt has a nice freezing rate with the attribute indeed, the issue with it at Lv1 though is the cast-time.

At 4 (although Lv3 would have been fine too already, I just personally prefer 4) you can throw Lv1 out if you only hold like a third of the full cast-time.

Oh and if it’s not too late, I’d suggest getting rid of Energy Bolt altogether, and increasing Lethargy to at least Lv3, for the “strike damage bonus”-attribute.

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The strike attribute doesn’t require level 3 lethargy, that’s for the attribute that further decreases the enemies damage.

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Oh right, nevermind that then Dx

I’d still get that over Energy Bolt though.

Oh, I didn’t even know Ice Bolt had a cast time. It makes sense that getting more points on it would allow me use Ice Bolt lvl 1 earlier, but I wonder if that’s really worth it. I intend to use Ice Bolt only in emergencies, when everything else is on cooldown and I need to freeze a big bad target and get away. Surelly, in that case casting it faster is super important, but that would come at the cost of less damage in my other skills.

I know that in lategame the fixed damage on Ice Pike is almost meaningless to increase, so in that case should I take yet 3 more points from it and add it to Ice Bolt? It just feels a bit wrong adding 3 points on a skill I don’t even intend to use…

I would remove 4 points from Frost Pillar and put it on Ice Pike.
1 on Frost Pillar should do the job.

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Didn’t know ice bolt lvl 5 reduces cast time. Should i go for lvl 5 or just stay at 1?

It’s not that it reduces the cast time, I’d say it’s more of an unintended effect. For example, let’s say it takes 1 second to cast it at lvl 1. At lvl 5, it still takes one second to cast, but it would cast lvl 1 in 0.20 seconds, lvl 2 in 0.40 seconds and so on, until at 1 second it casts the lvl 5. So if iyou have the skill at lvl 5 you can interrupt the cast at 0.20 and still get a lvl 1 Bolt.

I’m still not sure if that’s worth 3 to 4 points of investment though. It sounds like a convenient thing to invest points on, but I wouldn’t say we have that many points to spare simply for convenience.

its definitely worth lvling to at least lvl 5 just so you can cast lvl 1 faster. you rarely will want to fully charge it, sp cost is troublesome.
the question to me is, is it worth going to 10 points to cast twice as fast…

I tried lvl 3 ice bolt right now. I frequently use it every time a mob is chasing me and I want to freeze that mob. The fast cast definitely helps.

Oh well, I guess it’s time to revisit the build again!

Hello everyone!

I’m playing a Wizard and going for Wiz>Cryo3>Chrono3 and I wondered what attributes should learn first (max)?

hopefully you got the stat reset potion if going for cryo3/chrono3. full CON seems best for that build, but leveling full CON could be quite a grind.

personally if I was going chrono3 I’d get pyro1, linker2, chrono3 for spiritual chain buff sharing, and the strange enchant fire doublehits.

if you are still going cryo3, max ice pike, and use ice rod weapon for lvls 40-120.
any attribute that gives only a 1% dmg bonus will be outdone by equipment upgrades for a long time. ice pike is your most important damage skill.
the “gust” spell is bugged until you get the attribute.
ice blast and gust should be kept at lvl 1. ice bolt is probably best left at lvl 5.
don’t use all your cryo2 skillpoints- save some them for cryo3.
I strongly suggest enchanting/enhancing 3 costume hats.


@Vektor Cryo 3 chrono 3 is one of the best support wizard builds out there next to thaumaturge linker.

Full con is generally what you will be gunning for since this is a very support oriented makeup. Only thing with full con is that after about level 140’ish you pretty much need to be in a party at all times to level since you do NO damage whatsoever beyond snowball even with arde dagger, cafrisun, and priest buffs.

So if you have the ability to level with friends/guild on the regular, this is what you want to do. You can put into int if you want to solo and don’t have people to level with, and can just use a stat reset if you have one. If you don’t have a reset it isn’t a huge deal, though you will be a bit squishy later on.

As far as skills you can do what you like, since there is always the ability to use a skill reset whenever. Though, I generally just make sure to have 5/5 on snowball and tree along with saving points through Chrono in order to max out Quicken and Haste as soon as you get them.

Source: I use the same build / knowledge of the game from those who have played since cbt.

@nacho_ph Cryo and chrono have fairly cheap attributes, though the most beneficial in my opinion would be:
Chrono: Quicken crit rate attribute, Haste evasion attribute, Slow crit resistance attribute
Cryo: Shield mastery enchant, Freeze speciality, Ice bolt chance of freeze
Wizard: Maximum buff count, Lethargy additional dmg (used to boost cleric’s dmg ALOT)

Granted these attributes have support in mind and not damage.
You’ll want plate armor mastery as well if you are supporting.

Thanks everyone!

So far for stats I’ve been going 1:1 INT / CON to help out on my leveling. If I notice I’m too squishy later on I plan on buying the stat reset potion and going Full CON.

What do you mean by “ice rod”? Is there a rod that boosts ice damage at lvl 40? Thanks in advance!

Oh, that’s great! Thanks! I was looking for a rod that boosted Ice damage, that’s why I didn’t find it.

Why haste 10? 1% seems not that much 0.0

Thank you.
I thought cloth armor was bettert because sp recovery.

From what I understand, it’s not actually 7% movement, but 7 movement, where it’s some unit of speed and 30 is the base. If I’m not wrong, then, haste 10 would be 23% faster movement.

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You will get actually 15 movement if you have haste lvl 10. Which is a increase in 50% movement speed if you dont have other movement buffs.

Also haste is a major reason why you want a chrono with you, it increases your exp per hour by alot if you are moving around on the map.