Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo c3 > Chrono c3

Hello everyone! I’ve decided to follow the support path as a Wizard, and would like someone experienced in Cryomancers to help me out over here. I’m quite certain of my point allocation for chrono, but I’m not quite sure about cryo.

So, what do you think of this particular spread?

I went for lvl 1 Ice Bolt just for the Freeze chance, and my main source of the little amount of damage cryo can do will be Ice Pike. I went for lvl 1 Snow Rolling because I’ll focus on PvE and it requires me to be close to enemies.

I wonder if I should max Ice Wall instead of Ice Pike, and if Gust is any good nowadays.

Thanks in advance!


Do you know what Stats you’re going? I’m doing a similar build. I was guessing pure con but I could be wrong

Honestly Subzero Shield will do very little for you - you should max Snow Rolling instead. Wtih a level 1 Snow Rolling you’d almost take longer making the snowball than riding it.

For going pure support, full CON might be the way to go. Also if you intend to focus on PvP. Since I don’t care about PvP at all and just want to support on dungeons, I feel like I’ll go for INT too, also because it might be necessary for me to solo for a bit. I know this build isn’t for that, but I feel like some points in INT won’t be that bad. But if you have the determination for it, go for full CON!

This is interesting for me because from what I read, Subzero Shield is one of the main reasons to go for Cryomancer c3. Why do you say it’d do little for me? I’m legitimely curious since I hadn’t even considered that, hahaha!

Subzero Shield is more PVP oriented I believe.

Basically what Kalandros said - it’s very pvp oriented. For starters you’d be locked to using a rod + shield, because subzero will only really freeze (or attempt to, since they nerfed its freezing chance) when you block (also can’t block magic).

The main attractive of cryo3 is the Tree, basically embracing your support role. Snow Rolling is decent damage on the side, and has some mobbing capabilities.

If you will be putting all stats to cons would it make it harder to solo some of the contents? For example if I am questing alone…

I am a just new and have not played in beta, what does cryo3/chrono3 do for support? Any recommended gear you should aim for?

Regarding Subzerro, without a shield it basically does nothing?

It brings a lot of control to the table for later content. Basically cycling through your freezes and pairing it with Pass to accelerate the cooldowns and repeat.

It gets even more disgusting if you have a Dievdirbys with you since Carve Laima reduces party cooldowns by 20%.

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49sec CD on Tree - 20% CD Laima - 25sec CD Pass every 40sec (down from 50) = 14.2sec CD on Tree

Is this an ultimate tank replacer combo? :confused:

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No, because tank gets aoe taunt which is the best mobbing skill in the game; the aoe on it literally hits off the screen.

This is false - it freezes enemys without a shield. Only the attribute requires a shield.

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Most Swordies pick only 1 Pelt circle worth 10 targets with SB at lv5.

It’s 11 targets, and that’s more than enough for dungeon.

The ice tree make the mobs aggro on you? If yes, its a good “aoe taunt”… And most swords pick 1 peltasta but dont follow the tank idea, so if u have one sword like that in your PT, he can aggro and u frost, slow, cc them

I did see a kTOS Chrono with 47k HP so if you can somehow hold aggro, sure.

Also you can get +2 levels on Frost Pillar with Divine Might and Vubbe Ice Wizard Gem (+2 seconds) and likewise +1 on Pass. I am not sure if it further extends the cooldown reduction by another 5 seconds though.

Not going to be fun farming for it though.

I think you probably want to have snowrolling maxed for the AoE Ratio… It’s the number of monsters it can affect. Right now the end game has been all about waves of 20 mobs, large mobs, and large mobs have 3 AoE Ratio Def each.

So if you have snowrolling Lv1…
Base AoE 3, +6 from snowrolling = pickup 3 large mobs.
Capped Snowrolling you get total AoE ratio of 3+10 which means you could pickup 5 large mobs.
Or 13 small mobs max vers 7 small mobs with only 1 point in the skill.

That’s all before you consider head gear which you will want to have AoE ratio rolled on and any other equipment you maybe using. But you get the idea of how important AoE Ratio is for doing your job of controlling as many mobs as you can.

This can be modified if you snowroll at almost the exact moment of a linker’s hangman’s knot because of it’s attribute to remove AoE Ratio defense. Or if you’re lucky enough a Falchoner’s Circling ability would let you roll on infinite mobs assuming they were all hit by it and didn’t resist.

I would consider removing points from Ice Spike since the damage is a flat value. I wouldn’t take it out of Icewall since it determines how many times you can shatter each tile. So it’s a lot of potential damage to give up if you’re using Ice Rune + Ice Wall shatter combos.

Edit: clean up, slightly with more explanation of ice wall


Thanks a lot for the tips! So in this case, I’m movign 4 points from Ice Pike to Snow Rolling, right? Would it be wise to also move 2 more points from Ice Pike to Ice Wall, since that allows me to max the skill?

That’d make it so I have lvl 9 Ice Pike, lvl 15 Ice Wall and lvl 5 Snow Rolling. Or I could keep Ice Wall at lvl 13 and Ice Pike at lvl 11. Are 2 levels in Ice Wall better than in Ice Pike? I worry about the cooldown on the wall, even with Pass latr on.

EDIT: Alternatively, I could keep them both at lvl 12.

Is Gust still not worth the investment?

Thanks again for the tips and thanks everyone for keeping the discussion (snow) rolling!

I’d personally cap Ice Wall then make friends with every Runecaster you meet.

1 point gust is fine. It doesn’t have the attribute % increase that every other damage skill has so it’s kind of meh. But it’s a nice skill to have early on. Worst case senario you miss out on a point you could have put in Ice Spike for a flat 52*hits. I like to think of gust as ghetto ice spike.

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Is rod and shield really good?
ps: im with rod and shield

Build in the first post updated! Let me know what you guys think :slight_smile: