#Initial Patch, Small Patches, Repository Merge 1
ktos: Apr 07 2016 - Aug 11 2016
itos: Mar 03 2016 - Oct 04 2016
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12/05/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[PvP] Heal Tile Circle Duration will expire after 10 seconds. ( Previously 40 Seconds )
The duration of this skill will now be listed in the corresponding tooltip
16/06/2016 kTOS
28/06/2016 iTOS 
Fixed a bug where duration of this skill was not increasing according to the skill level
26/05/2016 kTOS
Fixed a bug where [Divine Might] Was not increasing the level of [Fade].
14/04/2016 kTOS
Fixed a bug where [Divine Might] was not increasing the damage on empowered skills.
19/05/2016 kTOS
For the Duration of the skill, Stamina recovery & SP regeneration will be increased.
02/06/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Damage increased by blessing is now boosted by the caster’s INT and SPR.
Original + { ([SPR] × 0.06 + [INT] × 0.02) × ([Skill Level] -1) }
Duration has been increased 45 seconds → 60 seconds
21/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[Team Battle League] Resurrection will only apply once per round
14/04/2016 kTOS
26/04/2016 iTOS 
Fixed a bug where after receiving the buff [Sacrament] and changing map, the attributes on the buff would vanish.
02/06/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[PvP] Buff duration has been decreased 90 → 30
[Team Battle League] Revive will only apply once per round
19/05/2016 kTOS
[Team Battle League] Duration Attribute will no longer function.
12/05/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[Team Battle League] The block rate scaling has been decreased to [SPR x 0.5] (Previously [SPR x 4])
02/06/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
When in range of the Aukaras, Debuffs will have a reduced duration
(For every 0.1 seconds debuffs duration will decrease by 0.05s.)
30/06/2016 kTOS
New item “Zombie Capsule” has been added
The capsule is used to summon Zombies with the bokor ability[Zombify].
The level of the Zombie created is in accordance with the characters level.
If you have already reached the maximum amount of zombies via [Zombify] you will not be able to summon more zombies when using the capsule.
Zombie Capsules cost 300 Silver ea. and can be purchased from the Bokor Master & Submaster.
The Zombie Capsule has a cooldown of 27 Seconds.
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased 170 → 185
19/05/2016 kTOS
The stats of zombies are now 3x stronger than before.
28/07/2016 kTOS
The ‘Ogouveve: Decreased Strength’ Attribute will now also count as a debuff that can trigger the [Incinerate] skill from Plague Doctors
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 72.3 → 78.3
Damage increase per level has been increased 26.6 → 27.6
- Statue of Goddess Ausrine
25/07/2016 iTOS 
You will now be able to properly control your character upon entering a quest while using this skill
14/07/2016 kTOS
Hitbox width has been increased 10 → 15
Hitbox length has been increased 30 → 50
14/07/2016 kTOS
Fixed a problem where the skill did not apply the effects of AoE Ratio
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 300 → 360
Damage increase per level has been increased 70 → 85
25/03/2016 iTOS 
10 + AoE attack ratio applied for Astral Body Explosion
07/07/2016 kTOS
The casting range infront of the character and whatever direction they are facing has been increased slightly.
12/05/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
This skill will deal 20% more damage when hitting an enemy afflicted with [Stun]
The tooltip of this skill has been changed to include 'Deals additional damage to a stunned enemy.
10/05/2016 iTOS

Fixed a bug where the skill’s duration does not increase per level
- Dispeller Crafting (attribute)
26/05/2016 kTOS
Fixed the problem where it was not possible to craft Simony Scrolls, whilst also talking to the Warehouse NPC.
24/05/2016 iTOS 
Players will no longer see a message stating that ‘You do not have enough silver.’ when out of Parchment.
Players will no longer see a message stating that ‘This skill cannot be crafted.’ when casting Simony for the first time.
26/05/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[Iron Skin: Reflect Attribute] has had its icon updated.
07/07/2016 kTOS
Hitbox length has been increased 25 → 30
Hitbox width has been increased 10 → 12
21/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Double Punch will have a 10% Chance of afflicting the enemy with a [Double Punch] Debuff
[Double Punch] Debuff: Recieves 30% Bonus damage with [Strike] Property attacks (Doesn’t stack with God Finger Flick Debuff.)
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 215.5 → 235.5
Damage increase per level has been increased 32 → 35
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 380 → 435
Damage increase per level has been increased 85 → 92
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 717 → 750
Damage increase per level has been increased 152 → 160
21/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
God Finger Flick will afflict the enemy with a [God Finger Flick] Debuff for 5 seconds.
[God Finger Flick] Debuff: 50% Additional damage from [Strike] Attacks. (Doesn’t stack with Double Punch’s Debuff.)
21/06/2016 iTOS

The problem of boss monsters affected by the [Carnivory] skill not attacking when the character was using the [Fade] skill has been fixed.
26/05/2016 kTOS
You will now only be able to transform into Normal Monsters.
28/06/2016 iTOS 
Fixed a bug where this skill not nullifying ally debuffs (level 1)
16/06/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
In PvP, this skill can now disable status ailments of ally characters
Install-type skills can no longer be disabled by Counter Spell
New attribute: [Counter Spell: Enemy Target]
Only magic attacks from enemies will be disabled when the new attribute [Counter Spell: Enemy Target] is active
19/04/2016 iTOS

Will no longer disturb the client when used on certain monsters.
#Plague Doctor
21/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[PvP] Duration now lasts a fixed duration of 27 seconds.
[PvP] Skill Cooldown will increase by 20 Seconds.
21/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
[PvP] Duration becomes 15s + 2 per level.
[PvP] Skill Cooldown will increase by 20 Seconds.
14/04/2016 kTOS
25/07/2016 iTOS 
Skill Base damage has been increased Base Damage 697.32 → 765
Damage increase per level has been increased 142.39 → 175.39
12/04/2016 iTOS

Fixed a bug where casting the skill crashes the client