Tree of Savior Forum

Critique my Ice wizard W3 >Cryo > Ele2 > Runecaster

So i am new to the game and have never played any of the beta. i wanted to play a mage type char for pvp mostly but also not suffer too much in pve. i went ahead and tried to take a stab at making a build.

i like the idea of an ice mage so thats what i sought to make. I did read a little bit on the forums about the wizard class. The main points of the build is 3 parts

  1. first is to take advantage of the wiz3 's quickcast and surespell
  2. second is to take advantage of the frozen status. the cryo is to freeze and elementalist is to use electrocute.
  3. Runecaster is a double down on being an ice mage via Rune of Ice since it gives +300% dmg. works with both the cryo skills and Hail from Ele skills.

The rest of the skill choices are pretty much random or something i thought would help in lvling.

So please share some of your thoughts on my build. Critique it for me please and let me know how i can refine it.

Unfortunately, Ice Rune does not work with Hail because of this:

“All Ice-type magic cast by you and party members except for deployment magic”

It so happens that Hail and Frost Cloud fall under that “deployment magic” in the description.

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why call it ice wizard with only 5-6 ice skills :\

as for skills… a single point from sleep into lethargy can do you good…

I would go more into meteor than prominence, but that’ s me…

Didn’t have to look at the full tree to say that this is ■■■■. Wiz3? Cryo3 gives so much control. If you wanna take advantage of the frozen status, get cryo3. Quick cast and sure spell aren’t worth the points. Hopefully, you haven’t reached rank2 yet. If you did, all I can say is rip.

Thats a bummer. i was wondering if that was gonna factor in. good to know. Add in the other comments, i am not quite sure if this is feasible now.

Fair enough, i just looked at the cryo skills and ele skills and there and did not see any cast times on most of them. i assumed some of them would have some. I guess its a good thing i havent gotten far into lvling yet.

taking that into consideration and saving the rest of the build, i guess its best to do wiz >cryo3 >ele2 > runecaster. Alternatively i can go wiz > cryo2 > ele3 > runecaster.

You seem to know your stuff so what do you think? is cryo3 much better for the build or is ele3 also okay.

Ele3 ice magic doesn’t benefit from ice rune according to kyoshiro so i am leaning towards cryo3 atm.

That just made my day.

Assuming OP goes Cryo 3 > Rune Caster (with whatever else in between), he’s going to have one hell of a time trying to pull off any Rune Caster spells. No one, not even monsters, are going to wait 8 goddamn seconds for him to cast ONE spell. Both Surespell and Quick Cast are needed for Rune Caster, no exceptions.

And to make Quick Cast even better, it’s got this attribute.

Good lord, that’s a free +50% Magic Attack buff for yourself right there. Best part? It’s 100% uptime.

u should know elementalist have attributes for cyro c2 and pyro c2.
which is
-cyro = give 50% chance to slow enemy with ice skills.
-pyro = give 30% chance to splash fire skills around at 80% dmg.

This was my original thought as well. I’m really confused now haha. So far what I have learned is

  1. runecaster will need wiz3.
  2. Cryo 3 gives great control.

Seems like my build is still viable though maybe not as optimal as I would like bec rune doesn’t apply to hail.

What are your thoughts on going wiz3 cryo3 runecaster.

I looked at that just now, thanks for pointing it out. Seems like the attribute would only work if you killed someone with an ice magic first. It would then cast in an area a slow. A slow on every ice magic skill cast would have been tremendous though hahah.

Yep, that build should be fine. Lots of CC due to freezing and Frost Pillar, and should be pretty good damage with your Cryo skills since you’ll have the damage boost from Quick Cast plus Ice Rune.

OP what u want is a Wiz cyro3 psycho3.
pvp god.
so it translates to

I’ve heard of this build. It’s based on ice wall + PP combo right?

Here’s a question, are those projectiles from the ice wall considered ice attack? If so then maybe wiz3 > cryo2 > psycho1 > runecaster. So if it’s considered ice attack then +300% to everyone of those projectiles? The ice wall itself may be an area skill but the projectiles from it aren’t right? Just a thought, it would be cool.

wiz3 doesnt offer much for pvp. and since QC attribute only works on you, its kinda of a solo pve class.
psycho3 has raise which is a really good aoe CC.
cyro3 has frost tree.

leave runecaster for someone who wants a more pve centered character.
since u want pvp more, adding runecaster weakens your build.

just wondering if anyone try cyro c3 with ele c3. I was thinking about combo between frost cloud and frost tree. basically pull enemies insides and dmging it. coz the other day i combo with my friend cyro c3. i m using pyro c2 skills, which is flame ground and fire pillar. works great with his skills. just pull enemies in dungeon, and then spam skill like nuts.

“Wiz 3 dosn’t offer much for pvp” your kidding right xD?

Unless you’re a RC, psy or ele. I dont think Wiz3 really matters, people die super fast in pvp anyway, imo that is. Magic missle can be disgustingly reliable though, but its still based on your playstyle if you like to ezaim everyone

yeah compared to another class, a wiz3 only has what, a lvl 15 sleep?
u wont have time to charge to lvl 15 anyway.

Sleep don’t have a cast time. You can release it instantly for a max duration sleep.

Most Wiz 3 that I saw don’t even know how to use Sleep, that’s why there are all the rumours where sleep is useless and shouldn’t be added.

Quick cast + lvl 15 sleep is instant i think wiz 3 has to be hands down the meta for pvp.

Wiz3 Quickcast + Ele 3 = 1HKO INSTANT. Seen guys pick up instant pentakills w/ meteor like this

You don’t need cryo for CC bruh.

My current pvp build Wiz3 > Kino > Sorc 2 > Warlock havn’t tested in 5v5 but in duels the other player dies instantly and there is nothing they can do about it.

TK Alone holds them in place for 20seconds while the summon goes HAM