Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair + savagery + dual pierce type weapons gameplay


This isn’t dual pierce weapons. She has slash and stab weapons. With Savagery it gives her 3 strikes. And then Sacrament buff adds Holy based strikes to each of her strike making it 6 hits pero auto attack.

It’s dual pierce because of the mace he is using, it has a weird pierce attribute on it.

Holy crap. You’re right. I stand corrected. I guess that means Sacrament doesn’t work on the 2nd attack of Savagery then. Or else it would have been 8 attacks. Lol.

Yeah I would Trident was one handed since it alone can cause triple attack with every hit. So that would put it around 10+ attacks haha OwO

I think the triple attack only works on large monsters though. Not sure about this. But that would totally annihilate boss mobs. Lol.

So obviously over powered, would need a nerf.

yes please, nerf evrything before the game is in obt, especially nerf all swordsmen followup builds, so barb is dead, now please nerf this and that and this, dont forget to nerf that… just nerf evrything untill no build is possible in this game anymore… as u can tell i’m getting fed up with all those buff and nerf shouting guys that prbly didnt even play the game past lvl 40 and call evrything OP or UP … can u guys just chill and wait if the devs consider something OP or UP ?? and wait untill the game is in a later state, nerfing things right now is only good on a small scale, the game will change so much untill its OBT/release … u cant even tell if they take barb nerfs back for example untill that date… cause who knows what will happen in that timeframe…


Lol you’re actually trying to defend this absurd amount of damage in a very short amount of time?

You’re off your rocker, though it’s more likely you were never on it to begin with.

i’m not trying to defend anything, i said i’m sick of ppl that cry for nerfs or call something OP before the game is even barely finished… what if they rescale mob phys def. for example in the future? then they gonna buff evrything again? etc. etc. yes it looks strong, yes it’s a lot of dmg in a very short amount of time… and? i still saw casterclasses 1 shoting 1 1/2 - 2 full screens with a single aoe attack… i’ll repeat, the game is barely finished, they are changing so many things, its just stupid to ask for buffs or nerfs atm, thats total nonsense unless skills are not working as they intended too… which is not a buff or nerf… but a fix… calling something OP or UP is legit just before OBT or in OBT… evrything before that point in time is just stupid cause they might change that anyways or something that might have effect on said skill/build… which no one rly knows if it will happen or not… i dont, u dont … and maybe even the devs dont know it yet…

You have to realize that this build is buff-centric though. So a lot of the damage is riding on him keeping up with his buffs. And this is more of a sustained DPS. Where he continually hits for between 400-1k per attack. So on average he does around 700 damage per attack for the duation of the buffs active. As compared to someone who goes a different route which could be more of a burst style of DPS. Something like an Elementalist which could hit you with a 6k damage meteor in an AOE TWICE before it goes on cooldown. So this MIGHT look OP because of all the numbers, but in reality, it’s really not.

You also have to consider that if he goes this route, he foregoes his attack skills which will hamper his burst damage.

Also, that’s his role. To do damage. Corsairs just do it in a different way. He does a lot of damage but foregoes his HP, Defense and Magic Defense. So if the enemy has a strong magic based attack, Corsairs die really fast. Lol.

dont forget to mention that his range even compared to other melees sucks… he bscly needs to hug the boss to be effective(u can see that in the video even… he was next to the boss and still “out of range” at one point), and there is bscly no aoemeleedmg in that build compared to 2handers for example… its a fine build which is on the upper scale for singletarget sustain dps, its good and works fine but its nowhere near OP or UP…

I’m sure when they want nerf they want devs to put more attention to this class in the future.
Not like “nerf right now or it’ll sure break the game”.

Waiting for OBT to seek improvement is an old-school-thinking.
It could become potential bug / exploit in the future that’ll be hard to fix without breaking another.

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It’s not even OP though. So why put attention to it?

Dunno, i’ve never requested it to be nerfed.
It’s showing some indication though.
If this build could dominate solo PvE, then that’s enough of a reason i think.

So just giving it more attention is enough for now.

I doubt this will dominate PvE. I think 1HKO would dominate PvE more. Imagine a high level blue mob you’ve been hitting for a good few seconds. And an Elementalist strolls by and shoots it with Electrocute and bursts right in front of you.

That’s not saying Elementalists are OP. But burst damage, especially AOE burst damage, does more in PvE than sustained damage could. The only time I see sustained damage doing more work than burst damage in general would be against bosses since you can’t 1HKO/remove half its HP with a skill. But that’s what’s great about MMOs, ToS especially. You have ■■■■ ton of options and roles, even variation of roles, you can play.

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I’ve been pretty upset since this was posted because I run this currently in cbt and wanted it to go under the radar before and if it got hit with more nerfs than it needed. The core of this build was already nerfed(Barbarian) which I agree was needed, but any more then it was lose its value to play

Like you can hide anything in a MMO. Plus it’s better if they patch it during cbt instead of in the future when you already build yours this way just for it it be nerfed and you got yourself a useless character.

Because useless classes is equal to balance.

Not saying that this game is balanced, but nerfing everything into oblivion because the community says so does make a balanced game.


if they would nerf evrything right now that the community considers OP… there would be no playable build left at all, since evryone is shouting something diffrent is OP…