Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair + savagery + dual pierce type weapons gameplay

Mhm. I’ve been playing this since mid cbt before we went to the pts and prior to the nerfs it really was OP it was like burst and sustained damage all in one. With the recent nerfs it’s just sustained damage now.

As the current combat classes stand I would say its relatively balanced in that every class has its own niche depending on what your build consists of. If I were to call anything op it would be anything that has a really high movement speed like the mounted classes and sadhu with oob. Again though that’s their niche.

As for non combat classes right now I have no idea where they stand because I rarely see them outside of town.

No need to be defensive as there is no definite answer yet as to if this thing will get nerfed or not. Well I am all for this kind of niche build and would rather let them buff other classes (wizard in particular) to match that kind of dps because it would be unfair to have that kind of damage by just auto-attack while wizard have to get by with sub-par damage while having to micro-manage SP (and that terrible recovery), long cooldowns, cancel spell when hit, and low hp.

Won’t be as strong in pvp for sure - not only the range renders her useless…she has to stand still and keep enemies close to her…in pvp not functional at all…and her damage as already mentioned is sustain dps not much of a burst wich would be needed to kill people quickly as a melee…if they nerf this build further they would nerf its only purpose in pve…so ya sad for all the corsair and/or AA fans - i know how it feels if IMC nerfs a class T_T not good at all

Its not useless he is good supporter because he can Iron hook 3 people at same times in pvp…

What you people fail to see is that this build is over powered and desperate scum bags will seek to exploit it’s potential, it’s always happened, it’s never not happened actually.

lets make all classes autoattack only without buffs, skills, passives, or anything, just flat scaling numbers with increasing autoattack dmg, we just name them diffrent, that’s gonna be fun… duh…

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Wow what a beautiful counter argument. Lol.

What you fail to see is… Well, everything. You just go “SO MANY NUMBERS MUST BE OP. HERP DERP. NERF PLS.”

You can’t even point out what’s OP about it.


well it might be hard to point out what’s OP about a build, that clearly is not OP and has its pros and cons :stuck_out_tongue:

<<< Deals a lot of damage. Nerf plz. Duhhh that’s a DPS character.

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I wasn’t being defensive, but I can see where it could be construed as such. I was just stating that nerfing something because it’s good at doing something better than another class just isn’t the right idea. That’s why balancing games with a class system is near impossible because no one is 100% happy.

I do agree that the wizard SP recovery should be higher. I don’t know much about it to make that comment though. Everyone complains that it’s slow though. I do know that the wizard burst damage is really really high. Enough to basically one shot everything.

Obviously you people are functioning on pure bias, you’re not worth the effort.

That’s funny coming from you. Lol.

You have ZERO comments on this thread trying to even EXPLAIN why they’re OP.

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save your breath :stuck_out_tongue:



[quote=“harimaku, post:25, topic:38827, full:true”]
he is good supporter…[/quote]

You know the role of a supporter right? Calling him supporter because he can iron hook 3 ppl is…well…look at his HP - as soon as he hooks them he is immobile for some time - vulnerable to any attacks - he is squishy as heck - means he dies by literally one click or two - if you dont “dex and str him” he wont be a viable dps at all…and maybe even more useless one skill isn all it needs more than that and he obviously doesn have “more” in his kit.
And i dont wanna call the pirate flag a “support” in pvp xDDD

-i am talking only about the build used in the video-

If they nerf the classes damage he is pretty much useless in everything and nobody gonna play him…

@rhedewayhke i just offered you viable information on why the build is not overpowered - if hes a killing machine in pve (at his level) than thats the only thing he can offer and its good this way - he sacrificed ALOT to get this far - no con at all = no survivability in competitive pvp

not really OP.

Let’s say he is lvl185Corsair (2Circle with 7Class lvl) Items with +6lvl40 Mace and +4Lvl170 Dagger with total of 3x 5star gems.

Let’s compare to fighting mobs: Wiz>Cryo>Psyco>Elem>Elem>Elem
Skills: Lv5 Ice wall, Lv5 Rain, Lv12 Electrocute (lvl12 only because let’s say we only have lvl7 Class skill only)
Attribute: Electrocute:Enhance (let’s say lvl40, max of lvl100), Electrocute:Freezing Magic Damage
How to: Ice wall to freeze some mobs > Cast Rain > Cast Electrocute.

Rain have additional 35% to electric attack. Electrocute:Freezing Magic Damage have additional 50% damage for enemies who is frozen. Electrocute:Enhance lvl40 have 40% additional damage for Electrocute.

^ That is OP. Items and armors and gems are not yet included.

Let’s compare to fighting Boss: Wiz > Cryo > Psyco > Psycho > Psycho > Necro/Alchem
Skills: Lv5 Ice wall, Lv15 Psychic Pressure, Lv5 Reflect Shield
Attribute: Psychic Pressure: Enhance lvl40
How to: Cast Reflect Shield for extra protection, Cast Ice wall near boss, Place yourself in the other side of ice wall for extra ice shard damage, Psychic pressure the ice wall and boss.

^ If you see some video how to demonstrate this, you will know how OP this is.

And those are only less than lvl200.

Note: just saying my opinion and comparison why I don’t consider this OP and need to nerf. Ofcourse, Swordsman class AA is much better than Wiz. So they have much better sustain with less SP usage.

Edit: post of skill build.
Build 1
Build 2

How the ■■■■ is this OP? Clearly the ones who said this was OP haven’t discovered true potential of other classes. Z
XShintot has described things correctly in the Elementalist path. Other example is Sadhu. Albeit nerfed in recent patch, the class is still a strong DPS class which is the only class that AAs with true magic damage. If you want to compare how good their attacks are, pick a Corsair, times two their attack speed, and you have it, a monstrous class at AA. One can just stack up INT as much as possible to rekt everything. Sadhu still has good defensive skills which is good to protect the main body on OOB.

This doesn’t end there, Monks has similar spammable skill, but is an active offensive skill and consumes Stamina. They are improvable damage wise via level and attribute, and IS spammable. Damage is almost two times Corsair’s AA since Corsair have no attribute to improve their normal attack’s damage (the only attribute that increases their damage is Dagger Mastery which only adds up to 100 damage when stabbing enemies from the back with dagger).

If anything, they need buffs not nerfs. Keelhauling is useless against bosses and in PVP you would only want to use Iron Hook w/o Keelhauling, not to mention Iron Hook attribute can hook up to three enemies but disabling Keelhauling in return.

Am I the only one who is going to have a Chronomancer with me all the time. No matter what other class I use attack speed and movement speed in this type of game will always be useful.

Chronomancer + Centurion + anything else, Trident ??? Profit.

The triple attack of Trident only works on large mobs afaik.

Pvp, please! I never found…