Tree of Savior Forum

[Corsair] Iron Hook + Keel Hauling Skill Demonstration

Unfortunately Sky Liner only works with Cross Cut’s bleeding.

So even if Cross Cut is down, you can’t use Keelhauling to proc bleed for Skyliner?

I’d also like to know how it works vs bosses

Edit: I tested right now and KH Bleeding + Sky Liner work together, but Cross Cut Bleeding + KH Bleeding + Sky Liner = only double damage (not quadrupled).

Iron Hook and Keel Hauling doesn’t work against bosses.


Anybody here got a Corsair + Hoplite 2 build? Could you help me test something, I haven’t started playing yet :frowning:

If you use iron hook, and long stride to your enemy, does the enemy still remain disabled from hook?

While I can’t personally help you there, I looked around and found this topic which might be relevant.

Ah yes, someone else pointed me to that post soon after this one. Thanks!

Are they going to improve those skills for PvP? They have very little synergy with the rest of coirsair skills, so I assume they are better suited for PvP. But these skills don’t work well with melee at all - are there plans to improve pistols or have better synergy with meele skills?

In every Corsair video on PvP which I watched, they can approach to the enemy and use Iron Hook for their teammates have an opportunity to attack.

Sometimes you don’t need to aim. If you are next to your opponent and use the skill, it will capture them and you can attack the next to you.

For PvP the Chain attribute is great. For X1 turn off this attribute and use Keel Hauling is better.

If you use Iron Hook in a melee range enemy and then use Keel Hauling (which should deal no damage) will it still proc the bleed?

Yes, but it takes a little time than just using Cross Cut.

Alright thanks.

I guess it’s still useful for when cross cut is in cooldown (which is a lot higher than skyliner).

There aren’t many rank 5 class choices for a highlander C3 using 2h swords.

I prefer Corsair instead of Peltasta. Iron Hook with Chain attribute is good for PvP, Iron Hook + Keel Hauling is good for 1x1 and Jolly Roger is good for the party.

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Well done. Post more tutorial videos. +1

One question…
lets say I hooked up my enemy, and ill use keel hauling…
the question is, can i use skills while the keel hauling animation is still on process before it arrive to you?

The manual of how to be a PIRATE

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Vertical Slash wreck bosses?
Since when is Vertical Slash wrecking bosses? That skill hits like a wet noodle.

AYE!! har har har ! hahahahahaha

in PVP

What happend if you use keel hauling to Wizard
Then they freeze you while keel hauling still active
The keel hauling still there or will gone in instan ?

Nope. Your char will be stuck in Keel Hauling animation.

I hadn’t the chance to test it yet. I guess the Wizard will be pulled while you’ll be freeze.


In theory we pull monsters and players from far away because more distance = more damage.

But the skill has a range limit and during my gameplay I never pulled an enemy far enough to notice a lot of damage.