Tree of Savior Forum

Considering the Blue spion archer

You are all idiots who clearly are not reading this entire thread.

I was below 220 when I got to this map wanting to continue questing. I still wore the lv.170 roxona set (no ups).

After experiencing how painful the archers are to deal with, I decided to do other leveling stuff until I got to 220 and get to wear new plate gear (just 220 whites really).

Returned to this map and everything except the mages are doing 1 damage as long as I have the aspersion buff from pardoner shops.


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And there is a map with full of that kind of mage. And 100k+ HP.
When i shout LF partner for questing, all i got is other shout for LFM grinding till you die

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By that time probably you’ll have enough HP and mDef (from equips) to not get wrecked easily.

That, or the map just isn’t meant to be soloed. Hard life for swordies/melees as always.

Yeah, My rodelero have this sh*t and i have no clue about how to craft it:

So you can do quests there
That means you are 12 lvls lower than area you are in ?
Enjoy bonus dmg from mobs ;3

Bonus damage that shouldn’t exist, I know! I’m glad you understand.

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lol you stalkin my past topics now. you that obsessed with me?

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awe aren’t you sweet

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lol kinda hard when you tag me in stuff

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She’s not wrong. +1 for her understanding how dumb it is!

They hit me for 1 dmg when I was questing there :^D

Thank you oh lv50 atr Lv10 Swell Right Arm with a shield equipped~~~~

Hacker unveiled!!!

F*cking suck it, all you naysaying assholes.

"4-1. Regular Field Difficulty

First, we want to readjust the difficulty of regular quest and subquest fields in a way that doesn’t make the contents too demanding to solo characters near the recommended level.

We’re improving on the excessive distribution of ‘special’ monsters with high HP by eliminating the distinction between ‘regular’ and ‘special’ monsters. The HP of monsters will instead be determined by the level, meaning current Rank 8 region monsters, for example, are getting a big reduction in their HP.

Also, monsters until level 100 will now provide more EXP, allowing early-level characters to quest their way to the higher levels without depending on instanced dungeons alone. Besides theses changes, our general goal is to improve the gameplay in general fields so that regular solo players can engage with all contents even without previous in-depth knowledge of the game’s systems."