Tree of Savior Forum

[Complete] EU and SEA Server Relocation Notice: April 27-28

must be multiplied by 1000*.
oops misspeling.

in any case ping like 4-10 impossible if u don’t live in one city with server)

ty, how much ping is 0.093773? :smiley:
ok if i multipie it with 100 its 93, echo server gave me 30-35
yes i mised one 0 so its 0.093773 * 100 = 9,3773 so almost 10ms? :open_mouth:

Wow you’re so lucky
Do you happen to be the neighbor of the server? XD

Man 9ms feels like no delay at all @_@

must be 9ms, if multiplied by 100, as mine

Can someone with 50-100 ping post tracert results here?

Lol they forgot to give our compensation rewards

I hope the channel problems have been fixed now
It’s really annoying when you are in the middle of a good swing in missions/dg then suddenly your whole party is disconnected ._.

Love it, 0,04, i really think its 40ms not 4ms like some state here.
But its normal for my internet provider to be 30-40.
And the NPCs so fast <3 <3
Only, the Servertime is still the EDT :confused:
It has good things but some bad things, lets see if they change that.

ok 9 or 90 i love speaking with npcs, no delay and waiting <3

ping in game is shown in seconds.
1 second = 1000 miliseconds
so you have to multiply in game ping by 1000 to get ping in ms.

your ping is 90-100.


The only problem thats left to be fixed is…yeah, FPS drops. And then they can start with content ^^


Never thought this day would come, ty IMC :heart:


Have you guys received your compensation? or it hasn’t been released yet? :slight_smile:

my ping is higher than before :v

same no compensation

I didn’t get any compensation as well?


Fcuk i cant login
Says cannot connect to the server, trying to connect to SEA server
But can join Klap or orsho… PLEASE HELP @Staff_Julie

tells me server list is wrong?? I cannot log in either

multiplied by 1000 for ms to seconds. So your ping would be 93-100.

It seems that some people could not login to the SEA server after it relocated, me and my friends included.

Please check it out.

@STAFF_Ines @Staff_Julie @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan

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