Tree of Savior Forum

Comparitive Poll: Will you pay any money into TOS at all?

Majority of the performance items in Cash Shop are only meant to save time (for now). The big question here is more along the lines of, can the game currently sustain itself the moment it becomes F2P?

With what was already presented and the current outrage, the answer is clearly no. The game is going to need funds, whether it becomes P2W, B2P, that is decided but how much the community itself contributes in money.

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Iā€™ve played games far more expensive than this, this isnt so bad, if i compare with example RF online, or Elsword.

edit: (Right no wim only assuming our shop will be close to, or up to 20% more expensive than koreas shop)

Since u wanted to know so badly. that thread represents this community and the route its going.

Reason why its possibly a cash scam is that this was too sudden. It should had been dealt with either in Alpha or OBT. anytime that was way before the transition into OBT. Then you need to think about the KR version of the game. The KR version of the game is holding onto the edge right now. Because of this, pple are concerned to whether this $50 sudden post is a cash scam that theyā€™re doing in order to make money and opt out the game before it goes down hill. Their initial post is scary, because you do not have any concrete information of what its actual use is. Just because they said its to remove botters, doesnā€™t mean that botters will go away just like that.

Botters is something that will never go away unless you have extremely strict monitoring tools and will flag even honest players as bots. Here to stay, all Iā€™m looking for is a solid statement that is pretty much final from IMC about this game. Whatever statement they come out from this one, it better be final or itā€™ll simply end up having the community wrangle each othersā€™ necks.

IMC has a lot on the line. Regardless of their statement afterwards, there better not be any retraction afterwards, or they will simply lose the community altogether.

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This second part has a big problem, people can lie just to get the ā€œfounder packā€ removed

I do agree that botters wont be stopped by this, at best only keep botters away for 3 months. And that they have been horrible in how they communicate with us. But scary? Iā€™m not too scared of it, if anything, i believe the NA release was rushed, and theyve been on a tight schedule, this is just something i think could be possible though.

But it would be great if they did have a shop to show us the prices, and i believe they do, it wouldnt make any sense that they would randmoly throw in a number of TPā€™s in each package without any consideration.

Sure, Iā€™ll get in the middle of this, in a kind and respectful manner of course.

Some people are of the mindset that if the game dies an early death, that any amount of TP purchased was a waste, and therefore feel swindled.

When Flagship Studios released Hellgate: London and the company shut down the servers 1 year and 4 months after release. People paid full retail for the game, and paid an optional subscription fee on top of that, and just like that, boomā€¦ Flagship announces they are shutting the servers down.

Some people feel like they are making an investment into a game when they drop money into it, especially if they pay the price of a retail game. They hope to get the quality of a finished product, and they hope that the servers will remain open for years to come so they can come back to it like any other retail game in their library. On top of that, people hope for expansions to come out, containing additional levels, classes, and challenging content. Their characters are like a trophy or an action figure on the shelf to display, something that brings back nostalgic feelings of ā€œI remember those daysā€¦ā€

A lot of people are afraid to drop money into new MMO games because they have been burned before, and donā€™t want to get burned again.

I for one donā€™t mind dropping some cash into a game, and if I get $1/h worth of entertainment value, Iā€™m satisfied. There are games Iā€™ve played that still exist and I can hop back on and see the communities I used to spend hours with, and there are others that have vaporized to nothing and all I have left is some screenshots and maybe a few friends on skype that I still talk to every now and again.

As for the context of the game already being a vaporware scam, or not releasing at all? Well Steam has us covered when it comes to something like the founderā€™s pack, but if the game is up and running for 2 years, no more content comes out and just disappears, well I hope you got your time in because you are not getting that money back.

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Overall. this was a poor choice in marketing. i believe timing had to do with everything in this forum.

I will, as long as I have fun playing the game (voted yes). Iā€™m also ready to spend some money in advance because I had fun in both previous cbtā€™s and understand the developers side (iā€™m a web developer and an indie game developer).

Just want to get everyone together soon, and would be nice to have news on SA server and all that transfer stuff.

hey!! high-five!. Iā€™m actually planning on doing an indie game for halloween. haha

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The developer needs money to run the game, so ā€¦of course
I only donā€™t like the 3month part (from the founder package) ā€¦but will use money for other stuff.

Stillā€¦when will they make a special package with artbook in it?

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Well, now i understand more, but personally, till the game is down, i will have had my fun regardless, but i think its unecessary to be negative when the game isnt even running in NA yet. (seen alot of negative behavours all over the forum, but i cant blame these people though)

But i want to believe ToS will last for a good while, and ill stick to it.
If im wrong, well thats too bad, ill just play another game, no big deal.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
(I voted yes)

Aftter the recent events, no.

Question too blanket.
Are we assuming IMC will stop pulling dumb moves that seem to hurt the gameā€™s chances?

If so, probably.

Iā€™ve seen the masses rise up and spew some hate before, especially when the time for release draws ever closer. One big example was Diablo 3. People started screaming about how the game was going to fail, how the servers would be shuttered for a year, and how Jay Wilson should be jailed if not publicly executed and his corpse be left on display for all to seeā€¦

Iā€™m not exaggerating, people got crazy. People threatened each other about their opinions of the real money auction house, about who did and did not spend money on micro-transactions, about if a class was or wasnā€™t broken, and the crazy didnā€™t die down for months.

I would literally play the game, take a break and read the forums to see how hard people would troll or flame each other.

As bad as the community behaves here, now, itā€™s mild compared to what I saw in other games.

Somewhere down the line, I would buy a costume or two that I really, really like.

Thatā€™s about it. I donā€™t like any kind of boosters and similar things, it simply takes away from the game, so I wouldnā€™t go for that.

If thereā€™s a cool mask or like a mouth cover/guard, I think i would like to get that.

Misty/glowing eyes effect, like black rock shooter

Iā€™d probably get that too.

It really depends on the cosmetics for me. If they donā€™t offer anything to my liking, then I wouldnā€™t buy anything.

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ill probably buy the token every month, but they really should make it only 10$ not 20$. A LOT of BR players can afford a 10$ dollars sub (steam price) but not a 20$

and add server transfer to BR/EU server, this would make a lot of ppl start playing in the iTOS (buy founder pack and shitā€¦)

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Well about token, you can buy them from the market (that is if its the same as ktos, where player can sell it)ā€¦if you donā€™t have enough cash in real life, might take a while butā€¦at least it wont be a problem.


  • Servers will be located on the east coast of the US, same as the iCBT servers
  • 100 TP is priced at approximately USD$9.00
  • EXP gained through hunting will be at the same rate as kTOS
  • The price we announced is based on the price that will be applied to the US. Please check the Steam Store Page for your regional prices. They will be adjusted by Steam Standards.

I donā€™t know if that means there will be different regional prices, but I hope so for BRā€™s sake, you guys are going through some tough times.

Lula is such an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦