Tree of Savior Forum

Community Review the Week of 5/10/2016 - " only the beginning": SA Server Issues, World Boss Control, Circle Resets, Optimization, Mob Spawn Rates, Swordsman Woes

If you roll an alchemist to be powerful you are gonna have a bad time, its a money making class


omg you are saying that to 280 alch? go read before write nonsence

Why did I even respond to a thread of yours. Ah right, someone pinged me.

Please donā€™t group me together with him. I am not a babysitter.

Are you insinuating TOS has less than ā€œthousandsā€ of players?

We are in real trouble if so.

Good thread and thank you for including my thread. It is not very well put together but its a legitimate issue.

2 swordmans in top 100 pvp. Mindset issue?

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Honestly, you know, Iā€™ve agreed and disagreed with you and etc, but why exactly did you take this whole community representative thing so seriously as to label yourself with it? Why not just HAHA put this out here as what it is, a post consolidating the discussions in the past week, and save yourself the spiel of the whole community rep thing that you know would bring conflict into your thread?

I realize the bravado is meant to be funny, but pls.


I still hang out at the forums but I donā€™t play this anymoreā€¦ I went back to Guild Wars II. Hope that one day they fix all these issues, before people start making their own servers

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It can be if community simply doesnt like swordsman because the other classes are easier to do good?

You know, to make it interesting.

I voteā€¦ NO. Because you keep pushing that dumb idea of circle reset.

As much as we might disagree on some things this post does have some quality to it. The community has a responsibility to clearly communicate its needs and a format like this works toward that end.

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Except, when you look at it. Even beyond this game, one of the most popular class is the swordsman or something of the like.

If it is really a mindset issue, then what do the community donā€™t like with the swordsman class then? :slight_smile: Could it have something to do with its current design? Oh, I can only wonder.

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I like you Zipso but I entirely disagree with this whole ā€œcommunity representativeā€ thing.

First off, the majority of the players donā€™t even post on the forums. Secondly this is an international server so who are you really representing in the first place?

The whole idea in itself is just beyond retarded. I donā€™t mind community mods that lock topics and whatnot, but a community representative is a whole nother story.


While I very much not agree with you being the comunity representative (we would need someone far more neutral and unbiased towards the fronrunning topics by example), you gotta give credit where credit is due even if I have pletora of mixed feelings about this post.
Honestly, even after all these months I still feel that if anyone should take the representative role it should be @FatePGN.


At rank 100 pvp you do understand that these people competing for a spot there are actually the elite, right?
They dont care about swordsman if they can play archer and do damage and be safer.

Im saying it can easily be a mindset issue, not that it is.

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I guess it is. Cause you know, youd rather roll for a wiz or an archer coz of the current awful design swordsmen have. HAHA.

Well, if the main root of the swordsman issue is really the mindset of the community, then they should just remove this class tree all in all. Cause its weak, its useless, and the only thing it can do is tank. Nobody wants to choose a class tree that only has one path in a game where class trees SHOULD HAVE many paths.

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@varuna @Jariu

Sorry, youā€™ll have to take it up with upper management! I didnā€™t choose this life, the rep life chose me!

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Isnā€™t that kind of attitude quite literally the oposite of how a represetnative works?
Like, you come and declare yourself the voice of the people, yet a good ammount of said people disagrees with you.


I like how you represent your points,but not how you respond to different opinions.You should also be more liked by the community to represent them.So Iā€™ll pass.

I would want the next CM to be neutral on major topics,but understanding of both sides.They need to have the functions of a CM though,so the ability to quickly address tickets and concerns.Without that,youā€™re really just any other forum user.

Above all,however: The ability to be clear and direct with information/announcements during events like launches,events,and down time.Much of the forum mayhem is caused because the announcements staff do make are vague or unclear.So people make a dozen threads complaining because theyā€™re unsure and want clarity.