Tree of Savior Forum

Commanderloadfail after dungeon search

While I am frustrated on how long this is taking, I would TRULY be impressed if they had off today. I highly doubt they are going to take off on day 3 of a game opening, haha.

Need hot fix, I’ve already skipped 3 runs yesterday, because of unexpected 5 hour maintance on klaipeda server, i need it too much, we all need contribution, not that useless exp books, it’s really not even close to compensation equal to our wastes! Some of us are going to skip 6 dungeon runs, it fully changes game plan, game style, makes us nervious and angry on IMC, we paid a lot of money to get a joy, not that spit in faces!

You have nice instruments to find out who get affected by this issues and who have not (you can find out it by total dungeon runs achivement or current limit of dungeon runs), and you know the approximate price for that players if correlate that information with current level, you also already have in-game items to make normal compensation (exp cards, boss boxes), and its not hard to calculate how much each dungeon run costs! You just not interested in it, I suppose. You spit on still loyal community, and community will spit on you back. And people like me will share that information where they can Reddit, Tweeter, Facebook, Game forums, ect, and people will react on it and after that gold mine you found, you’ll start to get less and less money, till game die.


Oh my god, fix it QUICKLY, we need it to skip grindings and stuff, IMC, don’t screw with us!

They fix A and break B, this is ridiculous, dungeons was working yesterday, i’ve paid a few dollars to play it, and now, i can’t advance cause a main system isn’t working! -.-

*Lalalla *

I’m not crazy…
couldn’t do dungeons yesterday, as i was a few levels to low. And maintance butchered my plans.

Now i am 90th … and i cant do dungeon runs.

IMC needs to give us "dungeons reset items "…

Not cause we are entilted.
Because we are limited to a daily amount and dungeons atm are the best thing you can do when you’re on the level range of them …
(And most fun, for me atleast. Outside of a bunch of quest gems, i really enjoyed. Looking at Orsha line there~)

Pleaes forward this to the devs. A weekend without dungeons … is gonna upset ALOT of people. More then lags, dc and gold seller spam lag~


Hey everyone. We are aware of this issue and it’s something our team is working on getting fixed.

Some players have managed to get around this by switching channels, which seems to help with the problem, at least momentarily. I know it’s a hassle, but hopefully this can be fixed soon :sweat:

Awesome, thank you for the reply, at least! <3 I will try switching channels!

I’m sure the devs are trying to figure out whats going on just be patient and continue with your questing and get high level equipments and crafting recipes.

I don’t know how switch channels work when other problem with commanderloadfail is when they enter certain map with multiple channel. Dungeon only have 1 or maybe 2 channel that seem to be broken. if i’m wrong lol

Are we going to get some dungeon scroll reset? I have lost my 3 entrys by trying to do one…

When this happen the entrance doesn’t count just type it /indun and you can see it.

Hello @rorro_20_93,

We are aware of this issue and the dev team is looking into it.
A hotfix/patch will be released when it is properly implementable and stable. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Yes, thank you for your work. hope it release before 4am lol. 2 hours to do dungeon before reset

Same Here, no dungeon today :cry:

Any ETA ? for that fix?

16 hours and still no fix? Are you getting any closer, at least?

It’s like they want the game to shut down…

i think it’s because it tries to put us in the last channel 9 at the moment and it throws an error because that channel doesnt exist. same thing happens when you try to log into that channel. so maybe remove it…

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Couldn’t have said better. At this rate, the game will die because of the bad decisions and the lazyness of the developpers.

I regret paying for this game.