Tree of Savior Forum

Combat System Changes QS3 STR or DEX

with the new patch stat change that IMC will be releasing to iTOS.
I am planning to create QS3 as base rank for late-game results.

  1. STRvsDEX: what works better with running shot? high crit chance and crit dmg (QS3 Crit type) or high base dmg (QS3 dmg type).

  2. Running shot: how is the additional damage percentage calculated with non-crit build and with crit build.

  3. If going for non-crit build should i go for glass mole 10*x8? or go QS3>rogue2 and 8 werewolf card? which is good for pvp?

  4. does offhand weapon gems add benefits also to main hand weapon, likewise with main hand gems add benefit with offhand weapon?

  5. When doing non-crit build I usually see red gems on equips however when it comes with crit builds, some people prefer yellow gem, and some still red… can someone provide recent update about how red and yellow gem is calculated to the attack.

  6. If however I changed my desire of going rogue and prefer another class, equiping a shield w/ yellow or red gem, does that add dmg to my main hand weapon?

thank you for reply…and please provide link to various threads that could answer my question.

The answer to all these questions is:
"We don’t know yet."
It is still unknown how the new stat system works exactly, what the new gear stats are, what the new skill values are, etc, so right now it is pointless to ask any questions what you should do regarding this rebalancing update.


For itos right now

  1. Is the same. Just multiply it.
  2. Non crit build just go ellaganos or nuale. If you have burst ranks (like mergen or musket or cannon, use glass mole).
  3. Yes, affects all.
  4. Yellow for crit build, red for non crit.
  5. Yes. Red is better on off-hand. When you crit you get +50% value so it will beat yellow.

Running shot: Running Shot (in-depth Guide and Understanding)

There was a thread about tests on running shot and elemental & crit damage, can’t find it now.

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if however you already find the thread please feel free to tag it to your comment. thanks.