Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric got removed from the game, mages are healers now

I’m pretty disappointed by the lack of creativity in a lot of these new ranks. A lot of these skills are recycled :confused:

Necromancer got meteor with body parts, Warlock is basically bokor, and Enchanter is Pardoner.

I mean IMC was supposedly trying to change/remove Pardoner last I heard, because it caused problems with certain classes not really being needed except to make scrolls… and how is adding in another class that basically does the same thing good???

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Everything around you is recycled… War politics life jobs.

I am just waiting for all the shet to release before complaining.

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i think they know the game is really bad past 5 persons using skills at the same time. they should have just used a different engine for the game sigh.

MMOGs have general problems with magic class, they overpower them coz it’s magic. Let’s take the example of Warlock, a cls. which is generating marbles they kill “everything” just by contact. Or the Chronomancer with is one of most useful Supporter in Tree of Savior. If I compare the Chronomancer with the Scout, which is also a support cls., then the Chronomancer must be a god. Coz it’s magic?
The Wizard cls. branch is overpowered; can deal a huge amount of damage and support in a quite proper way. The necessary nerfs are not in sight and with this preview we got the information, they. Nevertheless we have to wait for their real impact in Meta, coz often the theory crafting of the community is overreacting nonsense. (Pokemon Meta is good example for this.)

We don’t need the rank 8 until we got a more balanced Meta. Wiz cls. branch need nerfs; the cls. need buffs, certain Archer cls. need nerfs and some of them (Scout, Hunter) a Raison d’Etre. Really, we don’t need the 8 Rank, so stop crying for it. If your life is so sad, that you have to spend all your time in Tree of Savior (or another specific video game), then that’s your problem and not the problem of IMC.

Making frost cloud bigger doesn’t do anything for it, you still have a 15 mob hit limit, and frost cloud as is has no trouble reaching that especially for ET.

The real buff is pyro3->chrono3->sage. Multiple fireballs that can be duplicated a lot, extended flame ground + fire pillar, which is useful since flame ground doesn’t have a monster limit, but its tick is slow anyway. Pass to repeat and have even more fire balls, really amazing for ET now.

Also the translation was FF can evade some melee attacks, so it’s probably a % based attribute.

Company seems disconnected from what their own game really needs done with it. Oh well. I actually had some ounce of faith that they were going to do the right things but it’s just another direction they’re taking that I can’t agree with.

Other people might agree with things and argue their points though and those are the people IMC will listen to even if they are (or become) the minority :slight_smile:

Lets talk about Wagushi doing more damage than the entire party of warlocks, oh no no one want talk about wagushi OPNESS :’ D

Let’s just forget the fact that until now Featherfoot was considered a garbage class compared to Warlock and you still require two cycles of it to get levitate. :unamused:

The new classes will open the possibility of the creation of new solid builds and change the meta entirely.

Hmm, these changes don’t exactly make featherfoot good.

I just want it because its flipping cool.

a 60% Nuke mandates a lot of Con or key timing so you survive afterwards.
As lifesteal it may not be reliable if you have a support class in your party who cannot deal sufficient damage, or proc a high amount of its.

Enchanter will change the meta.

maybe Featherfoot c2 still garbage… i think you cant cast spells while flying, just the allahu akbar trash spell…

Who knows? We will find it out once it gets released :wink:

On the IMC thread, they said it’s when YOU attack them

There will be a self-destruct type skill that can only be used while flying. The skill will drain 60% of your max HP. Casting it with HP below the 60% mark will incapacitate your character. However, the skill temporarily renders nearby enemies in a special state where, when you attack them, it will heal you in return.

There will be no FF party healer, thanks god.
ps: I’m a FF player

As a Paladin, how I feel about Enchanter:

Now you'll feel our pain.
TBH, they don’t need to seriously refix Pardoner, they only need to get rid of Barrier being scrollable in favor of Resist Elements. Most of the choices of scrolls are fairly okay, nobody particuarly complains about the Priest buffs since you can’t buy the Revives, and Krivis comes so easy to incorporate into a build that with or without Daino is fine. It’s really Paladin that suffers from it: We’re the only class that gets a C3 straight taken for scrolling.

My thoughts exactly. The unmeta build I’ve already seen people go should get ALOT of playtime with Sage’s abilities.


I don’t think the scroll system was a good idea in the first place. Think of how incredibly hard it is to balance it without invalidating certain class/builds by pushing the game into a hyper-META stage.

What I mean is players can essentially build party comps around what classes they do NOT need due to scroll buffs. Isn’t that going against the “build your own playerstyle” that people were promised with this game?

It DOES allow players a lot of strategy options though I admit that. But basically people invest time into certain builds just to retire them as scroll vendor buffers seems kinda bleh to me. It also makes certain builds only really good for retiring as buffers once META strategy takes hold.

I guess not everyone has a problem with that kind of gameplay but I personally am not happy with it. I was still lurking around the forums hoping for good news from the big update coming but this really isn’t what I was hoping for =/

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For me the rank 8 wizards seem nice…and I have no problem with anything.

I rly like their concept. Like most likely when Featherfoot is levitating they won’t be able to get healed by heal tiles so they have their own type of heals. I think it is rather nicely done…

Also it is a good thing if the game gets less Cleric dependant. I wouldn’t mind a Medic or something on the Swordman/Archer tree either…XD Cleric will always remain the dominant healer anyway…

Pardoner scrolls still should be tweaked I agree…but I think it is possible to make them usable while not hurting other characters. Maybe they didn’t started to tweaking it because they wanted to do it when enchanter is out too…maybe… x)

Also wait for the Cleric rank 8… Maybe wizards became healers…but maybe cleric will become insane dps… and then you can cry again. XD

Wizards were too op so they make everyone wizards.

Incoming INT build swordsmen with frost pillar scrolls, frost ground scrolls, heal scrolls, pass scrolls, zaibas scrolls, cure scrolls, counterspell scrolls.



People overestimate the damage they are gonna do without quick cast and 0 attribute.


They will never know how many attribute those ele3 invested on FC to make it so much damage.

Additional facts : Druid grass skills can archive higher damage than frost cloud. And most ppl are just too blind to see it.


Well, looks like another goodbye topic. Another one from @IMCisGreedy