Tree of Savior Forum

Class reset here, class reset there...time for Restriction/s

  • Class Reset should only be available to characters from a certain Rank onwards. For e.g. characters Rank 4 (or 5) and above will be able to reset their classes. characters below that won’t be able to. This is to prevent abuse of any kind of this feature. Whether it is for fun, attacking the network, overwhelming the servers, etc.

  • Players who choose to do a class reset for their characters will incur a “No class reset for X duration” penalty for those characters. This is to prevent cheating (mostly), game-breaking experience and abuse of this feature.

Suggested Formula: level X * rank X = X hours of penalty. this won’t be in-game hours.

So if your character is lvl 330 at Rank 8 and you do a class reset, that’s 2640 hours (110 days, 3-4 months). Only AFTER that duration will you be able to do a class reset again for that particular character. HOWEVER, resetting for the 2nd time will add a multiplier of ‘x2’ to the duration. So if you class reset that same lvl 330 Rank 8 character for the 2nd time, penalty will last for 220 days. resetting for the 3rd time will increase multiplier to ‘x3’, penalty last for 330 days and so on.

This will be a lot more worse on higher levels/ranks. a lvl 430 rank 10 character 1st reset penalty will last for nearly 6 months. 2nd time = 1 year, 3rd time = 1.5 years, etc.

There is no class reset in this game. What are you talking about?

its a suggestion. lol…i see others suggesting, im jumping on board to give one too. :joy:

Suggestion to improve a nonexistent feature? Don’t smoke dilgele, man.

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some are happy and some are not happy with class resets. many are suggesting ways to do class resets and some other alternatives. With all these different ideas, i think restrictions should also be looked at.

neh…i smoke lapasape. :sunglasses:

This topic is not even in the Suggestions section. Just another poorly disguised “IMC GIB US RESETS PLOX”

You know there is no way back after this shiet, right?

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Pffffffff I smoke talt

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Yea i am aware of that, but i choose to jump on this ‘board’ with the other players. disguised or not, whats done is done…and that’s the whole point of this post actually. :joy:

Turning back? There’s no back for this lapasape. Im gonna go high with my valor! :triumph:

actually, magic grass/moss is great man. Im so high that i cant remember what is its name. It come alot from halloween cube. Men i wish i can burn battle bracelet for science cause, but it haven’t drop once.

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IMC answered this like a month ago in their Q&A and ppl are still not letting go lol.

In brief what the Q&A said:

No reset class but you can reset your class advancement mission.

Pls don’t make me look for that Q&A link because I already spam it on so many ppl faces bc of threads like these.


Hmm people are discussing something that IMC will never implement. Again.

Let me watch your useless struggle.


The way their official response is worded is that they couldn’t even program a class reset even if they wanted to (kinda like how they can’t program… well, anything even if they want to). Considering this, it is even more unlikely that they’re competent enough to program a bunch of restrictions to go with it.