Tree of Savior Forum

Class/Rank resets (that people can agree on)

I support this idea :heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

I suport this idea to, and i got a pretty meta game build lv247 ~ Cleric 2 Priest 3 Chaplain 1 Plague D.
And you know? I wanna change do kabbalist. So now im doing other char :frowning:

I think we would change the last class we get.
Like “I didn’t like this c2” or “I didn’t like this new class in my build” and we have a option to reset this.

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Maybe 3 ranks max, then u can reset “pyro 1-2-3” to “cryo 1-2-3”, something need to be done, and is not that hard to do xD

Well, you made a good point with the idea and those restrictions to prevent abuses. I agree with your idea, having to reroll entirely just because of nerfs or wrong choices(Caused by a lot of factors) is bullshit x.x

I also support this idea. This would make it very good for people who don’t have the time to put in making a new character. If I was still in high school maybe I can put more time in making a new character. But I’m sure a lot of players now are players with jobs. So we don’t mind paying the money for a class reset. Its much better than us spending time on grinding to level 280 again…

I said it in another thread but I will say it again, I really really like this idea. It should satisfy everyone. The % exp values could be tweeked given proper testing but this feels like the most optimal way for this game to have reset button on classes.

I dislike the idea of class resets as I felt like it undermined one of the primary selling points of this game. With this the player has to make a pretty big investment in order to correct whatever went awry with their character. Having to relevel class levels would only result in the player killing a couple high level mobs and getting most of it back. This way the period of time required to get back to your previous level/rank isn’t nearly as long but you can’t cheese your class levels back up using higher level mobs.

One thing to make note of is class costumes would likely need to be stripped upon character reset. Even if they were alright with players having class costumes without having the required class it may cause animation problems, not sure.

The reason people say you should only be able to reset last rank/latest ranks is because why did you play 200 hours of a rank you didnt like? O.o if you didnt like your c2 pick, should have rerolled as soon as you realized that, c2 is like 20 mins into the gamw

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I think a better suggestion would be to share achievements between characters in the same server, like Collections.

I think this game promotes “alts” more than most games out there, that’s why we choose a ‘Team Name’. The problem is, like you said, almost no one wants to spend as much time as they did to level up their main.

Wouldn’t it be better if we get an Exp multiplier bonus on lower level alts? Let’s say your main is 250, you have an alt level 100, they gonna get 2x EXP from every source (dungeon,mobs,exp cards) until they reach the same level as your main (250). And a third char could get 3x EXP until they reach the 2nd highest level char, but that could be asking for too much.

Maybe with this change you could skip annoying quests or grinding spots in your 2nd run.

There would be seriously no point in class changing in that case, you would lose so much time, and you could end up as a level 150, still leveling their Rank 3 or 4 cause of a reset. Either they give you back the EXP, OR the rank reset levels at the same time as your current rank, for example:

You are a SW>Highlander C1 that just reached rank 3 and chose Barbarian, you want to reset your previous choice because you feel insecure about being useless in late game due to some dumb posts you read on forums, you buy a class reset scroll and change your highlander c1 class to petalsta c1, you lose all rank 2 attributes and skill points. Now you are Peltasta lv1, Barbarian lv1 by the time you reach barbarian level 5 your petalsta level is gonna be 15, because both are getting the same exp at the same time.

This would add another limitation to Class Change tho, which would be “You cant class change your current Rank”, so no class change scroll available until Rank 3.

Also another thing worth pointing out, If you are a highlander C3>Corsair C1, and want to switch to Pelt C1>High C2>Corsair C1 then you are gonna have to pay for a Rank 4 reset rather than a Rank 2.

Finally, it’s important to state the obvious so: Class change should NOT allow to change a lower rank for a higher rank. So a highlander C3>Corsair C1 can NOT change to High C2>Squire C1>Corsair C1.

I’m pretty sure that’s what the Team Level is for but it’s a negligible boost there.

And I feel like you’re ignoring the reason some people don’t have alts, it’s not just about not wanting to spend time on several characters, some people just like to have one char they do everything on. Even if it’s not the most optimal way.

And of course a nice solution would be to just make all or most achievements team shared but even if that were the case, it doesn’t fix all the other reasons one might want a class reset. Such as a patch, a mistake, a change of heart.

I agree that the first option has some flaws, it’s not perfect and it’s mostly because of the restrictions people against this whole idea want on it.

Hence why I like this idea better really, it’s a lot simpler;[quote=“Charon, post:13, topic:211355, full:true”]
Wouldn’t a Character Reset feature make more sense than this though?

-simply back to Rank 1, Level 1/1-keep items/equip/silver/achievements/finished quests/worldmap/exploration

but at the same time make it a lot faster to reach whatever rank you were before reset.

Not sure about how specifically though. Just giving you all the EXP-cards for any finished quest back sounds OP.While giving you a 400% EXP boost until your reach your old Rank/Level doesn’t sound optimal either… any ideas?

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Well anyhow, I would really like this Idea be implemented since I have been really disappointed with my very first char [in which I retrieved a lot of premiums items and even bought it a costume] that my build was just really isn’t for me… So yeah, I guess having this potion / scroll is fair enough… And yaz I currently have a lvl 166 Pure Support as my main now after having the Level 100 Wrongly-built mage… If only the premium items can be traded within the same account with the same class ( for example; mage > mage) I think it’s cool since I spent TP on it already and I really feel bad deleting it. Time / Effort / Money have been wasted by doing so. :coffee:

Sorry for my bad english. :pizza:

I agree if it’s a class specific costume, a premium base class costume should stay though, imo.

Personally for me reading:

Tells me not a lot of thought has been put into the idea.

Actual class identity is made up of your total classes, not your base class. Archer - Wizard? How is that different from Druid - Plaguedoctor?
Both are vastly different.

This however, I would consider a much better idea.
Provided the exp ratio stayed the same.

It’s completely understandable that people don’t want to lose the progress they made on achievements and what not.
Simply allowing for accountwide silver and accountwide Adventure Journal would solve this, I think.

I will ignore this. I did not read this.

The entire Adventure Journal, imo. + Premium and silver.

Just one thing: it’s casual. We dont need any casualities in that game. Thats all.
And thats why Im leveling 4 swordsman characters.

I agree that the total identy is the sum of all classes.
I am however not keen on the idea that the ‘identity’ should stay exactly the same forever. While not being able to change base tree is more of a compromise, whilst also prevent extremes like someone wanting to go support but plays swordsman then class change. Also it makes sense.

Accountwide silver, premium and the likes would be nice, however, kind of seems like IMC is not on board with that.

And even if it did sometime in the future, it wouldn’t fix someones build and time put on it. It would be more reroll friendly but still not enough for many I suspect.

Well, your identity changes every time you gain another rank, and they are planning to release more ranks.

It’s something the playerbase wants, far, far more then resets. And it would help those that dont want to reroll because any of these points.

That said, since you are clearly are not interested in me helping your suggestion with something I feel many would agree on:

I’ll stop bothering, since apparently I never offer compromisses.

Still not convinced that is a big enough reason for not having a class reset because of all the reasons listed in my first post.
A class reset doesn’t mean anti identity anyhow.

It would help, agreed, but it wouldn’t fix the biggest reason (I suspect) that people want a reset; time wasted.
And don’t get me started on why it would be time wasted for many, already had that discussion and it should be fairly obvious now that not everyone likes to replay this game.

And it doesn’t matter what the playerbase wants on that matter apparently so I think it’s kind of a moot argument to come with.

Well I did read and feedback’d on your suggestion, it just doesn’t bring anything to table so to speak since 1) IMC doesn’t want more teamwide things apparently and 2) it still doesn’t fix the build and the immense time put on it.

What do you base this on? Because as far as my own assumptions go, IMC doesnt want a reset of any kind (that isnt related to new patches)

My suggestion is something atleast most of the community can agree on, unlike resets.
And as mentioned, it does help those that want a reset right now, because they would lose so much if they were to recreate their character.

That immense time is lost regardless. You can’t get back spend time.

Time wasted playing a game you should be enjoying. Yes, that argument has been done before.

So what it all comes down to in the end is not wanting to spend more time playing the game.

If you feel that way, why even bother to make a suggestion for something part of the playerbase wants?

They aren’t against it in a apparent way either, they have no statement on it. However, the teamwide stuff they’ve made rather clear if you read their latest patch on the matter.

With my suggestion you most certainly can make it feel less lost anyhow, which is the main purpose.

A small minority likes to replay a game that takes several hundred hours to play. It really isn’t that hard to imagine why many don’t. First and second, maybe even third replay, depending on the person, wouldn’t be a huge deal. After that, it isn’t that fun anymore.

Actually playing the game I don’t think people mind, that’s what they wanna do afterall in an enjoyable fashion. Such as PvP, dungeon, guild and all the other fun stuff you generally do in an mmo. A replay of the same quest, through the same map, taking about the same amount of long time is not the same thing and it’s absurd to compare them.

Because this specific topic IMC hasn’t said anything about, this suggestion hasn’t had a statement. That is why I’m suggesting it, I wouldn’t suggest something they’ve already handled.
And because many want this feature and I feel it’s a crucial part of a game.

I’ll prolly not be back for more debate today, I have dogs and puppies to care for!

no the class resets but make quests accountwide. up till lv 150 you dont really kill any monsters coz you just run around and do quests all day long…