Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I really appreciate this group… i learned more in this thread than tosbase. I hope they’d give us a venue to properly document changes n class quirks


Edit: found relevant post and got answer. Never mind

Okay everybody, here is the answer on why Transmit Prana WILL NOT work on your spirit. Taken from a PM between me and Julie

Hi, BlaXun.

I tested it out as well and it didn’t work, so I asked one of the QAs and he said there was a patch that removed buffs from being applied to OOB spirits. According to him, the change was made back in February and after that point players could no longer use Transmit Prana on their own spirits.

It really saddens me to see you distraught, because I’m the one who told you about it in the first place. I shouldn’t have said anything more than answer your original question, but I went over the line and gave you outdated information.

I’m sorry for everything that happened. I’ve been repeating again and again to IMC about rank resets, but I’m running out of time, so I’m going to see if I can somehow get the players to keep suggesting the feature even after my leave.

I’m afraid this is the best I can do at my position. Again, I’m really sorry for my shallow actions.

And with that… I am out of here. I’ll lurk around the forums for a while…but I will definetly not go through all this linear crap again. Enjoy the game, its a good one. I hope I will come back sometime…but not for this character…which was my main since the start of the beta.



definitely quite sad to hear. If only i had hit sadhu c3 first :P. I’ll continue with sadhu c3 but i guess there’s nothing to add really that isnt said in circle 2.

come back as a bokor and zombie train it all the way.

Transmit prana is so bad right now that it definitely has to have a change. Guess we can only give suggestions as julie says.

Thanks for clarifying the Transmit Prana issue.

It sounds like the “hidden buff” to Oob was caused whenever your spirit ran over a magic circle. They “fixed” the issue by disallowing spirits to interact with magic circles, but this had the unintended effect of breaking Transmit Prana.

@BlaXun, can you at the very least find out from @Staff_Julie (or she can reply here!) if Transmit Prana is intended to work on our spirits? If it is, the skill is simply broken and needs a fix. If it isn’t, then Sadhu C3 is in dire need of a buff.

Those are two different things and if she can clarify which of the two it is, we can make a much stronger showing when we ask for the change.


Hi, Cecil.

Sadly, it’s the latter and Transmit Prana definitely needs more work. OOB spirits are mediocre as well. You are more than welcome to PM me if I don’t reply or :heart: your suggestions. Thanks!


Thanks for the update

It’s nice to hear this from you, but what do the game designers say about this? Do they feel the same?

I just can believe that the class will get any buffs somewhere soon. They keep ignoring heavy bugs for a long time now… Playing this class is annoying for other people cause we kill all effects…it’s troublesome for the player cause some stuff just doesn’t work. The Skill witg the higher burst damage (astral body explosion) is guaranteed to bug the sadhus position.

It’s just broken and it seems nobody cares

lol yeah oob spirirts are reaallly funky! 8/10 times my oob spirit has no body
2.the attack speed can really annpy me sometimes, bcus of the dealy, maybe make it so when you attack u can still move, or increase speed.
3.astral bugs postition

yeah there is more too.

And sometimes the body moves instead of the spirit lol…

I can’t speak in their place, but I’m sure they want to fix everything and make proper balances, too. I can only hope that the changes will come sooner than expected.

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im just give up playing as sadhu :joy:
recreate my main as bokor instead of sadhu…or playing sorcerer :slight_smile:

glad hear that oob now is ping related, coz my country have own local server, but controlling oob is really hard and im not satisfied with possession animation…plus…mackangdal doesnt work well with channeling skill :smirk:

lol im not really pissed about all the bugs and balance problems with sadhu bcuz i can always play a different player, like i already have a dievc2 on the way to monk and im planning on making a cleric2krivis2bokor2Plaguedoc
anyways, i gtg, thank you julie!

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I left my sadhu C2 at class level 15.
I just can not decide what to do with him now, I’d like to do something focused on the sadhu , but the C3 is so horrible , and the druid is very good, but with the exception of Sterea Trofh not see synergy with the sadhu…

I’ll start thinking about another character to play and left my sadhu for a while. Maybe one day I experience any adjustment to help me in the decision.

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I’d say that is a good idea.

I keep coming back here thinking i have to share my findings with sadhu c3. nope stronger possession and longer OOB chain xD.

Don’t think i have anything i can contribute to this post now.

EDIT: oh the only thing i noticed is that with lvl 10 possession, I’m actually starting to lose mana fairly fast. Makes me not regret my cloth leveling xD

I’m wondering if a good solution for Sadhu C2 would be to allow OOB to attack while possession is in use. OOB was supplemental damage to my previous abilities and as tacked on damage was awesome.

This changes as soon as you hit C2. With possession on practically a 10 seconds CD, I just don’t ever have time to use OOB unless I whiff an ability or want to stay very far away from a boss fight.



You know when i first had possession I thought that the skill would work like this. I feel that they missed out on some class skill synergy by not allowing us to attack while channeling possession.

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Also; we really need a fix for Astral Body Explosion(unless its fixed this patch)

The desync caused by it is never worth the small damage you get from it. I have a policy to never use it in any situation because I’ve had to log out or die so many times from it de-syncing my client. Just as bad is when you’ve been roaming a map for two minutes and realized you’re desynced.

Having ABE not work leaves Sadhu with basically two good abilities(Possesion, Prakkiti) and one OK ability (OOB). Vashita Siddhi might have some use eventually.God bless the fact that Possesion is super good.

Guys does +Aoe Attack Ratio affects OoB?

I actually thought possession would be casted by your spirit, to possess your enemy with your spirit, making him immovable while doing holy dmg.