Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Ausrine still works too.

no, it cuts the persons stats whilst it’s active -the main benefit in pvp reducing con means reducing max HP ( stun is cool too i guess), after the effect ends their hp is set back to normal but because of how the game behaves when your hp/sp grows /shrinks it means they will be missing a fraction of their total health.


how does the confusion debuff works?

can anyone help me with a sadhu build?

i’m planning to do cleric2>priest1>sadhu2>druid3.

Looks good, no help needed really.

If you go Cleric 3, Fade 10 is nice with Sadhu and INT scales well with Heal 15 and Cure 15, even late game.

On the other hand, Priest 3 is needed for a lot of end game content solely for Res, eg. Earth Tower, and Fade 5, Cure 10, Heal 10 is sufficient.

What kind of help did you need?

I have no experience with cleric builds. I just want to play sadhu and that is a build I randomly came up with. Not sure if its viable though.

It can work, especially since Sadhu can be used with transform now, see:

Also, you may consider Krivis 2 or Dieve 3 in there. Sadhu still gets a significant hidden damage buff with OOB when used with Divine Stigma or Ausrine, as referenced earlier in this thread. Krivis’ Zaibas can be coupled with Taoist for high damage on Rank 9. Ausrine is always useful, PvE, PvP, or GvG.

Hope that helps.

Thx. I have a 249 cleric3/sadhu3/diev1… it just can’t deal enough damage…

I now plan to build a cleric2/sadhu2/druid3.
I hope to find a transform-enemy that has a buff that might trigger the hidden damage multiplier

Sorry for not reading through everything, but could you enlighten me about 1 thing? Do OOB-autoattacks get calculated against defence or magic defence?

If it was magic defence the defence reduction attribute seems to be pretty useless unless it’s permanent and can be abused to prepare to strike down the enemy with your physical skills (of other classes like Paladin/Inquisitor/Kabbalist/etc of course).

Careful now you might trigger some old Sadhu here. The attacks in OOB are considered “magic” as you can see by hitting most ghost monsters. It might get the same treatment as Possession in the kTOS element updates though becoming it’s own thing. There’s been a lot of skepticism about the physical reducing attribute and even people who tried doing Sadhu/Monk builds before.

I’d say the attribute is negligible in the same boat as Deprotected Zone and Monstrance but at least it’s “free” so to speak. The way it works when I last played was it applied a debuff which lasted 3 seconds when ever you attacked a target in OOB.

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Current Sadhu player here. OOB attacks are magic, as mentioned. I can tell you I have seen he debuff proc on enemies from OOB attacks, but have not confirmed the increase in physical dmg as a result.

The debuff could help improve your parties damage, OOB can also be spammed at the same time as other melee skills.

I hope that helps.

I bid u farewell dear Sadhu Players.
I managed to get my cleric3/sadhu3/diev1/kabba1 to 278…thats the end of the line for this character. I didnt find it to be any fun …I hope this will change in the near future…but for now I will reset this char :slight_smile:
Have fun and stay safe!

What classes will you get instead? @_@

I’ll go support heavy.


Full Support
Well Best of luck brah :smile:

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So has anyone seen the upcoming changes to the Sadhu(i listed them below)? it looks promising with the buffs to Transmit Prana and Posession(which is now more or less Psychic Pressure). How does Psychokinesis Property factor in for damage? is it a element?

Astral Body Explosion

  • This skill is now of the Psychokinesis property.

Out of Body

  • This skill’s basic attack is now of the Psychokinesis property.
  • Taking damage while in an out-of-body state will no longer cause a rubber-banding effect in character movement.
  • Upon using this skill, the astral body will now appear in front of the casting character.
  • Damage dealt while using this skill will now properly count towards boss ranks.


  • This skill will now be casted closer to the character.
  • This skill is now of the Psychokinesis property.
  • Maximum number of targets changed from 5 to skill level +4.

Transmit Prana

  • New attributes added - Transmit Prana: Str, Transmit Prana: Con, Transmit Prana: Spr, Transmit Prana: Dex.

Yes new element.

Psychokinesis (Soul) :
+25% on Dark and Holy
+50% on Soul

Yellow Pag Clamper(Dark) vs Nuttafly(Earth)

Damage is almost the same. And there is “Fire +25” instead of Soul.
I think the soul property is not working as intended.

Maybe the damage difference resulted from the pag clamper having 211 mdef more than the nuttafly. If your basedamage is reduced by 211 before applying all multiplicators as attributes/elemental weaknesses e.g., of course the difference would be much smaller than anticipated.

I also noticed the “Fire+25%”-effect on Tuesday, but it didn’t really bother me; the game has so many bugs and problems, and fixing such small errors should be the last priority of IMC I believe…

Hmmmm, maybe because of their different mdef. But possession is kinda weak now versus dark property monsters, from 100% to 25%. Anyways, still need to test more. :smiley:

When you’re testing something show your stats, gear, ect. so people can identify variables and come to a proper conclusion. IF POSSIBLE try to take all your gear off and be unbuffed as a base line, then test with everything on or being buffed to find something new.