Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Miko Class Thread

lvl 5 Hamaya isn’t 3 times stronger than Possession, though.
Possession hits 2 times per second and the base damage is 923 at lvl 10 vs Mikos 1013 of lvl 5 Hamaya.
CD is 20 secs on Possesion vs 35 secs on Hamaya, only the number of hits,the holy property damage and the skill duration make Hamaya a little superior, but if you can get 14-15 targets into Possession, the amount of total damage should be ± equal over time.

Also, the attribute damage increase is a lot cheaper on Possession than Hamaya (12,3 m in total if attributed until 100%), so unless you got a lot of $$$ you may account a higher attribute% onto Possession also.

Aside that, a question: Did anyone check if Clap prolongs the duration of Tet Mamak La’s skulls? The skill seems to be forgotten a lot I believe, so maybe noone tested it beforehand.
And the same for Kagura Dance: does it increase Tet’s skull damage?

Is Diev 3 still the best option for Miko > PD 2? Are there other popular Miko > PD builds right now? Got my PD class reseted but I won’t be playing until next month…

I recently rolled Saintone’s build, c2/diev3/miko/pd2. In the last 3 weeks ive solod to 297, I dont even need grind parties for rank 8 maps, I can empty out Timerys Temple alone in the same time its absurd.

I liked the build so much right off the bat that I traded away my archer’s Augfowle Bow for a 2nd practonium so I could do a Windia Rod AND Lionhead Shield for my Cleric.

I would highly recommend the build, I parse 1st in every mission/saalus, I solo any rank 8 megaboss with ease, my diev statues tank, I simply drop hamaya, steam and incinerate and either hop back and forth or sit in my safety zone, and oh btw, we still have 12 heal tiles (DM+Heal Monster Gem) and Healing Factor.

Stupidly OP atm.

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HIghest INT spec dps DOT next to bokor miko pd.

As every one know PD still suffer the issue wugu have previously which is overwriting debuffs.

Diev 3 is more for Invulnerability utilities + cdr + sp regen.
bokor for effigy mana spam. add on damage.

Kabba for recover mana drained from meltis and kagura dance, also r7 its great for PvP.

PD… is too balanced compared to the rest of the cleric classes. It has everything. Damage skills, CC prevention, triggered heal over time.

Hi jchsc32 can u made a new miko thread for this? :blush: Love to follow u.
What stat should invest? Did u skip those quest? Or which quest u have done from LV1 to currently level?

Wouldnt be fair honestly, I stole Saintone’s build and it would be missleading to new players b/c of the investment I put into mine right off the bat.

Its been about 3 weeks now, my new cleric bandwagon build is lv 322. I go 50 CON and all INT, currently I have about 780ish INT, should hit 800 by lv 330. Now with only 50 CON you would get steam rolled, thankfully I get an additional 65 CON from my Windia Rod and Lionhead Shield. I traded in my Archer’s Bow for an extra practonium for my Cleric so I could have both.

Armor wise im using 4 virtov plate but only b/c im waiting for the hunting grounds armor with high sockets to come out, otherwise id invest into a hasta set. Accessories are straight forward, Agny Necklace and Archmage Bangles or Wizard Bracelets.

Cards are either attack or defense, so Chappartions or Nuales, I prefer Nuales, your dps face down is 0.

My Miko is cleric2-diev3-miko-PD2 though, so I mainly use Miko for Hamaya and Clap, whereas group Mikos are full time Kagura dancers.


how about questing? Doubt and tired to do questing again :sleepy:

I’m a Cleric C2 > Krivis C3 > Miko going for Priest > Taoist next.

More of a support kind of path, Priest helps to have ress, blessing which can double the dmg of Heal from the hidden interaction (heals hits twice with blessing) and well… Taoist can’t be exchange for anything if you go Krivis path so you’re stuck with it basically (wallet going to hurt :cry:).

However if we happen to get a rank reset again I’ll probably reset to Cleric C2 > Diev C3 > Miko > PD 2 (Probably PD3 by the time we get another rank reset lol) since it’s really strong… and I can’t be bothered to do that Miko quest or questing again so I’ll just wait and carry on with what I’ve right now xD

The only thing that got me through all the quests again was me quitting for those 2 months, during that time I literally did not log in once, I checked the forums maybe twice a week to look at changes and get in the occasional herp derp internet fight but that was it.

That time away recharged my batteries enough to power back through every quest again, otherwise id have never made it. Since founder’s early access ive taken atleast 6 different characters through 100% pve quest completion so they just make me cringe too.

which miko skill is better on diev3 broom or kagura? already max clap, hamaya and 1point in gohei

same setup I have with 5/5/1, the leftover 4 I went kagura but have never used it, ive solod to 322 on that character

up to you, I dont really see you using either very much unless you run ET or group often, then 5/5 kagura would be manditory

Oh I did the opposite. When you quit 2 months it was literally full of exp events so im forced to participate in their events. That kind of events is my favorite and a cheap way to make me participate. I literally did not login since this new event was introduced. I leveled up my toons anyway last event. No need to come back at the moment. This and the weed event is by far the shittiest event they have. kakakaka

May i know your skills also same with saintstone? since Diev1 only use 2 skills point. If is not convenient pls pm me. Thank you. Follow u since Scout3 mergen build. :heart_eyes:

What are you looking to play, or what is the exact build you need help with atm?

Stat invest to con 50-70 and others to int?
Skills distribute like this?

weapon for main and off hand below LV170?
Is this build melee? or just craft statue and leave it attack?
Thanks in advance.

pre 315 you only need a five hammer with x5 tier 5 to 6 red gems

its a magic attack based INT build but early game yes, you just smack trash with your hammer

diev statues are like your own personal swordies, they will draw aggro and tank for you ontop of their specific effects, you just have to play it firsthand to get the feel for it

he lays everything out though in the guide, really isnt anything not covered

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Heres my new alt, have the mats for my lionhead shield too, just waiting on my stupid mystical cube again, and working on powering up this new windia rod.

Ignore the plate armor though, its out-dated. The new meta with yellow gems and asperion is cloth, just dont have the $ atm to start that project, dumped a good 30 mil into attributes already and quite a bit more into the rest of my gear, t7 gems etc. I’m 1 of the few players left that refuses to make an afk cancer-lock farmer so I cant just go to bed and wake up with several extra million.


do u mean virtov cloth+ yellow gem?