Is this quest still female only?
PS obligatory IS MIKO OUT NOW!?!?
Is this quest still female only?
PS obligatory IS MIKO OUT NOW!?!?
I’ve 2 characters waiting for Miko… sighz.
I’ve read Miko was implemented like 2 months after the rank 8 patch from korea? What?
I’ve heard it’s only 2 weeks after r8 patch in ktos idk maybe i’m wrong
**Quests do not have to be 1. -> 7. **
Anything is fine, but you have to do all.
Should link the QA miko thread too.
Part of miko quest:
KToS rank 8 released: August 18th
KToS Miko release (hidden) : Sept 29th
± 1 month … okay with halloween event i can get rank 6 on my new char and w8 to Miko … but is sad cause i wanna play with miko
Why not continue and get Miko at rank 7 or 8 lol instead of waiting for ~3 more weeks.
Is there a yellow quest marker in Manahas? I only know of the blue and repeateable green ones.
This screen shot of the guide still shows this person having a quest in Manahas.
Because some people don’t really have any other class options for R6 that wouldn’t eff up their whole build.
Oracle Is good for FS and if your looking for dps Druid is a good pick.
Oracle is good for trolling bots (pure pve person here). Druid’s main dps cant hit flying monsters which is a turn off.
Miko has a lot of good skills though. Well I do hope miko comes this maintenance though.
Miko is pvp class and on its own is very bad (pve) but it compliment other classes very good.Druid on it’s own it’s alright but with other classes it’s beast.
I would choose Druid over Miko for pve anytime for pve dps and I am not even sure if Hamaya can hit flying targets as well.
Hamaya is able to hit flying.
Forgot to post a vid:
With all due respect, this is horrible advice and I hope nobody follows it unless they absolutely must have the Druid costume and don’t mind compromising their build for it.
Hamaya is at the very least on a par with Carnivory. It has smaller AoE but it hits flying enemies and, perhaps more importantly, it has no hit count limit. Shape Shifting is extremely situational without Transform. So you’re saying that Telepath is better for PvE than Gohei, Broom, Clap and Kagura combined?
Exactly. Anyone who ever played Druid would know just how crappy lv5 Carnivory is.
I’m kind of out of the loop, do we have any idea if and when Miko is coming to iToS? Any official statement or something? Leveling a Cleric with C2 > Diev3 right now and would like Miko as a sixth circle…
Miko is a hidden class. Devs will never mention hidden class release, sadly. Have to rely on other players to get information on release (test every patch or datamine).
and if they follow the gap between rank 8 and release of miko, we wont be getting miko until Nov 20-21 maint! + IMC is slower = next year!
level 5 carnivory is not that bad imo it is pretty strong if it has attribute. The only problem is that it cant hit flying. As a former priest druid it was hell for me having nothing against flying. Good thing hamaya can hit air now at last.