Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Miko Class Thread


Any idea did KTOS had a “houki broom fix before”

I think i remember some where back it was having issue with updating miko skills… :thinking:

Just a quick question, how did you guys finish your Klaipedia and Manahas parts? Those are the only spirits I have left. For manahas, do you just walk around the area hoping to see it? For Klaipedia, how long does it stay in the channel before it disappears for another 4 hours?

Manahas has a random spawn, it can pretty much spawn any where in the map.

Respawn timer is about 30- 1h.
From various people mention that it will only spawn only in one random channel of Manahas each time. .

Will tele about 3-4 times every X second it will jump or when some one take it.After that poof

Can be mass harvested.

Klai just CC until you find it. Re spawn time is quite fast 10-20min?
Can be party shared.

Spent 5h on one channel in Klai with many other pre-mikos and then found spirit on another by accident.

Pls I need help I really didn’t understand how to get the spirit in demon district

For Manahas it’s better to do it as a group, surprisingly. The spawn points are spread out over a wide area and it only stays for about ~20 seconds, but the spirit can be shared.

I got these diagrams from a Korean blog someone linked me, can’t read a lick of Korean but the areas marked in green are possible spawn points. Organize a group of four or more people and wait in areas so that every possible spawn will be visible on someone’s screen. When someone sees it appear, they say the direction or general area for everyone to hurry over to. Everyone wins!

There are more spots not included.

That include entrance of both side and the lower btm left and right. It does spawn.

So practically it does spawn anywhere.

For Manahas it’s on one random channel, right? Spent half an hour on ch1 only to find out that someone got it on ch2. ;u;

yup dat’s right on one random channel at a time

Hi, Nekorin, saw your great vids about synergy possibility of Miko -Inq. Is your chara int based?
My PVE cleric is currently Diev3 - Miko - PD1, and am really not sure whether I should go for Inq or PD2.

Miko inqui is more into boss dealer, pd2 now is more suitable for pve aoe and ET

and i though that OP Agny also multiply dmg of incineration LoL ?

well i guess PVE overall the Bokor - Pardoner Miko -PD2 build keep beign the best.

Utility and PVE the Diev3 is goodlike. You can even solo the uphill defense by beign close to afk just clapping hands

I already have Pyro at R7 and know how OP it is, but 1.8m damage in few secs seems also OP though it is situational.

Like i said, this Miko Inqui is more into Boss dealer, all the aoe from this build all come from the 5 infinite owl combo with clap

yeah ok i see thank you.

Yes I’m INT based. I would suggest that you continue the path to PD2. Going PD2 keeps your stats focused to INT which is great. With the inclusion of Agny necklace, PD’s damage is really sick.

As for Inquisitor <> Miko interaction, like what I said in the post, it is kind of unpredictable since we don’t know when the boss is going to cast some spells. Pears react to spell casts and automatically fly towards the boss, dealing 3x damage for 1 hit only. If the boss just happily do melee or physical skills, then we can get to see some spectacular fountains of numbers.

How does storm calling work on melee attacks, the attribute adds 50% additional dmg, that means it would be pretty sick for dragoon and fencers in party?

hi guys,
about miko clap skill,
this skill add 25sec on all statue godness / carve world / owl ???

im running cleric 2, bokor 3, pardoner 1, PD 2
will it worth change to cleric 2 diev 3, miko , PD2 ?

give some advice pls :slight_smile:

The question about Miko being more or less useful for Inquisitor should also consider the possibility of “Iron Maiden” being affected by Clap. Inquisitor might or might not be a good choice after Miko, depending on the future content + balancing/rebalancing issues.

Especially the current Rank Reset Voucher is questionable, as Rank 8 content seems to scale awkwardly; it’s basically a turning point in the game.
However, since we don’t know the direction it’s going in we can’t really react or prepare: Having the best gear in TOS will still not grant you the balance/flexibility you might want on your character/skills/etc.

I’d like to ask Simeone to make a Test.

I’ve Been thinking And decided to Go Taoist aftet Miko.

Since miko’s dance adds an additional line of damage,If miko’s dance is used while the mob is in the storm calling,it Will increase the dance’s damage since the main line of damage increase.Could anyone Test it?