Hello there very nice guide you have here. Definitely made me want to try out Kabba for my cleric. I would like to ask for some advice regarding my build as this is the first time I’d be trying out any cleric class (though I’m fairly used to playing clerics in other MMOs, so I know what role I exactly wanted to play).
This is the one I had in mind:
I like playing my cleric as more of a semi DPS with support capabilities rather than a pure offense or FS role.
I initially wanted to go PD due to its super useful skills (mainly status immunity) but ended up removing it from my build for roleplay reasons due to its clash with my intended theme (something like a holy inquisitor or ME priest in RO terms… as I believe a lot of people know that game). As such, Bokor and Sadhu are out of the question.
I’m not a min-maxer, though of course if I can maximize my build that would be great.
I wanted to ask if there could be alternatives also. I’m currently Cleric 1> Krivis 2 > Diev 1 so there is still some room for tweaks.
I’ve been reading that Cleric 2 is almost mandatory if you wanna support well so I guess I’ll be going at least Cleric 2>Kriv 2>Diev2 so that leaves the final choice between going Diev 3, Kabba 1 or something else.
Thanks for reading this kinda long post.