Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

I see people saying its from the 240 DG, but there is no 240 DG. What I know is that there is a 240 HG and a 260 DG, so, which one can I find the gloves?


it drops from the dangeun that was the 240, wich is 260 :grin:

@molesterman69 I fell insulted :joy: hahaaha I play with staffs ~any 2 prac weapons ~ the dream

Yeah maybe i will put one point there, ty =)

@Sayurichan Raposo said everything i would say XD

Intasurta works on bloodbath too?

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No it doesnā€™t.


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Where does intasurta gloves drop now?

wow the drop rate must be atrocius, i ve been doing it with my cleric for virtov and havent dropped

Iā€™ve done this dangeun with 5 different characters. Never droped it. Belive me itā€™s rare :V

how much does intasurta costs? just bought one for 500k on market lol, guess it was too cheap?

maybe it was dropping in yesterday bugā€¦

Yesterdayā€™s bug affected majority HG, with some weird drops but not Dgs as far as I know werenā€™t affected. The item itself shoudnā€™t change I guess
@leowow at SA server itā€™s around 18kk but iā€™ve bought mine for 14kk and last week I saw 2 in the market at 11kk ā€˜----ā€™. More then 10 mil it is tho

@acc97862 I didnā€™t forget what Iā€™ve promised and intended to do some tests today butā€¦ eā€¦eā€™

Affected every field map (including HGā€™s)
Dungeons and Instances I suppose technically were affected but that would be based off the mobs specific drop tables which are typically nothing.

They were like dropping cubes and stuff that normally woudnā€™t?I did not kow that.
I only saw screenshots with too many cubs, monster gems or BB thatā€™s why I said that :kissing:

Thatā€™s because those are the popular areas particularly for high level characters so that is a lot of peopleā€™s experience with it. Even if you were just leveling up doing quests on an alt you would be getting a lot of extra drops from the mobs it was killing for that quest.

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Ok we better stop here sinse itā€™s not a topic directed to this subject (but knowing this pisses me even more - I canā€™t play because IMC fucked DPK everywhere - if it was only at HG then I would understand but now thisā€¦ ghe Iā€™m in real need of another game)

Q: for linker thauma ff, vienarazi mace is good? If its what gems do i use, red or blue?

1 handed for thauma is good/better because you benefit more from both arm buffs + you have the option for more damage or more def with shield or dagger. depending if alts share that weapon you might wanna use redsā€¦ for instance if you got a monk that uses it. for wizard blues are better. reds donā€™t scale with chapparition card buff.

@leowow wtf 500k for those gloves? lucky!

viene mace is good for thaumaturges. Use blue gems.

If you are using FF2 as a farmer dont use practo weapons. use HG weapons