Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

The build with elementalist, Blood Curse is your main thing - you use it and spamm all elementalists skill. It’ll fully heal you and do damage without the need to go down to the ground again. You just need to not die to missile atcks (sleep and freeze)
In a build that has 2~3 cicles of Link kundela will be better sinse you’ll only have one skill ish that will deal damage while flying. Link+Blood Curse seems to work realy good too but the other combo seems more pratical. Just different gameplays I guess

@flyawaychen yep that’s what I meant. I know the right click thingy but play on the keyboard so pressing again the skill or the using an addon would be better hmhm

is better linker c2>thauma c2 or linkerc1>thaumac3??

I think is a stupid question but…the curse debuff doesnt reduces de mag defense? it only works for kundela? Because the hexing skill from bokor has the same debuff description :confused:

How does this sound like?


For solo purposes. 1 rank into linker for FF skills. Kino3 for filler skills.

Im debating whether I should play a pyro-ff or kino-ff

how about this build —> Pyro c2>Thaum c3>Feather c2
Good or bad ? :grin:

FF shines with linker. Blood sucking will be hard to pull off without quick cast if you are not using levitate.

as with pyro c2 thaum c3, pyro is underwhelming, shrink body helps but doesnt work on bosses so you might perform decently to well on mobs but bad at bosses with pyro c2 thaum c3

This means cursing debuff into kundela slash and blood curse are your main dps sources. If you ask me, just run the meta FF build. But you can use wiz 3 ele 3 ff2 to have very strong single target and aoe dps too.

Curse debuff didn’t seem to do it, nop, only the normal debuff from bone point and the other skill do that. About bokor idk either… I thought of that too but idk any bokor ahaha
Just remembered that once I did a mission wiyh one bokor, it looked like it did work but I’ll say it did
@icyruios [quote=“SrRaposo, post:1346, topic:303318, full:true”]
Just reseted an old warlok to Wiz2Kino3LinkerFF2 - you can’t touch me u.u
hahaha I recomend this one too it’s fun :3
[/quote] I tried it, it’s fun but lacks on damage.
After using blood curse you’ll have to reposicionate yourself and use the only damage skill that kino can do while flying. Unless you have fast finger to deactivate flying and do link+khundela or psi pressure.
It’s a little slow you know? With only one Linker cicle your sticks skills wont be your main damage, and unless you go full con, nor blood curse will. So healing after BOOM is a little hard and might couse your death - so i used hanging>link if was up> blood curse> kino skill that can use while flying and I forgot the name
IT IS a good build, I was literally the healer on a party - using hanging and Blood curse. But lacks a little damage.
I mean, I played with a Superior Corona with gems :V I’ll reach 315 soon so heh
but you should see try for your. It might end being good for what you want.

Would it be good for solo purposes?

For me now I’m trying to find a filler class either pyro3 or kino 3 (since I already have cryo3 and ele3 on other characters)

I’m thinking which one would fare better

If I go pyro3>thauma>link, I would benefit from enchant fire + thauma buffs
If I go wiz2>kino3>link, I would benefit from getting surespell (easier for blood sucking), and the 2 kino skills seem to have better CC abilities.

Would kino lose out to pyro+thauma combination? That is my main concern here because I want to be able to handle things solo with this character.

@ResonantSoul but that build wiz3>ele3>FF2 is btter than wiz2>linker>ele3>FF2 because get QC isn’t that important than get one rank of linker for make a better FF2 as i see.

And i want the opinion of all of you about the next build cryo3>linker>thau>FF2 i think is good because thau helps with ice blast combo and helps with FF i think it could work, and idk if is better than ele/FF build.

I got a Wiz2>Linker1>Ele3>FF2 and it’s awesome :

Link + Kundela Slash pretty much instantkills almost all normal mobs you’ll encounter.

Blood Curse also is really good with linker, but even if link is not ready, use Blood Curse to inflict aoe damage and then use any Elementalist aoe skill to finish them off aswell as heal yourself up from enemies with Blood Curse’s status effect…

On top of that, many bosses will be unable to hit you while you’re flying while you are able to use pretty much all Elementalist skills.

I’d say yes, linker is a must. Kundela slash only hits 1 target, but with link you can hit multiple targets. And if you Joint Penalty + Hangmans Knot them together you’ll hit all of them at the same time, pretty much instantkilling any larger groups of normal mobs. Blood Curse also really shines with link.

My currenct build is with elementaluit, wich means my way of staing alive is to deal damage fast.
A kino build will mantain the high CC to do tge same, but easyer with less damage.
The pyro linker thauma - I belive it would be better to go for more cicles in linker then thauma - I saw builds with pyro3 getting the first place in mercenary missions. But idk theyr’s gears, how much they leveled the attributs… I don’t trust this build after the changes. Idk if it has enogh damage to recover from blood curse for exemple. Unless you play based in linker+stick skills - every thauma build lol. (I confess I have a problem with thauma )
The thing is every build has a different playstile. You should just pick one and test, change and change back. Farming, dealing moree damage, sustain, pvp, pve, CC, party participation…

For soloing one liker cicle is good, but it’s useless to YOUR skills in a party. Ok, these builds are more for playing solo but you know what I mean?
Elementalist is kinda hard without wiz 3… even magic missile is actally GOOD to save you after bliod curse.
What level are you? if your frost cloud is on cd what will you do if there are mobs attacking you even when flying? Most of the times you need to kill them fast. And when there are flying mobs with ranged attcks no way of healing :V sorry hahahahah
No mobs to heal you with blood sucking You won’t be able to use blood curse and heal yourself.
You might do ok depending on sleep but it will not stop flying mobs - green sherog for example. One cicle at linker wont allow you to link enogh mobs to survive half of the times when you’ll be farming for exemple, and there are some mobs that aren’t effected by link too… I personally don’t like to play TOS depending on one class to deal damage.
If you have enoght fast damage (self promiting build :V ) linker isn’t a must to kill a large number of mobs
Please, depending on your level would you try to solo one of the new HGs? - if you’re alredy 330 that you’ll be cheatting e.e
jk heh but that’s a good test. Let me know if you do \o/

My character is a level 330.

Blood Curse puts a debuff on enemies which makes you heal yourself regardless of what attack skill you use, so you don’t have to use Blood Sucking to heal yourself after Blood Curse.

Also, i wouldn’t advice using Frost Cloud against flying enemies as Frost Cloud can’t even hit flying enemies. If flying mobs are attacking me i’d use either Electrocute, Meteor (can release it early for shorter casting time), Freezing Sphere or land and use cursing bone knife (can’t remember skill name)+link+Kundela.

Sure, linker isn’t a must if you deal fast damage, however i still like linker regardless of what build i choose because of its possible burst damage capabilities, especially with Kundela Slash.
Well, i’m 330 already so i guess doing these HG grounds is an option because it would be “cheating” according to you, but i can tell you that even before level 330 i had no problems soloing most maps.
If my build is not your style of playing then i have no problems with it, feel free to choose any other build that you like, i just wrote about the build that i enjoy the most. :slight_smile:

Oh! Nononono it wasn’t my intention to just judge your build more like just discuss :cold_sweat: sorry;–;
just trying to show some other ways without the linker cicle.
I went for a kino3 with one linker rank and it was just there ‘–’ FOR ME in that build it was next to useless.
I died a few times when I was trying to get used totge wiz3lementalis3FF2 so :v I wanted to know how well would you do too.
I guess my coment was too confusing sorry… i tend to do that… Frost cloud with flying mobs doesn’t work endeed lol thx for correcting me. I wanted to say something else but i ended up getting lost on my own thoughts e.e’
About the healing, if you’re alredy with not enogh HP you’ll not be able to use blood curse. And without a mob that can be blood sucked it’lll be a little troblesome without wiz 3 to quick quest elementalist skilla you know?
The most I enjoy on TOS is to find another ways and discuss builds is really enjoyable to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed the frost cloud comment (hopefully)

wiz 2 linker ele 3 FF 2 is also pretty good. I think its a matter of personal preference: JP for kundela slash vs quick cast for ele spells.

Ice blast is not very impressive when used for walls. Dedicating 3 circles to do a blood curse combo is that good in my opinion.

However I actually think cryo c3 linker c2 FF2 might work well. Main combos are JP hangmans into icebolt/ice spike to freeze then Ice blast. Featherfoot skills will combo as well with linker. But might experience trouble with JP resist mobs because the build has bad AOE apart from blood curse without JP but decent single target due to FF skills.

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nah you dont need quick cast for blood sucking. the spell you need is sure spell from c2 wiz for bloodsucking

cryo c3 linkerc2 ff2 sounds great too. still need to test it though coz i not sure if cryo frost pillar cc skills work with blood sucking or not.

the combo will be JP > HK > Kundela Slash and then Frost Pillar > Blood sucking during JP cooldown.

Anyone tried Cry3>Kino>RC>FF2 ? I still don’t have a high enough wiz so I can’t try it out myself, but on paper it seems decent. Boss melter, good party potential, okay AOE and nice filler skills.

w3/ele3/ff2 is both nice and fun for soloing. my thanks to the people that mentioned it.

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