Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

That would be too situational in PvE I guess unless it gives a movespeed bonus which would be great. So excited for FF circle 2 hope I won’t be disappointed.

Dirty Pole and Ngathundi sounds like super amazing debuffs for the archers in the party.

Is bone pointing debuff mainly -mdef?

I wonder if you can shrink body a large mob then swell body so it still works on large type monsters? I may need to read up on thaumaturge

I have tried this and I’m 70% sure that bloodbath affects a set number of targets and will not hit more than one, ever. Not the bleeding effect and not the stab. Damage will be shared through joint penalty and that’s it. I’ll see if I can get video of a test.

[quote=“Ellyr, post:1, topic:303318”]
Bone Pointing
Hex is applied across all linked targets.[/quote]

Actually I think the hex debuff is cast in a small AoE around the target. Graphically it shows a small blue debuff zone, and I’ve noticed it applying to things nearby what the bone shoots. I really hope that it scales with SPR like bokor hexing. I’d love to pump a ton a SPR on my featherfoot.

I haven’t invested into kurdaitcha yet. It does apply hexing right?

No, no it’s not, not at all, not even in the slightest. Surespell is absolutely mandatory for blood sucking and freeze/frozen pillar is not a reliable alternative.

Try testing blood bath again. You can see blood spew individually from each target hit with the initial stab. I am guessing that the damage is not shared across linked targets though.

About bone pointing I am not too sure about it but it seems that are linked gets the debuff even if they are not in close proximity. Let me test that out.

Yes kurdaitcha applies hex.

It can be an alternative but not as reliable as sure spell. I will have to test it out again sometime. I was able to freely channel blood sucking while partying with a cryo3. Gotta test out if I find another. I need to verify whether melee mobs can still turn around to attack if they are already sucked in the tree.

It is an amazing debuff sadly it does not work on boss monsters and is sometimes resisted by normal mobs

It seems the bone pointing is a flat mdef reduction. Someone tested it on another player. I might one day buy a skill reset potion to test if the mdef reduction increases per level of bone pointing.

I am not too sure about thauma spells aside from the decay + swell body interaction. The thauma thread in the wiz forum may have an answer.

If it’s anything like bokor hexing it’s very likely based on SPR. I wouldn’t imagine the bone pointing level affecting the hex level, that sounds outside the game’s aptitude.

If you’re on Klaipeda hit me up (Psera). I have a decent amount of SPR and we can test to see if we do different amounts of MDEF reduction.

I’m in Telsiai sadly.

I wanted to buy a skill reset potion mainly to test kurdaitcha and bone pointing. Most likely I’d be disappointed with the results. lol I’m not even sure at this point if those skills are worth testing.

Just uploaded a new video about blood bath hitting multiple target thru -AoE defense ratio offered by hangman’s knot.

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The cookiecutter skillbuild for a Featherfoot seems to be:

Blood Bath 5
Blood Sucking 5
Bone Pointing 1
Ngadhundi 4

But since getting class lvls at rank 7 takes forever,
what order would you recommend getting the skills in?

Mobs can actually move away from the tree even with the suction effect. Unless they get frozen, they are free to attack you if you are in range. Plus some mobs don’t get frozen (e.g. Elmas and Nuos) so there’s no way you can stand there and cast Bloodsucking.

Blood Bath
Blood Sucking
Bone Pointing
Max Blood Sucking
Max Blood Bath

Thanks. Guess I should really remove cryo from the synergy section as it would only be effective for low level content where mobs are not resistant to debuffs.

Hi guys, fairly new to wizards and I’m just theorizing about builds, featherfoot caught my interest.

I’m not one to go for pure dps builds though, so I was more looking for something that had support/utility alongside damage.

How would Wiz3>Linker3>FF sounds like? I was considering alos replacing one or two ranks of linker with thaumaturge 1-2 instead to buff the team because I’ve never heard of the benefits of linker past rank 1 (which I’ve seen to be very important for a lot of builds).

I’d recommend taking Ngadhundi 5, not 4. You’re doing it for the duration of the Decay debuff, not the initial strike damage. If you take lv4 instead of lv5, you’ll reduce the mob’s max hp by 84% only, with lv5 it’s 96%, which is a significant amount of 12%, on mobs with high hp like 120-140k it’ll be 15-17k hp difference.

IMO linker 1/2 is already good enough. Going past link 1 is only for the added link targets (at least in dps builds).

Wiz 3 -> Linker 2 -> x -FF

where x can be thauma, necro, and rc.

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Would your recommendation then be:

Blood Bath 1
Blood Sucking 1
Ngadhundi 5
Bone Pointing 1
Blood Sucking 5
Blood Bath 4

Well, this is fine, I guess.

I’m fully open to suggestions if you have a better way to do it. :relaxed:

So that Life Link skill from Linker 3 isn’t worth the rank?

Would Sorc 1 also work? The support cat looks useful.

I’ve seen alot of people saying the life link isn’t much worth it. Even if you have shared a huge amount of CON and it increases the party’s max hp alot, you still need to heal the HP added. The duration is only 30s and would be too situational at best.

Cat buffs are good but I am not too sure about staying at sorc 1 as you are missing alot of the control skills from circle 2. The only builds that I have seen which utilizes sorc 1 effectively are those going for necro or alchemist. Necro for the AoE ratio buff and additional summon while alchemist for afk grinding.

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