Tree of Savior Forum

Class Exclusive for Armor types (not meant for TLDR people)

Okay I know a lot of people will react negatively to this but here goes… What I meant with the title is this

Plate Armors : Swordsman exclusive
Leather Armors : Archer / Swordsman exclusive
Cloth Armors : Wizard / Cleric exclusive

Here’s why.

Plate :

When equipped with 3 or more pieces of [Plate] armor, increases your maximum HP and physical damage taken is decreased by 5%.
When equipped with 4 [Plate] armor pieces, your maximum stamina increases and physical damage taken is decreased by an additional 10%.

Swordsman as we all know in almost ALL mmorpg’s have the highest physical defense of all. Makes them hard to kill through physical damage yet magical damage pierces through them like butter.

You either sacrifice CON for STR vice versa to deal damage OR have high defense without damage. You can do both and consider yourself as a hybrid. That is why, for me, Plate type armors should be only available to SWORDSMAN classes.


Allows you to equip [Leather] armor. When equipped with 3 or more pieces of [Leather] armor, increases your evasion. When equipped with 4 [Leather] armor pieces, your evasion increases from attributes by an additional 50%.

Archers are considered as the “ambush” types. They’re not supposed to be up front tanking but instead, behind a tank assisting. Leather armors don’t have much defense that’s why they have evasion as compensation.

Swordsman on leather? Yes sure lets call them ninjas. That’s where fencers and shinobi comes in coz they’re agile and would be suitable for leather type armors but hey its also an option for them to wear plate type armors.


Allows you to equip [Cloth] armor. When equipped with 3 or more pieces of [Cloth] armor, increases your maximum SP and magic damage taken is decreased by 5%. When equipped with 4 [Cloth] armor pieces, your magic defense increases and magic damage taken is decreased by an additional 10%.

Wizards are the “NUKERS” known in every game. Known to have low defense yet high damage output (glass cannons). They’re always vulnerable to Archers coz they can take wizards from a distance but with proper assists from supports, they can wreck almost anyone that is why I excluded wizards in plate type armors. They just don’t fit in there imo. They’re not meant to have high defense and high HP. They’re meant to have high damage with low physical defense yet high magcial defense. They are meant to be GLASS CANNONS.

Clerics well yea WHY CLOTH ONLY COZ THEY GOT MONKS AND PALADINS?! Its simple. They got HEAL. They’re not meant to be a front liner. They’re meant to assist and support. Swordsman are the one who are meant to be frontliners.

Its imbalanced for me to see Cleric and Wizard types equipped with a plate armor and even Archers as well coz they have high evasion already. We have STATS to build. Others mostly go for 1 and mostly 1:1:1. Anybody else go for 1:1:1/2:1/4? It sounds stupid but I think that’s how stat building should be.

Speaking of STATS, it should only be acquired only through BASE LEVELS. 1 Stat per level and not from quests/worshipping Goddesses w/e. Stat bonus should be added as well through RANKS not by pumping stats in 1 place.

DEXTERITY needs a rework. Evasion, Accuracy and Critical Rate in ONE stat is overpowered imo. Add AGILITY for Evasion and pair it with Critical rate.

They also need to work on new ARMOR / Accessory sets with a combination of PATK / MATK / PDEF / MDEF / EVASION so that players will have choices on which type of armors suit their builds.

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Right because what monk needs is more nerfs. They need the stamina bonus from plate to function.

There are builds for that.

Kindly tell us why Monks need a buff. Coz as far as I know, they’re doing fine.

Iron Skin

Golden Bell Shield

One Inch Punch

Those skills mentioned about is enough buff for me.

… no body uses those. And im not saying monk needs a buff. Im saying they don’t need a nerf like your proposing.

Its not a nerf. Its balancing. Tree of Savior is a MMORPG. A MMORPG makes you play individual roles. The support, the DPS and the TANK. Clerics/Monks in my opinion belong to support/DPS. They’re not meant to tank. They’re not meant to be front liners that is why they should only be using cloth type armors.

Tree of Savior obviously isn’t about 1 vs 1. Its a bout teamwork. Duels in this game is considered a joke for me coz there’s always be 1 class who got the upper hand in every match.

I believe many will disagree with yours. As when groups don’t have swordys clerics take tanking dutys 90% of the time.

They have heal, iron skin and golden bell shield for a reason. That is why other classes aren’t paid much attention because ALL CLASSES can equip PLATE armors in this game. Why would you go Swordsman if you can play other classes and can tank in both PVP and PVE as much as Swordsman could?

Because monk doesn’t have a taunt attribute so its hard to tank in pve. Monk is a bruiser not a tank. It can just fill in if you lack a tank.

That is why SWORDSMAN exists. To tank for your team. That’s why there’s a bonus EXP when you have all 4 base classes in your party when grinding. Each class has a purpose in this game. Yours is to assist and support. You may KITE in PVE but never tank. You weren’t supposed to tank. There’s SAFETY ZONE if you want to tank.

Monks kit disagrees with you. Which means IMC disagrees.

Monks kit? Who/what’s that? IMC disagrees? Have they read this post? I’d believe you if one of the developers would login and tell me that they disagreed then I’d rest my case.

Your defense towards the Monk classes don’t convince me at all. They’re supports. They’re assists. Not front-liners.

… you don’t know what kit is? Its the classes skill set. And its proof in the game that shows your wrong. You can dislike it all you want but its right there for everyone to see.

I know what skill set is. Just never heard that term before.

C1 Cleric C3 Priest C3 Monk. Support DPS.

You have your opinions and your opinions are welcome here but don’t act like you speak for everyone. And you obviously don’t speak for IMC.

I never spoke for them i pointed our their actions. AKA how they developed the monk kit.

I did not force them to make monk the way they did.

The monk skill set already proves you wrong. According to you, nobody uses Iron Skin and Golden Bell Shield. WHY? Because they’re depending on Plate armors. If you were unable to wear plate armors would you spare skill points for the said skills?

still no because the skills are bad.

If golden bell shield wasn’t channeled it would be used but as is its worthless. and iron skin would be used if we could taunt and wear plate, but we only have half of what we need to make it viable.

I’m a traditionalist myself and my Cleric C3 wears a robe set and wields a rod. That said, I appreciate various gear possibilities IMC offers and would like it to remain the way it is now.

Some people love being unique (looking at you, battle mages) and this armor spec fluidity helps them immensely. Sorcerers also hate robes because they don’t want more SP.

If for some reason they changed everything in favor of a more rigid and traditional approach to armor spec, they better be sure melee classes (including Monk and Paladin) get plates (assuming they don’t tweak these two’s specific skill sets).

How is it bad? Let me guess. The cooldowns? Coz for me, 8 seconds of Golden Bell shield would be enough for me to wreck 1 or 2 persons in PVP. And again we’re talking about TEAM PLAY here NOT SOLO.


Yea but most people are over depending on plate type armors to compensate for their defense and/or HP. Seems like every class in this game can be a tanker.

My alt character is a planned c1 wiz c3 cryo c3 chrono with a stat build of at least 150 spr 150 con for pdef and mdef. Plate type armors. In a scenario of 5 vs 5 PVP with me in 1 team and the only CryoxChrono, which team do you think has the upper hand since I could tank and be a front liner coz I got plate armors + decent mdef from my int and good pdef from my con. With FROST SHIELD buffed as well with 60% chance to freeze.

i stated CHANNELED is bad.